Areas of Expertise
East Asian geopolitics and security, Chinese foreign policy.
Benoit Hardy-Chartrand has been conducting research in academic institutions and think tanks for more than 10 years. His work has been featured in numerous publications, and he has given more than 400 interviews to television, radio, and print media outlets around the world.
Representative Publications
- Hardy-Chartrand, B. (Forthcoming 2021). In The Abe Legacy: How Japan has been Shaped By Abe Shinzo. Lexington Books.
- Hardy-Chartrand, B. (2020, May-June). Le Japon, premier allié ou vassal des États-Unis? Diplomatie, 56.
- Hardy-Chartrand, B. and Miller, J.B. (2019, August 27). Russia and China’s Strategic Marriage of Convenience. The National Interest.
- Hardy-Chartrand, B. (2018, August-September). Le rôle grandissant de la puissance maritime japonaise. Diplomatie, 46.
- Hardy-Chartrand, B. (2017, July 16). One year after the South China Sea ruling, a deceiving calm. Japan Times.
- Hardy-Chartrand, B. (2016). Misperceptions, Threat Inflation and Mistrust in China-Japan Relations. CIGI, CIGI Paper No. 107.
- Hardy-Chartrand, B. (2015). South Korea as an Emerging Constructive Power: Issue Leadership and Limits. In K. Choi, J. Manicom & S. Palamar, (Eds.), Mutual Security in the Asia-Pacific: Roles for Australia, Canada and South Korea. CIGI/ASAN.
- Hardy-Chartrand, B. (2014, July 17). Ball in Abe’s court with Japan-South Korea ties. CNN.
- MA in International Relations, University of Quebec in Montreal, 2011
- BSc in Political Science, University of Montreal, 2007
Previous appointments
- Lecturer, University of Montreal (2015-2017)
- Senior Research Associate, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Waterloo, Canada (2014-2018)
- Visiting Researcher and Lecturer, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies – SIIS, Shanghai, China (2009)