
Daigaku Journal Online


テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ)は「生涯教育プログラム」の見直しを行い、プロフェッショナルトレーニング修了証書コースを刷新した。1996年の開設以来、TUJの「生涯教育プログラム」は多くの人々... Read the article.


South China Morning Post

"Japan urged to be transparent about Fukushima water release tests, amid charm offensive to defuse tensions"

If Japan is to defuse tensions over the discharge of waste water from its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and put to rest accusations of environmental damage, then a... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston


South China Morning Post

"East Asia’s “seismic shift’: why China sees the Camp David summit as the start of a de facto military alliance"

As Washington inches closer to a de facto military alliance with Tokyo and Seoul, pundits have warned of the destabilising impact it could have on the regional power balance amid f... Read the article.

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


Asahi Weekly

"英文ライティング道場 番外編"

Contributed by Nicolas Giarratani

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"Fukushima: China retaliates as Japan releases treated nuclear water "

Japan has begun its controversial discharge of treated waste water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean, sparking protests in the region and retaliation from Bei... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


BBC News Japan


日本は24日、福島第一原発の処理水を太平洋に放出する作業を開始した。アジア・太平洋地域からは抗議の声が上がり、特に中国は報復措置に踏み切っている。中国はこの日、日本産水産物の全面禁輸を発表した。日本に... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Deutsche Welle

"Fukushima water spill puts pressure on Kishida"

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's government is facing a wave of criticism at home and abroad after allowing the release of treated radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific O... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


JIME-IEE (日本エネルギー経済研究所中東研究センター)


ウクライナ産穀物を黒海経由で輸出させる国際合意「黒海イニシアティブ」からロシアが離脱を表明してからおよそ1カ月が過ぎた。この間ウクライナはロシア抜きであらたな輸送ルートの設置を提案する一方、ロシア海軍... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


South China Morning Post

"How a dispute over whaling could spur Japan’s exit from US Indo-Pacific trade pact: ‘Kishida has zero leeway’"

A disagreement over whaling threatens to overshadow Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s visit to th... Read the article.

Comments by Michael Cucek


Stars and Stripes

"Historic US-Japan-South Korea pact may extend intel sharing, chip security among allies "

TOKYO — A trilateral alliance between the United States, Japan and South Korea could become the most important form of military cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, according to a Sout... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Japan Times

"For foreign expecting mothers in Japan, a struggle over maternity norms"

When Rayna Tsuchiya was going through her first pregnancy in Japan 13 years ago, she was fearful of going to prenatal checkups. Originally from Thailand, she’d heard horror stories... Read the article.

Comments by Prachi Gupta


Mainichi Shimbun


テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(東京都世田谷区/学長:マシュー・ウィルソン、以下TUJ)はこのたび、生涯教育プログラムの見直しを行い、プロフェッショナルトレーニング修了証書コースを刷新しました。この改... Read the article.

8/13 and 8/23 joint edition

Zenshigaku Shimbun

"インタビュー:2023年9月観光・ホスピタリティマネジメント学科開設 英語でのマネジメント教育"

Comments by Matthew Wilson

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


Japan Today

"Paper exams, chatbot bans: Colleges seek to 'ChatGPT-proof' assignments "

When philosophy professor Darren Hick came across another case of cheating in his classroom at Furman University last semester, he posted an update to his followers on social media... Read the article.

Mentions TUJ


Toyo Keizai

"語られない「台湾有事」ロシアの重要な立ち位置 "

最も可能性の高いシナリオは、台湾侵攻と同時に、中国がロシアに日本の北方への軍事行動をとるよう圧力をかけるというものだ。これには大規模な軍事演習やミサイル発射も含まれるだろう。ロシアの軍用機や軍艦が日本... Read the article.

Written by James D.J. Brown



"<直言>「変わらね女子大なら淘汰」坂東真理子氏 昭和女子大学総長"

Read the article.

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


The Straits Times

"How serious is the Russia-China threat to Japan? "

The Cabinet of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida approved Japan’s latest defence White Paper on July 28. One notable feature was the description of Russia’s “strategic coordination with... Read the article.

Written by James D.J. Brown