
  • Accommodations
  • Documentation
  • Testing

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Documentation 1. What is documentation? Documentation can be notes/records/letters from a licensed medical provider (Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, PA), notes/records/letters from a therapist or counselor, past accommodations from a previous school, or evaluations from relevant licensed professionals pertaining to your diagnosis. Letters should be on an official letterhead and signed. 
Documentation 2. How old can documentation be? Documentation should be less than three years old.
Documentation 3. Can I use an IEP or 504 plan? An IEP or 504 plan is acceptable. If it is an IEP or 504 plan from high school that is more than three years old, it will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Documentation 4. Can I use results of a test (such as X-rays, labs, etc.) as documentation? Results must be interpreted by a medical provider. The medical provider must provide a signed report, record, or assessment.
Documentation 5. What if I can’t afford a doctor/can’t be seen yet? Please meet with Accessibility Services so that we can discuss your situation. You will also have a grace period to obtain documentation. You also have the option of consulting TUJ’s counseling services at tujcounseling@tuj.temple.edu.
Accommodations 1. Will my professor see my medical information? Your professors will not see any medical information regarding your diagnosis. The only information they will be given are what your approved accommodations are.
Accommodations 2. Will my DRS registration show up on my transcript? There will be no indication on your transcript that you had accommodations.
Accommodations 3. Why do I need to contact my professors about my letter? It’s imperative that you contact your professors about your accommodations because each class is different, and your accommodations may be implemented differently in each class because of the nature of the class.
Please contact instructor(s) right away to begin a plan of how to use your accommodations in their class. For an example of how to handle this discussion, watch these Access TU videos.
If you would also like more help with the discussion, please contact us.
Accommodations 4. What do I do if my accommodations are not being honored? Please contact Accessibility Services right away at tujaccessibility@tuj.temple.edu
Accommodations 5. Do I need to send a new DRS letter if I add a class after the semester begins? You will need to send an accommodation letter if you have a new class. The process for sending a new letter is called a semester request. If you have any questions, please contact at tujaccessibility@tuj.temple.edu
This will need to be sent through the My DRS system.
Accommodations 6. What if I don’t have documentation yet? You will have a grace period to obtain documentation.
Accommodations 7. Does the DRS letter apply to anything that happened in the past? Accommodations are not retroactive. All accommodations begin once the letter is received by your instructor.
Accommodations 8. Where can I take tests in a distraction-reduced environment? The Testing Center can provide a place to test. Please fill out the Testing Form to make an appointment. You can also email tujtest@tuj.temple.edu to make an appointment or ask for more information.
Accommodations 9. How do I send my letter to my professors? You will send your accommodation letter to your professors through the My DRS system. The process for sending letters at the beginning of the semester, or when changing classes/getting a new teacher, or when adding a new accommodation, are as follows:
  1. Log into My DRS (this is the system we to manage accommodation requests)
  2. On the left-hand side of the screen, click on Accommodations.
  3. Several options will drop down. Select Semester Letter Request.
  4. A new screen will appear. Under the word Semester, there will be a drop-down box. Select the current semester and then Apply Search.
  5. Select Add new. A new screen will appear. Select, in the drop-down box, the current semester.
  6. If you want to send letters to all classes, select Submit for All Accommodations. If you want to send it only for certain classes, select Review the Renewal. In this section, you will see a list of your accommodations. Under the courses section at the bottom, check the classes you wish to have that letter sent to. Uncheck the classes you do not wish the letter to be sent to. Select Submit at the top when you are done. You can also find illustrated steps on how to do this on the “Semester Request” page on the Temple University DRS website.
Accommodations 10. Can I use my “absences” accommodation anytime I want? This accommodation is a modification of the course attendance policy. As a general guideline, the number of allowable absences without penalty will be doubled. However, this can also depend on when in the semester the accommodation is given—towards the latter end, there will not be as many absences that can be excused because of the limited amount of class left. Accommodations are also not retroactive, so this can’t apply to previous absences during the semester. Please contact your instructor and DRS if you think you may be going over the allowable absences even with an accommodation. You can contact us if you are not comfortable discussing this with your instructor.
Accommodations 11. Can I use my “assignment extensions” anytime I want? It depends on the class and the kind of assignment it is. It also depends on what you and your instructor have agreed upon for assignment deadlines for the class. You must provide notice in advance when you need to take the extension. Some assignments may not qualify for an assignment extension, such as group work that other people are depending on to complete an assignment. Some assignments may only have a short extension time, such as a homework assignment that must be complete before the next test to be able to understand the material on a test. Another example would be near the end of a course, when all assignments must be in before the final date. Please make sure to communicate with your professor right away if you think you may need to take an extension.
Accommodations 12. Will my previous absences be excused before my DRS letter was created? No. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Accommodations 13. I was recently injured/sick. Should I get an accommodation letter? Please meet with us so that we can discuss the barriers you are experiencing due to your injury or illness, and we can discuss potential accommodations from there.
Accommodations 14. I’m not sure what courses to take. What should I do? Please see your academic advisor for information on which courses to take.
Accommodations 15. I have trouble focusing on lectures in class. Should I get an accommodation? An accommodation that could help remove this barrier is an audio recording accommodation combined with a note-taking app, where you can take notes linked to the audio of the lecture. Please contact us to discuss accommodations.
Accommodations 16. Reading large paragraphs of text in a textbook or PDF is difficult. Should I get an accommodation? An accommodation that could help remove this barrier is receiving materials in an accessible electronic format. You can zoom in and out when reading on a screen, or listen to a text-to-speech program. Please contact us to discuss accommodations.
Testing 1. Who can use the testing center? Anyone who needs a proctored test, a standardized test, or has DRS accommodations and needs to take a test with accommodations.
Testing 2. What kind of tests can the testing center proctor? Any kind of academic tests.
Testing 3. What kind of testing accommodations can I get? Extended time on tests, testing in a private/quiet room for a distraction-free environment, earphones or headphones in during the test, make-up tests at a later date, etc. Please contact Accessibility Services to discuss.
Testing 4. How do I schedule a test? Please fill out the Testing Form to make an appointment. You can also email tujtest@tuj.temple.edu to make an appointment or ask for more information.