President Englert, Dean Stronach, distinguished guests, family members, friends, and fellow graduates, good afternoon. I am honored to represent the Executive MBA Class of 2018 and humbled to give this commencement speech for the 2018 graduating classes of Temple University Japan.
Let me first start off by saying, what a truly beautiful crowd… you look amazing!
I don't know if you know, in most public speaking classes, they tell you to imagine your crowd wearing a chicken costume. In all seriousness, you all look incredible!
I’d like to share a story. The other day I was running on a treadmill. I’m hitting my strides. My breathing rhythm is great. I’m feeling like a world-class athlete! As I’m running, I glance over my shoulder for a split-second and noticed another guy also running. And I remember he just looks completely miserable. I mean, he looks like he’s about to fall off the treadmill. Feeling concerned for this guy, I looked back a few minutes later to make sure he was alright when it occurred to me I was looking at myself in the mirror!
I immediately remembered something a professor of mine said: “Happiness equals reality minus expectations (Happiness = Reality – Expectations).” Feeling a bit defeated, I laughed to myself and hesitantly continued running.
I began to question the validity of this "equation," and it became apparent that, from a personal development perspective, it just didn't make sense. I then started to think about what our expectations will be following graduation, and perhaps, actually, there is a pretty good chance reality might not always meet our expectations. I get it. That’s life, right?
When reality does not meet our expectations, there’s really only two options: (1) lower expectations - compromising our goals; or (2) change our reality. The question becomes: Should you lower your expectations? Hopefully, the answer is, "No."
Instead, focus on changing reality, and that can be achieved through effort and progress.
Talking about effort is not the most exciting of topics. Nobody wants to talk about work. And, when reality does meet our expectations, it’s only natural for us to want talk about our achievements: the game-winning goal made; the new rewarding position earned; or the successful project that was completed. But, it’s the tears, the sweat, the grind, the callused hands, the bumps and bruises endured throughout all the failures getting us to our achievements that tells a far better story. And when you find yourself short on talent, resources, intelligence, or luck, it is your grit that keeps you in the fight.
I am fortunate to have been surrounded by tremendous individuals during my time as a Marine, and I can spend hours and hours to talk about them, but I am not going to do that, instead, no less important to me is a sign so vividly etched in my memory.
In Iraq, we had this sign, spray painted block letters on plywood board, placed outside the base, so every time we left, we would be reminded, “Is today your day? Complacency Kills.” This sign, now posted as a picture on my refrigerator, continues to serve its purpose long after my deployment.
We live in a world which is changing and expanding faster than ever before. Meaning what we have learned yesterday and today, may no longer be valuable to us tomorrow. We must continue to learn, continue to challenge ourselves, continue to put ourselves in uncomfortable situations, and let history remind us there is no place for hubris and complacency.
To my cohort members: They say the journey is the reward, and I’ve always believed that. In this journey, you have been the greatest reward. I can’t express in words the impact you have had on me and how much I’ve been able to learn from you- the way you handled tough questions; made your presentations; and how well you dissected all those HBR case studies. I will most certainly miss our time in classroom discussions, but I definitely look forward to making new memories together. Regardless of what happens in the future, you will all have been the greatest thing that happened to me in this program. I sincerely appreciate you all.
To all the graduates: Be proud of the degree you have earned today, and when you look at your degree, find your reflection, and celebrate knowing that your effort, your energy, and your will didn’t betray you.
This is not the end. Continue to fight, continue to learn, and make your reality exceed your expectations and dreams.
私はすぐに、ある教授が言っていたことを思い出しました。「幸福は、現実から期待をマイナスしたものに等しい (幸福=現実ー期待) 」。やや敗北感に浸りながら心の中で笑い、動揺しつつもそのまま走り続けました。
現実が私たちの期待にそぐわないときは、実際には2つの選択肢しかありません。 (1) 自分の期待や目標、夢を変える。 または、 (2) 現実を変える。果たして、目標と夢に妥協するべきでしょうか?簡潔に答えるなら「ノー」です。