Dean, Professors, Distinguished Guests and Fellow students, it is my great honor to make this commencement speech today on behalf of the Temple University Japan, Fox Business School, Executive MBA Class of 2013.
Our graduating class consists of 21 students, two of whom (Chris Kojima and Phuong Nguyen) could not be with us today. Personally, I think the fact that the 21 of us were able to make it this far is an outstanding achievement. Two years ago, after only the first class, I for one was sure that I would not be able to last to the end. I will never forget that first class. It was clear that we had a brash back row of students that wanted 100% in their class participation grade. These heavy hitters from the US, Canada and the Philippines were providing input all over the place—and not surprisingly some of it was valuable too. For example, some inspirational catch phrases from the financial industry were "fire him" and, not surprisingly after the financial crisis, "don't worry, we would give any old idiot a loan".
But seriously, we were all so nervous and green. We persevered through some pressure cooker quantitative classes like statistics, accounting and finance, as well as some more open-ended classes like human resources, marketing and the comprehensive final capstone course. We all learnt more about one another and we learned how to lead from one another. Perhaps most importantly, we learned more about ourselves and our motivations and strengths as people and leaders.
On a personal note, I learnt never to trust a Myers-Briggs introvert to keep quiet. For example, one introverted computer scientist—let me call him Alan—proved to me that introverts can make amazing presenters and wow you with their passion and their animation work. Another introverted avionic drug specialist—let me call him say Kentaro—proved never ask an introvert for a short and simple answer, because there is always 20 sides of any story that need to be explored by an introvert. No offence, you guys. You know I love you.
An MBA—a master of business administration—that is the title to which each of us aspired. In fact, one of us wanted the title so much that he did it twice. Well guys and gals from the class of 2013—congratulations—we made it!
Let me ask a question. With so many MBAs available today, why did we choose Fox Business School and Temple? We chose Temple because it is a U.S. university, because Fox is AACSB accredited, and probably because we wanted the best education that we could get in English, in Japan. But what was more important than any of these points? What was the most important element of doing an MBA at Temple? Hands down, for me, it was the people.
- We had many great Professors. Professors that shared their real-world work experience and passion for their topics with phrases like "go short", "go long", and "formula". And who will ever forget the magical "hidden champions"?
- We had great support staff, and our thanks go out to Mikiya Mori, Jacqueline Osawa, Sumiko Koga and Mieko Aoki for making our program what it was and for professionally responding to all of our needs and requests. We also had the invaluable support of our families and friends who kindly forgave us for being around that little bit less for two years.
- And finally, we had each other. We had youth. We had experience. We had people from all over the world. And had people from all walks of life. We had homework by the truckloads. We had long hours on Skype together. But most importantly, we gained each other's friendship then and now.
Having an MBA is going to open new doors to each of us, doors that were closed to us before. But as Spiderman continually reminds us in each new movie, "with great power comes great responsibility"! So, yes we earned our MBAs through sweat and tears, but we have also been so very fortunate to have this opportunity. As we grab hold of new leadership roles, we will have the opportunity to contribute even more to society and to those around us. So, let's not forget to give back.
I salute the class of 2013 and I look forward to continuing our friendship and camaraderie for the rest of our lives.
まず、すばらしい教授陣。先生方は実際のビジネス界における経験と、専門分野にかける情熱をわかちあってくれました。Go Short, Go long, formulaといった単語、それから例のhidden championsというフレーズはいったい誰が忘れるでしょう。(笑)