The library's main mission is to support TUJ students in the Undergraduate, Graduate, and Bridge programs. We also welcome TUJ alumni, current Academic English Program students, those enrolled in Continuing Education courses, and guests from Setagaya-ku. These visitors are classified as "Guests."


  • Approved guests must sign in on the library “visitor” tablet when visiting. 
  • You may check out up to three items at a time, including any combination of books or videos. The checkout period is four weeks for books and one week for videos.
  • You will be asked to present a photo ID when checking out materials. Library cards are not issued.
  • You are responsible for the replacement costs of any lost or damaged materials.
  • Guests and Alumni do not have access TUJ library databases from outside the library. If you require access to library databases, please see the staff at the library front desk.
  • Access to the library's inter-library loan (ILL) services is not available for guests.
  • Copy machines and printers are available for use and require payment via PASMO or Suica. Scanning is free of charge.
  • Guest access is limited to the library only; other TUJ facilities should not be used.
  • All guests must adhere to the institution's Code of Conduct.
  • Temple University Japan Campus staff reserve the right to revoke library privileges if there are concerns about non-compliance with these rules.

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