

"Истина ли е, че Западът и НАТО предизвикаха войната в Украйна?"

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Comments by Ken Moskowitz


Daigaku Journal Online


外国大学の日本校として、日本最大かつ最長の歴史を持つテンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(東京都世田谷区)。1982年の開校から時代や学生のニーズに合わせた取組を行ってきた。2025年1月に予定している京都... Read the article.

Interviewed Chie Kato Interviewed Yasuko Taoka


The EurAsian Times

"Despite ‘World’s Maximum’ 120 Military Basis, Japan Unhappy With US Presence Amid Growing Chinese Threats"

When Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida meets U.S. President Joe Biden on April 10 at the White House, one of the important topics both will deliberate on is the need to restruc... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Ehime Shimbun

"連携 若者英語力向上 県と米大学日本校協定"

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Sibir Realii (a Russian-language program by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

""Точка невозврата". Как и почему Япония отдаляется от России и помогает Украине"

МИД России предупредил Японию о "последствиях" в случае передачи США ракет для ЗРК Patriot, которые ... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown

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TV Ehime


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Shijuku Kai


テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(東京・世田谷区、マシュー・ウィルソン 学長)と愛媛県(中村 時広 知事)は、国際教育の推進、文化交流および地域振興の分野における包括的な連携・協力に関する協定を締結した... Read the article.


Sunday Mainichi




Mainichi Shimbun

"けいざいフラッシュ 長崎県・テンプル大協定"

長崎県とテンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ、東京都世田谷区)が包括連携協定を結んだ。グローバル化に対応した人材交流や人材育成、海外企業誘致、観光戦略などの幅広い分野で協力を進めていく。県が海外大学... Read the article.

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


Stars and Stripes

"US to restructure military command in Japan, reports claims"

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan – U.S. President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will reveal a plan to restructure the U.S. military command in Japan next month in light... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


The Temple News

"Temple Japan to expand to Kyoto next spring"

Temple’s Japan Campus will open a new satellite campus in Kyoto in Spring 2025, expanding alongside its rising enrollment rates. TUJ’s current student body consists of a record num... Read the article.

Comments by Matthew J. WilsonComments by Ayako Morohoshi Comments by Benjamin Altschuler


Sibir Realii

"“Point of no return”. How and why Japan distanced itself from Russia and helps Ukraine.]"

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Comments by James D.J. Brown



"Japan and the Russia-Ukraine War with Professor Higashino Atsuko, Professor James D.J. Brown and Dr Nigel Gould-Davies "

In the second episode of Japan Memo season 4, Robert Ward hosts Higashino Atsuko, a Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba, James... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


The Straits Times

"What Samurai Swords and Japan’s Arms Exports Have in Common"

Ten years ago, in April 2014, then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe overturned Japan’s longstanding ban on arms exports and established a new agency to oversee this industry. Proponents w... Read the article.

Written by James D.J. Brown

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South China Morning Post

"Japan’s ruling LDP under fire after junior members’ party with go-go dancers: ‘completely unacceptable’"

Two senior members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s youth wing have resigned from their posts after reports surfaced that politicians and their supporters were being entert... Read the article.

Comments by Hiromi Murakami

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The Japan Times

"In war’s third year, Ukrainians in Japan still face daily trails"

On Feb. 24, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine stretched past the two-year mark. As fighting continues and hopes of a lasting peace falter, the situation is no more clear for those on th... Read the article.

Comments byAlisa Tsiapa (TUJ Student)

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Nishinihon Shimbun

"長崎県とテンプル大日本校が連携協定 インターンや学生交流推進"

長崎県とテンプル大ジャパンキャンパス(東京)は8日、包括連携協定を結んだ。県内企業などへのインターン(就業体験)受け入れなどで国際交流を推進する。県が海外の大学と協定を締結するのは初めて。米ペンシルベ... Read the article.

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Nagasaki Shinbun

"人材、資源相互活用へ 外国大と初 県がテンプル大に本校が連携協定"

長崎県と、米テンプル大ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ、東京都)は8日、人材や資源の相互活用を図り、地域社会の持続的な発展を目指すため包括連携協定を締結した。県はこれまで長崎大などと協定を結んでいるが、外国... Read the article.


Nagasaki Prefecture


3月8日、テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパスと長崎県は、人材育成や人的交流、本県のグローバル化の推進などを図っていくための包括連携協定を締結しました。同大学は日本に所在する外国大学として、国際ビジネス関連... Read the article.


South China Morning Post

"Japan doubles down on decision to resume cultural exchange with Russia amid Ukraine war sanctions on Moscow"

Japan is defending its decision to resume cultural exchanges with Russia two years after President Vladimir Putin’s forces invaded Ukraine, insisting on the importance of cross-cul... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown