
Tempura Magazine

"Manger Le Japon (Eat Japan)"

In Japan, the university cafeteria is a place where students, professors, and even outside visitors can come and have lunch for a few hundred yen.... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ

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Number 1 Shimbun (FCCJ)

"Thirsty tourists and locals have prompted two Tokyo wards to ban street drinking"

It is Halloween in Shibuya and Shinjuku, and all is … quiet. At least that is what the Tokyo wards’ authorities were hoping when they announced measures to curb outdoor drinking, a... Read the article.

Written by Dan Sloan



"Trump is just the latest gravedigger for the liberal international order"

Donald Trump's regressive foreign policy has multiple origins and external causes are mixed with developments on the domestic scene.... Read the article.

Comments by Robert Dujarric

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South China Morning Post

"Japanese demand end to ‘comfort women’ funds after South Korean politician’s conviction"

The conviction of a South Korean politician for embezzling funds meant for “comfort women” has reignited debate in Japan.... Read the article.

Comments by Robert Dujarric


Bloomberg Television

"Xi's Olive Branch To Trump Comes With Warning | Bloomberg: The Asia Trade"

Ishiba asks Biden for advice on how to manage Trump.... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston


Sans doute.

"L’affrontement sino-américain et la présidence Trump 2.0 (The Sino-American Confrontation and the Trump Presidency 2.0)"

After our shock at Trump's re-election, Robert Dujarric tries to put into perspective the general disappointment in much of the world.... Read the article.

Written by Robert Dujarric

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South China Morning Post

"Is Japan’s Ishiba too ‘weak’ to deal with Trump? Split views on when meeting should occur"

Conservatives urge Ishiba to wait until his domestic political position stabilises, while others say avoiding Trump could pose greater risks.... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston

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"Le Japon dans l’expectative avant le « choc Trump » (World Japan Braces for the "Trump Shock")"

On the stage of the assembly hall at Temple University in Tokyo, Paul Nadeau, a professor of political science, is hosting an "election day" for his students.... Read the article.

Mentioned Paul Nadeau


Nikkei Asia

"Asian students in Japan react with concern watching U.S. election results"

An auditorium at the TUJ was filled with the excited babble of students at a viewing event for the U.S. presidential election.... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ

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Kyodo News

"Alliance in focus at Tokyo live viewing for U.S. pres. election"

A live viewing event for the U.S. presidential election was held at a university in Tokyo, with students wondering how the outcome may affect Washington’s management of alliances w... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ


South China Morning Post

"Can Japan have an empress? Conservatives slam UN call to amend succession law"

Critics argue that the UN panel’s call undermines Japan’s national identity, sparking a fierce debate on gender equality and tradition... Read the article.

Comments by Hiromi Murakami

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Yomiuri Shimbun Online


米テンプル大の分校「テンプル大ジャパンキャンパス」(東京都世田谷区)では6日午前、大統領選のニュース報道を見ながら、大学教授らが選挙の状況などを解説する公開授業が行われ、米国人学生ら約80人が熱心に聞... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ


Asahi Shimbun Digital


米国人学生が多いテンプル大ジャパンキャンパス(東京都世田谷区)では6日、学生らが100人以上が集まって開票状況を見守った。... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ

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"米大統領選 アメリカ人の学生やガザ地区支援のNPOは"

東京にあるアメリカの大学のキャンパスでは、6日アメリカ人の学生たちが集まり、大統領選挙の開票速報番組を見守りました。... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ


Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine & [and]


地域共生や環境保全を目指す「壁面アートプロジェクト」の完成を迎え、2024年11月12日(火)10時にお披露目会を岩槻リサイクルセンター(埼玉県さいたま市岩槻区)にて開催... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ student Rin Sato



"Keinen Bock auf Kinder: Was steckt hinter Japans rekordtiefer Geburtenrate? Eine Spurensuche in Tokio (No desire for children: What is behind Japan's record low birth rate? A search for clues in Tokyo)"

Japan is aging like no other country. Young people and students explain why they are hesitant to start a family.... Read the article.

Comments by Robert Dujarric

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The Japan Times

"Get to know basic honorifics before you head into that Japanese job interview"

Navigating a job interview in Japan can be a challenging experience, with a meticulous hiring process that focuses on long-term employment as a goal.... Read the article.

Written by Yaeko Kabe

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.

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