Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023 6:30 PM - Thursday, September 28, 2023 8:00 PM
Location: Temple University, Japan Campus (Access) 1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0004
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  • Kazuko Fukuda


  • Dariusz P. Skowronski (Associate Professor, Temple University, Japan Campus)


By putting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) as a core, the lecture will look into the situation around SRHR in Japan such as access to sexuality education, contraception, and abortion, based on Japan's Universal Periodic Review  by the UN Human Rights Council which was held in early 2023. The lecture will also give an insight into how gender inequality and lack of SRHR in Japan were formulated from political perspectives.

Date & Time:

Tuesday, September 28, 2023 18:30 - 20:00 (Tokyo)

Webinar Access:

Registration is required. Please access the link below to register.
The webinar link and passcode will be provided in the confirmation email.


TUJ Shimada Parliament (1F), Temple University, Japan Campus (Access)

Registration (In-person):

Registration is required (e-mail to


This event is organized by the Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies (ICAS).

in Collaboration with TUJ LEAD (Leading in Equity, Acceptance, and Diversity)

and OSSE (Office of Student Services and Engagement), Temple University, Japan Campus

Note: All ICAS events are held in English, open to the public, and admission is free unless otherwise noted.


Kazuko Fukuda

Kazuko Fukuda

After entering university, Kazuko Fukuda studied the history of the sex industry in Japan. In the process, she became interested in what kind of legal framework would protect women's health and rights and shifted her focus to public policy. She studied abroad in Sweden for a year, and from her experience realized that the Japanese system does not protect women's sexual health and reproductive rights.

Fukuda holds a Master of Public Health from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and is a Japanese co-translator of UNESCO's International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education. She was selected for Forbes Japan 30 under 30 Class of 2023.



Dariusz P. Skowronski

Associate Professor, Temple University, Japan Campus
Dariusz P. Skowronski

Dariusz P. Skowronski is a Lecturer and Researcher in Psychological and Social Sciences at Temple University Japan Campus, with a strong academic background in Psychology, Sexuality Studies, and Cross-Cultural Studies. Recently Dariusz has developed a research program aimed at delivering an applied framework for the reconstruction and enrichment of public and intimate spheres in Japan, including changes in marriage and family structure, as well as in this young generation's social transition.

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