TUJ Counseling Office Services are available for Japan Admit students. Study Abroad students can receive counseling services via Healix.

The aim of the TUJ Counseling Office is to help students increase their self-awareness, improve their problem-solving skills, and accomplish their personal and academic goals. Services provided by professional counselors include individual counseling, workshops and seminars. We offer the counseling service both in English and Japanese.

Information obtained during counseling sessions is kept strictly confidential

24/7 Crisis Mental Health Services

An emergency professional mental health service is available 24/7, whenever a TUJ undergraduate student has a need. The services can be accessed by calling the toll-free telephone numbers or via the app, at any time of day and any day of the week (24/7).

Those services are a part of TUJ's counseling services but will be provided by the professional behavioral health staff of TELUS, a US-based company for Japan Admit students and Healix for Study Abroad students. They will share the information with TUJ Counseling Office, which will be kept confidential.

Virtual Office Hours

TUJ Counseling Office offers virtual walk-in hours for students who want to speak to our counselors without making an appointment. Virtual office hours are open from the first day of the semester to the last day of finals week.

If you are TUJ students and wish to get more information about the Counseling Office services, please visit https://www.tuj.ac.jp/tuportal/counseling .

Counseling Office

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