
Daigaku Press Center (大学プレスセンター)


昭和女子大学(学長 金尾朗:東京都世田谷区)は、11月11日(土)、12日(日)に「第31回秋桜(コスモス)祭」を開催します。今年のテーマは「START」。昭和こども園、昭和小学校、昭和中学校・高等学... Read the article.


Business Insider

"I’m an American teaching at a university in Tokyo. College life is much different in Japan, from admissions to housing"

My two-decade journey through the world of education has taken me from the challenging corridors of the Baltimore City Public School System to the cultural dynamism of the JET Prog... Read the article.

Written by Darryl Wharton-Rigby


The Japan Times

"Documentary shines a spotlight on Japan’s single mothers"

Professional wrestler and documentary filmmaker may seem like an incongruous career combination, but these are just two of the hats worn by Rionne McAvoy.... Read the article.

Jeff Kingston


JIME-IEE (日本エネルギー経済研究所中東研究センター)


エルドアン大統領は10月28日、イスタンブール市内で開かれたパレスチナを支持する大規模集会で演説し、イスラエルによるガザ攻撃を「戦争犯罪」と断罪し、パレスチナ自治区ガザを実効支配するイスラム組織ハマス... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

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Stars and Stripes

"Russia reveals strategic bomber mission over Sea of Japan as Putin arrives in China"

Russian bombers and fighters flew a seven-hour mission over the Sea of Japan, Russia’s defense ministry announced the same day President Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing for talks... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Globe Echo

"Russia Loses the Influence of its Loyalists in Japan"

Despite the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war, pro-Russian lobby groups are still part of the political scene in Western countries, with politicians and businessmen calling for closer ... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Nikkei Business(日経ビジネス)

"ロシアが日本に報復 歴史持ち出し「日本帝国は世界征服を企んだ」"

歴史問題はこれまで何十年もの間、日本と中国、および日本と韓国との関係に摩擦を生じさせてきた。さらに最近、日本とロシアとの関係においても歴史問題が注目され始めている。ロシア政府が、日本を批判するための道... Read the article.

written by James D.J. Brown


Toyokan Shuppan (東洋館出版社)


徳を理論と実践の両面から捉えた書。学校教育では、人としての「生き方」に自覚的になることの重要性が唱えられている。自らの生き方を自覚し生きる力を養うために、「知・徳・体」の育成が掲げられている。これら3... Read the article.

contributed by Shota Fujii

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


South China Morning Post

"Unification Church accuses Japan of ‘bias’, vows to fight as disbandment looms"

Japanese lawmakers on Friday filed a request with the Tokyo District Court to formally disband the controversial Unification Church after about a year of investigation, even as the... Read the article.

Comments by Hiromi Murakami

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


The Japan Times

"As Ukraine war fatigue seeps in, what lessons is China drawing?"

Nearly 20 months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and with no end to the fighting in sight, there are increasing indications that the West is growing weary of the war.... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


Nikkei Asia

"Japan can do more for Ukraine even without a change of policy"

James D.J. Brown is a professor of political science at Temple University's Japan campus in Tokyo... Read the article.

written by James D.J. Brown

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


Keisou Shibo  (勁草書房)

"アメリカ哲学入門 (現代プラグマティズム叢書)"

アメリカ哲学の真髄とは何か。代表的な思想を時代にそって概観する定評ある入門書であるとともに、従来哲学史観に挑戦する画期の書。教育的配慮のいきとどいた入門書であるとともに、アメリカ哲学を保守的・硬直的・... Read the article.

translated by Shota Fujii

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


Carnegie Politika

"Japan’s Aging Pro-Russia Lobby Is on Borrowed Time"

Despite the war in Ukraine, pro-Russian lobbies remain part of the political landscape in many Western countries, with politicians and businessmen arguing for closer ties with Mosc... Read the article.

written by James D.J. Brown