NHK World-Japan
"Eternally Radiant Himeji Castle"
Himeji Castle is the finest surviving example of early 17th-century castle architecture in Japan, with its main keep intact for 4 hundred years. For its soaring elegance and color,... Read the article.
The Strait Times
"Debate rages in Japan on whether to embrace nuclear energy again"
A spiralling global energy crisis sparked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a severe earthquake that knocked power plants offline and an unseasonable cold snap led Tokyo to give an ... Read the article.
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"『令和3年度外務省外交・安全保障調査事業 米中関係を超えて 自由で開かれた地域秩序構築の「基軸国家日本」のインド太平洋戦略 中東・アフリカ』「第10章 コロナ禍におけるトルコ・中国関係」"
新型コロナウイルス感染が広がる中、新疆ウイグル自治区の人権状況をめぐり中国批判の急先鋒であったトルコが態度を変えたと言われている。トルコ政府はコロナ対策の切り札として中国製ワクチンを選び、経済的にも中... Read the article.
Al Jazeera
"Japan to freeze asset of 25 more Russian over Ukraine invasion"
Jeffrey Kingston, director of Asian Studies at Temple University in Tokyo, told Al Jazeera Japan’s strong response to Russia reflects its own concerns about China’s ambitions in it... Read the article.
Nikkei Asia
"Japan must go further in opposing Russian aggression go further in opposing Russian aggression"
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"Ukraine crisis may bolster China’s hand than add to its pre-existing risks"
Beijing is pursuing a conservative strategy against the backdrop of Covid lockdowns, regulatory concerns and a slowing economy. Longer term it may benefit. As the Russian invasion ... Read the article.
"Ukraine crisis may bolster China’s hand than add to its pre-existing risks"
According to ECR survey panellist, Prachi Gupta, adjunct professor at Temple University, the Chinese economy is now about 10 times bigger than that of Russia.“Moreover, Russia cont... Read the article.
Financial Times
"Invasion of Ukraine forces Japan to rethink foreign policy over Russia"
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"日本の防衛政策一変の可能性 ウクライナ危機が影響 専門家の見方"
テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ)のジェームズ・D・J・ブラウン(James D.J. Brown)准教授(政治学)は、日本政府はこれまで、ロシアへの対応を強めれば、中国に接近させることになりか... Read the article.
"Japon-Russie: cette guerre qui, techniquement, n'est toujours pas finie"
La guerre que la Russie mène à l’Ukraine finira-t-elle avant celle qui l’oppose encore, techniquement, au Japon? Lundi, Moscou a annoncé abandonner les négociations en vue de la si... Read the article.
Stars and Stripes
"Russia sends more warships through Japanese strait, halts peace treaty talks after sanctions"
The Russians have been looking for ways to respond to sanctions, James Brown, an international affairs expert at Temple University’s Japan campus, said in a telephone interview Tue... Read the article.
"Como a guerra na Ucrânia está redesenhando a geopolítica"
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"露 冷戦思考のまま…テンプル大ジャパンキャンパス上級准教授 ジェームズ・ブラウン氏[分析 ウクライナ危機]"
ロシアのプーチン大統領の「誤算」が指摘されているが、誤った判断をしたのには理由がある。事実上のトップに君臨した22年間で、政治システムはより権威主義的になり、ロシア国民への抑圧を強めた。意見する側近は... Read the article.
"Eyeing China, Japan breaks with pas for strong Ukraine response"
Japan has broken with years of precedent in its tough response to the Ukraine invasion, and the conflict could reshape Tokyo's defence strategy as it confronts China's regional amb... Read the article.
South China Morning Post
"Kishida head to India for talks with Modi, as Ukraine war, China problems show Japan that US military backing is ‘no longer enough’"
"Tokyo has been working very hard to develop new security partners and there have been a number of visits to Japan by military personnel from other countries in the last couple of ... Read the article.
