Three years ago, May 2018, I joined Temple. I've never studied abroad. I've never worked at a law firm nor in a legal division. So enrolling in the law program at TUJ was a huge challenge for me.
At first, I had to research the meanings and definitions of many legal and technical terms from class. At the beginning, it took me 1 hour to read just a single page of an old case. 3 years passed and today, I am standing here as a TUJ graduate. This achievement would not have been possible except for the tremendous amount of support that I received during my time here.
Professors. Professors always sincerely responded to our thousands of questions. They were also supportive and encouraged us to learn effectively.

Classmates. Classmates with wide-ranging backgrounds and practical experiences provided us their learned opinions and promoted an effective educational environment. Also, because TUJ students have aspirations, they are proactive and cooperate with each other. So, every semester, it was so fun and I was so happy to take classes with my fellow law students.
The Administrative staff. Admin staffs provided us a comfortable learning environment and sincere support especially during this COVID situation and thus we could focus on our studies over the years.
Mentors and friends. When I went through tough times, mentors and friends provided me emotional supports and honest opinions. They gave me the courage to go forward.
Bosses and colleagues. Bosses permitted me to join TUJ. Colleagues supported my job for me to attend classes in time.
Parents and family. As many students also experienced, I could not visit my family in person due to COVID for one and a half years. But they frequently video chatted with me and it really cheered me up.
All of these people contributed to our graduation. In fact, graduating from TUJ is not just an individual students' achievement, but the achievement of an entire community. I truly thank you all again for your dedication to me, and to all those who have supported my fellow graduates as well during their time at TUJ.
As you know, until graduation, we experienced huge environmental changes such as a campus relocation, shifts to online classes, and shifts to working from home. But, thanks to a lot of support, we successfully adapted to these changes and arrived here today as TUJ graduates. This fact provides us great confidence in the future because we have discovered that success in life comes from learning proactively, helping each other, and cooperating with one another. Society is rapidly changing in so many ways. Not just COVID-19, but rapid advances in information technologies such as AI and growing attention to SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals. These will transform our lives greatly in future.
I definitely believe that we can successfully adapt to these changes in society and make a bright future for all of us, but only if we do what we learned to do at TUJ and work together as a community for our mutual benefit and success.
Thank you all and congratulations to the graduating class of 2021.


先生方に感謝します。私たち学生の何千もの質問にいつも真摯に答えてくださいました。 そして私たちがより効果的に学習できるように支援してくださいました。