
South China Morning Post

"Death threats against Tokyo governor candidates reflect societal ‘frustration’ in Japan"

A string of death threats directed at the two leading candidates in the Tokyo gubernatorial race reflects the “latent anger” of the electorate and Japan could be on the brink of a ... Read the article.

Comments by Hiromi Murakami


Press Italy 24 News

"The sword, the mirror, the gem: those imperial insignia of Naruhito of Japan that no one has ever seen"

L’emperor of Japan Naruhito and Empress Masako began their official tour of the United Kingdom on June 25, the first visit by foreign rulers since King Charles III’s cancer diagnos... Read the article.

Comments by Michael Cucek


NHK出版 デジタルマガジン

"坂東眞理子さん(昭和女子大学 総長)「❝立て板に水❞でなくても、自分のことばで」【杉田敏の 現代ビジネス英語】"

女性の躍進の近道は、グローバル化が進む分野杉田: ボストンに海外キャンパスを開いたり、世田谷キャンパスにブリティッシュ・スクール・イン・トウキョウやアメリカのテンプル大学日本校が移転してきたりと、特に... Read the article.

Mentions TUJ


Radio Canada

"Appeared on Les faits d’abord Radio to comment on Vladimir Putin’s Visit to North Korea and Vietnam"

Read the article.

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand



"Appeared on RDI Martin TV to comment on Vladimir Putin’s Visit to North Korea and Vietnam"

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


The New York Times

"Asian Fears Come True as North Korea’s Russia Pact Amplifies Threat "

With ballistic missiles regularly flying nearby, Japan and South Korea need little reminder of the threat that North Korea and its nuclear arsenal poses to its neighbors. But the s... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


La Presse

"Se quereller comme des Coréens (Quarreling like Koreans)"

Or, un échange bien particulier se déroule actuellement entre la Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud. La première a ouvert les hostilités en envoyant des centaines de ballons remplis ... Read the article.

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


South China Morning Post

"Did China security concerns help Japan’s ruling LDP score surprise win in Okinawa election?"

Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party scored a surprising victory over the Okinawa governor’s coalition in his prefecture’s recent elections, despite broad support for his opposi... Read the article.

Comments by Hiromi Murakami


Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East

"「カタル危機終結後のトルコと湾岸・アラブ諸国の協力関係」『中東協力センターニューズ』pp. 8-17."

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


Radio-Canada Quebec

"Appeared on Premiere Heure Radio to comment on Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea and Vietnam"

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand



"テンプル大学のロースクールと大学院教育学研究科が、US ニューズ &ワールド・レポートで高評価、法廷弁論部門では全米1位を獲得"

テンプル大学のロースクールと大学院教育学研究学科は、このほど米国のUSニューズ&ワールド・レポートが発表した2024年版大学院ランキングにおいて、高い評価を得ました。特に分野別では、ロースクールの法廷... Read the article.

Mentions TUJ



""Russland muss jetzt etwas zurückgeben""

Putin und Kim haben sich erst im vergangenen September in Russland gesehen. Nun reist der russische Staatschef nach Nordkorea. Die Beziehungen waren lange deutlich distanzierter. E... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown



"Appeared on L’info Maintenant TV to comment on Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea and Vietnam"

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand



"Appeared on Mordus de Politique TV to commenting on Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea and Vietnam"

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


South China Morning Post

"Ukraine war: Japan mulls sanctions on Chinese firms but is it ‘step in right direction’?"

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is about to announce sanctions on Chinese companies suspected of assisting Russia’s war in Ukraine, government sources say, even with Kishida y... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown



"Interview on G7 Summit "

Comments by James D.J. Brown



"Appeared on Mordus de Politique TV to comment on the topic of the inter-Korea tensions"

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand



"Appeared on Bon the 2460 TV program to comment on the topic of global instability on the eve of the 80th anniversary of D-day"

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand