Enrollment Information and Class List
For your section's enrollment number and class list, check the up-to-date 'Class List' in Self Service Banner (SSB) on TUportal. Please see "Learn About Your Students with Class List" below to know where to see the up-to-date class list.
Learn About Your Students with Class List (PDF: 553KB)
Grading / Grade Changes
Please refer to "Entering Final Grades through Banner" below for the procedure of final grading through TUportal. In principle, all faculty members do e-grading in SSB on TUportal, and final grades must be entered within 48 hours after the last day of final exams. A short demonstration below has been designed to guide you through the process.
Entering Final Grades through Banner (PDF: 612KB)
Self-Service Banner Grading (PDF: 923KB)
You can also find your school or college grading liaison below.
Grade Changes
Primary instructors can request a grade change through SSB for a grade that was recorded to a student's academic history within two years, as long as the student has not graduated.
- Log into TUportal.
- Select the Faculty/Teaching Tools tab
- In the Self-Service Banner for Faculty channel, click on the Change of Grade Request option.
- Search using only two criteria: either Term and CRN (returns a list of all students registered for the course) or Term and Student TUID (returns every course that student took with you that term). Entering additional search criteria may cause the search to fail
Any grade change older than two years requires a memo signed by a final grade approver in the appropriate college and may be subject to Provost approval. This separate process is described in Grade Change Submission.
Incomplete Grade Agreement
In order to process 'Incompletes' for students, faculty must enter information on TUportal and file the necessary paperwork. For more information, please refer to the Incomplete Coursework Policy below.
TUportal Incomplete grade entry procedure is available to watch below (use Internet Explorer browser).
TUportal Incomplete Grade Entry Procedure
Paperwork includes:
Midterm Progress Ratings
This process is mandatory for all undergraduate students in fall and spring semesters every year. For more information, please see the Policy on Academic Progress for Undergraduate Courses below. Detailed procedure is also available below.
Policy on Academic Progress for Undergraduate Courses
Self-Service Banner (SSB) Midterm Progress Ratings (PDF: 481KB)
Student Feedback Forms (SFFs)
Every instructor is required to have his or her teaching evaluated by students every semester using a standard form adopted for such purpose. [Policy(02.78.14), Nov. 2002]
Student feedback is anonymous and confidential; results are available in composite form after grades have been submitted and evaluations processed. Please be advised that to preserve student anonymity data are not reported for any course in which the enrollment is fewer than five students.
As of Summer 2012, the SFFs for undergraduate and graduate courses are conducted online. Students will be sent emails from the University asking them to complete their evaluations online.
Email communication for short duration and early start courses are sent directly by school/college liaisons.
Instructors are encouraged give students time in class to complete SFFs, and to discuss with students the importance of providing course and instructor feedback.
New SFF Guide - for instructors
SFF Video Guide for Instructors
SFF Admin Panel
For more information, please see the Policy on Course and Teaching Evaluations below.