Expand your professional network with a mentor in your desired career field
TUJ began developing a mentoring program in 2013 as a way to provide additional career support to students who participate in credit internships. Our goal is to help students expand their professional networks by connecting interns to professionals in their fields who are not directly affiliated with either TUJ or their internship organizations. Professional Mentors provide valuable support to students by discussing their own career paths and by responding to student questions regarding their own future careers.
Eligibility Criteria
- Currently matriculated TUJ student
- Currently enrolled in a credit internship or have successfully completed a credit internship at TUJ
- Cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher
- Good disciplinary standing (students on disciplinary probation or warning are ineligible)
- Willing to commit to meeting with mentor at least once during the applicable academic term
Note: participation is limited and acceptance not guaranteed.
Applying for the Program
In order to apply, submit the following materials to the Career Development Office by the second week of the applicable academic term:
- Completed application form with signature
- Contact information for one reference (either a professor, an internship supervisor, or a supervisor at a current/recent part-time job). You must get permission from your reference for us to contact him or her.
We will get back to you, usually within a week, with the result of your application and one or more suggestions for the mentor we think we will be able to introduce to you. After considering the profile of the potential mentor, you will have a chance to opt in or out of the mentoring program. If you opt in, we expect you to comply with the term outlined in the “applicant undertakings.” If you opt out, you are welcome to apply again in the future. For more information, contact career@tuj.temple.edu.
Become a Professional Mentor
We are looking for TUJ alumni and other professionals working in Tokyo who are interested in mentoring TUJ students.
For more details, contact career@tuj.temple.edu.

Nuala Connolly, Head of Talent, Deputy Head of HR, AIG Japan Holdings
Taking in a Temple University student mentee gave me the opportunity to think about what skills, experiences and behaviors are needed for young professionals setting off on career journeys. This is directly applicable to younger talent in our organization. I believe in “reverse mentoring” too and believe that generations can learn from one another and it isn’t a one-way stream. In the case of May Silvestre it ultimately led to a fabulous new graduate story that we couldn’t have imagined, but which has been terrific for our organization and for May.

May Rachel Silvestre, TUJ Class of 2016 (International Business Studies) / CEO Office, Program Manager, AIG
Taking part in the mentorship program was a valuable experience for me as I was able to connect to professionals and understand the working environment in Japan. Through this connection, I was able to understand my strengths, but also what I can improve to be a valuable asset to a company.

Mark Davidson, Director, Government & External Affairs, Amway Japan G.K.
I have been honored to mentor two phenomenal TUJ students interested in public service and international careers. Of course, everyone likes to talk about themselves, and I really appreciated that they both politely listened to my interminable career anecdotes and advice – without rolling their eyes once! But I may have learned more from them than they did from me. It was a thrill to bounce around ideas with young people intellectually engaged with the big issues and passionate about making a positive difference on the global stage. They exemplify the kind of smart, curious, and proactive future leaders TUJ attracts and nurtures. I came away from our mentoring meetings more confident about the future – and deeply gratified to support them, and the incubator of global talent that is TUJ.

Lily Boland, TUJ Class of 2019 (International Affairs & Political Science)
My mentorship with Mark Davidson has proven to be extremely worthwhile during my final semester at TUJ. Mark's advice was very grounding for me, especially at a time where I felt rather overwhelmed with my final Capstone paper, an intensive internship, and the uncertainty of planning my next steps. I was able to bounce ideas, ask questions, and gain insight from someone with a longstanding career in my field of interest and who I both admire and respect.