
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan

"Six decades before Sho-Time, Masanori Murakami’s groundbreaking debut in MLB was the start of Japan’s assault on American baseball"

Left-handed pitcher Masanori “Mashi” Murakami was about to make history.... Read the article.

Written by Dan Sloan



"Temple University Expands to Kyoto"

Building on Temple University's current locations in Philadelphia, Tokyo and Rome, the latest addition is Kyoto, Japan, coming in 2025. ... Read the article.


Daigaku Journal Online

"テンプル大学 2つの世界大学ランキングで引き続き高評価を獲得"

日本にもキャンパスを有する米国のテンプル大学は、イギリスの高等教育情報誌、タイムズ・ハイヤー・エデュケーションによる2025年版「世界大学ランキング」、9月に発表された米国のUSニューズ&ワールド・レ... Read the article.


AP News

"Shohei Ohtani’s rural hometown honors its superstar son — from city hall to the hair salons"

Shohei Ohtani’s hometown is a rural place, famous for its high-quality Maesawa beef, its history of making traditional ironware and the intense green hills and mountains that surro... Read the article.

Commented by Jeffrey Kingston


Sans doute.

"Alliance et Brouillard (Alliance and Fog)"

The announcement that North Korean soldiers are reportedly joining Russian troops fighting in Ukraine has caused a global uproar.... Read the article.

Written by Robert Dujarric

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Sophia University


2024年9月26日、上智大学とテンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(以下TUJ)は四谷キャンパスで合同キャリアフェアを開催しました。... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ


Voice of America (VOA)

"For Japanese Unit 731 survivor, speaking truth carries a cost"

Hideo Shimizu was given a grim task: Collect and dispose the burnt bones of prisoners who had been murdered.... Read the article.

Commented by Jeffrey Kingston


South China Morning Post

"Japan PM Ishiba’s defence reforms face election hurdle with LDP expected to lose ground"

Polls suggest the LDP will lose a number of seats in Sunday’s elections, with voters focused more on domestic issues than foreign policy... Read the article.

Commented by Michael T. Čuček

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トルコのイェルリカヤ内相は、10月23日午後3時半過ぎに首都アンカラ郊外の軍需産業施設でテロ攻撃が発生したと発表した。現時点で死者は5人、負傷者は22人でうち2人は重体。実行犯とみられる2人の男女は治... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


The Business Station

"Japan Election: No Clear Majority"

Japan's ruling coalition, the Liberal Democratic Party has failed to secure a parliamentary majority following a snap election he decided to call. ... Read the article.

Commented by Michael T. Čuček


Voice of America (VOA)

"Japan election could weaken LDP, undermine Ishiba government"

A whirlwind month of Japanese politics culminates Sunday with a general election.... Read the article.

Commented by Michael T. Čuček




トルコで2016年7月に発生したクーデター未遂事件の「首謀者」とされる在米イスラム指導者フェトフッラー・ギュレン師が10月20日、米ペンシルバニア州の病院で死去した。83歳だった。ギュレン率いる教団の... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

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South China Morning Post

"Election clouds loom over Japan’s ruling party as Ishiba’s approval ratings nosedive"

Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba’s dismal public approval ratings casts a long shadow over the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s as it approaches the October 27 general election, rais... Read the article.

Comments by Hiromi Murakami

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米財務省外国資産管理局(OFAC)は10月7日、イスラム組織ハマスの国際的な資金調達に関与していたとして構成員4人とハマスが運営しているとみられるガザの銀行を新たな制裁対象に指定した。ハマスのテロ攻撃... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


New Straits Times

"LDP at risk of losing majority in election, media polls show"

Japan's ruling party may lose its majority in the lower house, meaning it would likely have to rely on coalition partner Komeito to stay in power.... Read the article.

Mentioned Michael T. Čuček


Urawa Keizai Shimbun


岩槻リサイクルセンター(さいたま市岩槻区末田)の防じん壁を活用した壁面アートプロジェクトが10月11日、始まった。... Read the article.

Mentioned TUJ student Rin Sato


Middle East Research Center, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan


トルコのエルドアン大統領は10月10-11日、欧州南東部に位置するバルカン半島のアルバニアとセルビアを歴訪した。... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

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Middle East Research Center, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

"国別定期報告 トルコ2024年3Q"

N/A... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

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Sans doute.

"L’Irlande du Nord : un exemple pour Israël et la Palestine (Northern Ireland: An example for Israel and Palestine)"

What if, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the West was on the wrong track? Robert Dujarric gives the example of Northern Ireland. ... Read the article.

Written by Robert Dujarric

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


The Christian Science Monitor

"His own party calls him traitor. Can Japan’s new PM rebuild trust in politics?"

Economic stagnation and a slew of political scandals have tanked the reputation of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party. ... Read the article.

Mentioned Jeffrey Kingston


TRT World

"Shigeru Ishiba confirmed as Japan's prime minister"

For Japan's new Prime Minister, Shigeru Ishiba, this moment has been a long time coming.... Read the article.

Commented by Michael T. Čuček