The program began in 1982 and has grown to currently encompass over 90 internship hosts, comprised of various companies, government organizations, educational institutions, and NGOs and NPOs.
We always welcome new internship hosts and strive to continue creating mutually beneficial relationships between our students and external organizations.
Why Host an Intern from TUJ
The advantages of hosting in an intern from TUJ are numerous. Your organization gets temporary pre-professional support from university students eager to be involved in a professional environment and dedicated to doing a good job. You have the chance to contribute to the professional development of a student and open the door to potential new hires for your organization. You also establish an academic relationship with the oldest, largest and best-known American university branch campus in Japan.
At TUJ, we believe that an internship is an invaluable opportunity for both students and organizations. Students can extend their classroom learning and theoretical knowledge, into the real world and get a taste of what it is like to work as a professional in the industry of their interest. In turn, hosting organizations have a chance to utilize our students' energy and skills as well as observe potential hires without long-term obligations.
Career Development Office
- Location: Room 107, 1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0004 (Access)
- Hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:30
- E-mail:
- Tel: 03-5441-9873 (Direct)
For Students: Please feel free to drop-in or make an appointment for career advising on Handshake!