IBM is the world's top innovation company providing hardware, software and services solutions to clients. In this internship, TUJ students work on specific projects within the Marketing & Communications Division at IBM Japan.
Company Profile
Company Name: IBM
Industry: IT
IBM: Catherine Solazzo (CS), Director, Marketing, Performance Marketing, IBM Japan
TUJ Interviewer: William Swinton (WS), Director, International Business Program
"I think it's a great differentiator for students to have had an internship."
"I can teach skill, but I can't teach passion and I can't teach energy."
"We never put projects out there that are like an island, completely separated from the work being done."
"We keep in contact with all of our past interns … I keep in touch with all of them very regularly."
Interview date: Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Read Stories Of Students Who Interned Here
This internship taught me a lot about Japanese professional norms and values. In turn, I will be ready to work in Japan upon graduation.
—Samuel Roux, International Business student, interned at IBM in Summer 2015
Read Stories Of Students Who Interned Here
IBM Japan provides a professional, fast-paced business environment. You will be surrounded by insightful workers and will be able to learn a great amount.
—Tetsujin Hirose, Economics student, interned at IBM in Summer 2015
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