February, 2022
Japan. Endless Discovery.
"6 festivales que no te puedes perder en Tohoku (The best 6 festivals in Tohoku you can't miss)"
Tohoku, región situada al norte de Honshu (la principal isla de Japón), es una de las zonas más inexploradas de este país. Las seis prefecturas que la componen (Aomori, Akita, Yama... Read the article.
エルドアン大統領は2月24日、ロシアがウクライナに軍事侵攻したことを受けて国家安全保障会議を招集した。会議後、トルコ大統領府はロシアの動きについて、「(ウクライナ東部の紛争解決に向けた)ミンスク合意と... Read the article.
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Kyodo News
"FOCUS: After Olympics, China’s provocations against Taiwan next focus"
But Jeff Kingston, director of Asian Studies at Temple University Japan, said, "Despite the diplomatic boycott, Beijing staged a successful games that impressed with efficiency and... Read the article.
VillageSoup Knox
"Evelyn Isom Joins Trekkers’ Board of Directors"
With a really “long and wonderful” history in education and youth development, Isom’s background includes a PHD in History from University of Pennsylvania, a Masters in English fro... Read the article.
The World University Rankings
"Cautious optimism on Japan’s border reopening"
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NHK首都圏News Web
"水際対策緩和 留学生の来日待つ都内大学 さらなる緩和求める"
政府が水際対策の段階的な緩和を表明したことについて、300人以上の留学生が来日できないままとなっている東京の大学関係者は、最初のステップと歓迎する一方、さらに緩和を進めることを求めていました。東京・世... Read the article.
トルコでは2023年半ばに大統領選挙と国会議員選挙が同日に実施される予定である。エルドアン大統領は2018年に議院内閣制から集権的大統領制への移行を実現させ大統領権限の拡大に成功したが,その後の経済状... Read the article.
Nikkei Asia
"Kishida announces limited reopening of Japan's borders"
TOKYO -- Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Thursday announced his government will allow a limited number of foreign students and business travelers to enter the country from... Read the article.
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South China Morning Post
"Russian fleet near Japan ‘a warning to Tokyo’"
"水際対策緩和 留学生の来日待つ都内の大学 さらなる緩和求める"
東京 世田谷区にあるアメリカのテンプル大学の分校のキャンパスでは、感染拡大前は日本語や日本の文化などに関心を持つおよそ900人の外国籍の学生が学んでいました。日本で厳しい水際対策がとられるなか、来日で... Read the article.
Chosun Online
「入学だけして入国できない学生たちは時差のため深夜にオンラインで授業を受ける。バンパイアのようだと言っている。将来日本に貢献できる未来の人材の入国を阻止する日本のことが心配だ。外国からの留学生は徐々に... Read the article.
The Straits Times
"N. Korean menace rises but silver bullet eludes Japan"
North Korea's increasingly sophisticated missile arsenal poses a genuine threat to Japan. Yet, the acquisition of an independent strike capability by the Japanese is not the soluti... Read the article.
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トルコでクルド系野党、人民民主党(HDP)への圧力が再び強まっている。HDPに対してはすでに2021年3月、反政府武装組織PKKと「一体化している」としてトルコ検察が憲法裁判所に解党を申し立てているが... Read the article.
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文部科学 教育通信
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LA Presse
"La renaissance du Japon en Indo-Pacifique (Japan's renaissance in the Indo-Pacific)"
Alors que les yeux de la planète sont rivés sur la Chine, où les Jeux olympiques d’hiver viennent de s’ouvrir, ceux des pays de la région Indo-Pacifique sont fixés sur le géant asi... Read the article.
"Hilfe für Europa – Japan positioniert sich im Konflikt mit Russland"
The Wall Street Journal
"Japan must do more to support Ukraine"
The U.S. campaign for a broad alliance to deter Russia is facing headwinds in Japan, which relies on Russian energy imports and wants to keep talks alive with Moscow over disputed ... Read the article.
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The Straits Times
"Japan treading carefully in showing solidarity with Ukraine"
TOKYO - In a show of solidarity with Kyiv, Japan’s Lower House has adopted a resolution that says Tokyo is “gravely concerned and always with the Ukrainians who hope for the stabil... Read the article.
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Asahi Shimbun
"「コロナ鎖国」留学生の嘆き 新規入国、日本が原則停止"
トルコでは2023年半ばに大統領選挙と国会議員選挙が同日に実施される予定である。エルドアン大統領は2018年に議院内閣制から集権的大統領制への移行を実現させ大統領権限の拡大に成功したが,その後の経済状... Read the article.
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South China Morning Post
"Crisis in Ukraine puts Kishida on spot over Kurils"
Asahi Shimbun
"「日本の損失」長引く入国制限に悲痛の声 ビジネス・教育界が批判"
新型コロナウイルス対策による日本の厳しい入国制限に、海外の企業や教育関係者から批判が高まっている。在日ドイツ商工会議所や米テンプル大などが9日、都内で記者会見を開き、入国制限の緩和を求めた。「会社のプ... Read the article.
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Nikkei Asia
"Foreign companies in Japan crank up pressure for border reopening"
TOKYO -- Japan's foreign business community on Wednesday amplified calls for the government to reopen the border to students, business travelers and new entrants. Representatives s... Read the article.
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Kyodo News
"U.S., European business leaders urges Japan to end COVID entry ban"
Matthew J. Wilson, dean and president of Temple University's Japan Campus, touched on the impact on foreign students, saying the entry ban is deflecting international scholars to o... Read the article.
South China Morning Post
"Ukraine crisis: why U.S. pressure for sanctions on Russia leaves Japan corned on its China policy and in the Kuril island"
“Japan feels a strong sense of obligation to join the other G7 member states in doing something when it comes to standing up for Ukraine,” said James Brown, an associate professor ... Read the article.
The Wall Street Journal
"Russia’s Military, Natural Gas Make Japan Cautious About U.S.-Led Sanctions"
The U.S. campaign for a broad alliance to deter Russia is facing headwinds in Japan, which relies on Russian energy imports and wants to keep talks alive with Moscow over disputed ... Read the article.
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The Straits Times
"Japan’s bid for Unesco status for ancient thorn in ties with S Korea"
Dr James D.J. Brown of Temple University Japan told The Straits Times:"I think South Korea and Japan must try and draw a line between the different issues to ensure that their secu... Read the article.
The Japan Times
"Finding the words for letting others know you may have COVID-19"
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The Japan Times
"Minashi yōsei' and other recent pandemic-related terms"
While medical terms used to simply be a category of vocabulary that only the most advanced Japanese-language students would learn, these days they are hard to avoid. Being able to ... Read the article.
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The Straits Times
"Why it's time to revise agreement on US forces in Japan"
Recent clusters of Covid-19 cases in prefectures with United States military bases have rekindled Japanese anger with the Status of Forces Agreement (Sofa) that provides the legal ... Read the article.
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