Online courses require that you have access to specific technology. Please review these requirements to ensure you're prepared to successfully take and complete your online class. View Technology Requirements.
Canvas is a learning management system that makes it possible for TUJ students to participate in online classes; providing access to assignments, discussions, quizzes, and grades via your laptop, desktop, phone, and/or tablet.
Zoom is an online web conferencing system. It is the tool that TUJ uses for synchronous online class sessions, where everyone logs in on pre-scheduled days and times. Some instructors may also use Zoom for hosting online conference sessions (office hours).
Turnitin is a plagiarism detection and writing-assessment tool used to help students and faculty maintain academic integrity by ensuring work is original and properly cited. It can help improve writing skills and avoid unintentional plagiarism.
Submit a TurnItIn Assignment in Canvas
Contact your instructor if you're having difficulty finding or accessing digital course materials, such as articles, e-books or publisher course materials assigned in the class.