1. Prepare for your online experience!
    Use our tutorials and resources to begin building skills for success in an online or hybrid course. Watch the Tutorials Now.
  2. Check your TU Email
    Don't forget to check your student email account (TUmail ) for messages about the course from your instructor. You will log in using your TU AccessNet Username and Password .
    For fully online classes, you should receive a Welcome Email Message from your instructor approximately 3 days before the class begins.
  3. Log in to Canvas
    You will log in to Canvas using your AccessNet Username and Password . The direct URL for Temple University's Canvas is . You can also access Canvas via the TuPortal .
    ​When your course is made available to you in Canvas can vary from instructor to instructor. Your class in Canvas will be availble no sooner than 7 days before the term begins and no later than the first day of class, which is the start date published in the schedule of classes.

    If you have just registered/added a course in TUPortal, it can take up to 24 hours before you see the course in Canvas.

  4. Check your Canvas Settings
    The first time you log in to Canvas you will want to make sure your account settings are correct.
    1. NOTIFICATION SETTINGS: Canvas includes a set of default notification settings you can receive for your courses. You can change the default settings by setting your own notification settings. These settings only apply to you. See How to Manage Your Notification Settings .
    2. TIME ZONE: Make sure your own time zone for your user account is set to Tokyo time (Tokyo +09:00). Your time zone should be correct, but the first time you use Canvas, it is good to check just in case. See how to set (check) your time zone in your Canvas student user account .
  5. Questions? Contact your Instructor
    If you have any questions about the course, e-mail you instructor from TUmail . You can find your instructor's e-mail address in the TUJ Faculty Directory: Faculty Search.

    Recommended Method: If your course is available in Canvas , you can contact the instructor from your Canvas Inbox (which is the e-mail system inside of Canvas). See instructions on How to Use the Canvas Inbox .


In an online and hybrid classes, most of your readings, assignments and tests will be in the university's learning management system, Canvas.
You will need to make certain that you have access to a computer and stable Internet in order to complete your course, and you will usually need to log in every few days.

Technology Access



Get ready for your online classes and enhance the academic and technical skills you need for success in the online learning environment!

Below are a set of interactive tutorials and tools, which may increase your chances of success in any online course. Whether this is your first time taking online classes, or you have taken a few online courses in the past, these tutorials are interactive, helpful, and tailored to your needs to help you prepare for online classes!