Good Morning Hamilton hosted by Rick Zamperin
"Ukraine’s president makes a historic plea to Canada’s Parliament (Radio program)"
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South China Morning Post
"Tokyo wary of latest Russian military drills"
“The Russian side sees the need to retaliate and while they do not have many ways that they can retaliate in terms of economic sanctions, they do have military instruments,” he sai... Read the article.
Institute for Security & Development Policy
"Geopolitics of Japan’s Digital Currencies: Implications for the Russia-Ukraine War"
Digital currencies, such as central bank digital currency (CBDC), electronic money, and cryptocurrency, have strategic implications for Japan’s economic security which could be ine... Read the article.
"Japan’s tough talk on Russia is really about China"
Back in 2014, Abe adopted the tactic of pulling Russia closer to prevent it tightening ties with China, said James Brown, an associate professor of political science at Temple Univ... Read the article.
"Modelo OTAN en Indopacífico: ¿realidad o excusa ‘victimista’ de China?"
“Algunos esperan que Quad se convierta gradualmente en algo parecido a una alianza (en la actualidad lleva la etiqueta de diálogo)”, señala a NIUS James D. Brown, profesor de Cienc... Read the article.
Strait Times
"A watershed moment in Japan’s security strategy"
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South China Morning Post
"Xi congratulates president-elect of S Korea and vows closer ties"
Benoit Hardy-Chartrand, quoted as saying Yoon’s previous remarks on a tougher approach on Beijing reflected a considerable shift in South Korean public opinion away from China sinc... Read the article.
Study International
"Exchange students in Japan could receive Y100,000 for financial trouble: gov’t"
“Other countries have kept their borders open to students during the pandemic while Japan has been increasingly seen as unwelcoming, slow, complicated and unstable. Some have even ... Read the article.
DW News
"Japan claims sovereignty over Russia controlled Kuril Islands"
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South China Morning Post
"China’s leader congratulates South Korean president-elect and voices hopes for stronger ties"
Benoit Hardy-Chartrand, an international affairs expert at Temple University in Tokyo, said Yoon’s previous remarks on a tougher approach on Beijing reflected a considerable shift ... Read the article.
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"FOCUS: China may remain “strategically” mum about Russia’s attack on Ukraine"
Jeff Kingston, director of Asian Studies at Temple University Japan, said Xi is "surely watching the global reaction against Russia" and "how strong the resistance has been and how... Read the article.
The Strait Times
"How the war has changed the world"
"The islands are not... critical to the nation's security. But what is happening in Ukraine is clearly very, very serious," Dr Hiromi Murakami, a professor of political science at ... Read the article.
The Japan Times
"Japan's rigid COVID-19 border controls hurt foreign students, but also the country’s future"
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Global Finance Magazine
"Japan Reluctant To Sever Russia Energy Ties"
These exits leave Japan in a tricky situation because of the country’s deep energy relations with Russia: “It puts Japanese companies in quite a difficult position, because they ar... Read the article.
The Strait Times
"Japan-Russia ties at “point of no return”; Tokyo considers impack of energy, security"
TOKYO - Japan's ties with Russia are at the point of no return, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has said in what appeared to be an acknowledgement that pursuing a World War II peace t... Read the article.
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2023年6月に予定されている国会・大統領選挙を念頭にこれまで選挙協力を模索してきたトルコの野党6党は2月28日、選挙後に議院内閣制の再導入を目指すことで合意した。野党党首らが首都アンカラで行われた会... Read the article.
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South China Morning Post
"Russia’s Ukraine invasion forces Japan to confront its nuclear taboo – but while Abe’s keen on a US umbrella, Japanese public is ‘simply not ready’"
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FP Insider Access
"Japan Steps Up on Ukraine"
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shredded more than a decade of trying to foster better relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The harsh reality of a nuclear-armed nation abl... Read the article.
South Morning China Post
"Russia's Ukraine invasion forces Japan to confront its nuclear taboo - but while Abe's keen on a US umbrella, Japanese public is 'simply not…"
"If Russia had not invaded Ukraine, this issue would not even be under discussion," she said. "Around the world, governments are having to reconsider their own security needs and h... Read the article.
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