Full-time Recruiting
If you are interested in recruiting TUJ students and alumni, please send us your job posting details. A Word template for job posting and sample job posting are available below:
Template for Job Posting (MS Word)
Sample Job Posting (PDF)
Please send your job posting details to career@tuj.temple.edu.
Internship Recruiting
The advantages of hosting an intern from TUJ are numerous. Your company gets temporary pre-professional bilingual help from university students eager to be involved in a professional environment and dedicated to doing a good job. You have the chance to develop a core of pre-trained hires and observe potential employees without long-term obligations. You also establish an academic relationship with the oldest, largest and best-known American university branch campus in Japan.
If you are interested in hosting TUJ students as interns, please go to the Internship Program pages, and contact us for further information.
Part-time Recruiting
Please submit a one-page (A4) job description in Microsoft Word format to the Career Development Office. To post a job opening you can use our job template.
Template for Part-time Job Posting (MS Word)
Please send your job posting details to career@tuj.temple.edu.
Career Development Office
- Location: Room 107, 1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0004 (Access)
- Hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:30
- E-mail: career@tuj.temple.edu
- Tel: 03-5441-9873 (Direct)
For Students: Please feel free to drop-in or make an appointment for career advising on Handshake!