Created by TUJ students, Brittanie Maddox (Videographer and Editor) and Savon Crisp: (2nd Videographer)
Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ) held its graduation ceremony on Friday, December 11 at Showa Women's University Hitomi Memorial Hall. This graduation ceremony was originally scheduled for June but was postponed to December in view of the COVID-19 situation to ensure that the necessary precautions could be adopted for the ceremony. A total of 438 students graduated in 2020, including 304 undergraduates receiving their bachelor’s degrees, as well as graduate students (master’s and PhD degrees).
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Graduate Close-up
Passionate speeches given by two graduates. 2名の卒業生による熱いスピーチ内容をどうぞご覧ください。