The founder of Temple University
Acres of Diamonds… are to be found in this city, and you are to find them.
—Russell H. Conwell
Support Today!
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For TUJ staff and faculty:
For over 40 years the qualities that make Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ) a unique institution have been made possible through the generous support of alumni, parents and donors who actively support our mission. Gifts to TUJ provide a pool of financial aid for needy students, support faculty research, underwrite improvements in academic facilities, and allow TUJ to offer a superior American-style tertiary education in Tokyo at a reasonable price.
Did you know?
In his famous 'Acres of Diamonds' speech, Russell H. Conwell, the founder of Temple University, called upon each individual to contribute to society to the best of their ability, and to rise to their fullest potential. Conwell believed in the importance of individual power and agency, and encouraged each person to use the resources at their disposal to create a worthy life through thoughtfulness, feeling and action.
Please help TUJ provide the critical resources that today's students need to reach their full potential. Your gift makes a difference.

How your gift to TUJ helps…
The TUJ student population represents every social and economic background, and with students from approximately countries, the campus is truly diverse and international. Many of our best and brightest students are dependent upon financial aid to meet their educational costs. Unfortunately demand continues to exceed available resources and many struggle to pay their tuition and fees.
TUJ receives no subsidies or financial support from the Japanese government and the school relies upon the generosity of donors and sponsors to help meet the financial needs of our students.
Your gift keeps a world of learning and opportunity accessible to all students. A scholarship reduces financial stress, and allows students more time to develop leadership skills and explore their intellectual interests. Help TUJ invest in our shared future by supporting the education of students today who will be the global leaders of tomorrow.

TUJ is dedicated to attracting and retaining talented faculty. Your support helps us compete in the global marketplace for the best educators and scholars, allowing us to promote excellence in classroom teaching and research.
Full-time Faculty, Undergraduate Program

Academic Facilities
TUJ successfully relocated to a new 6-story building on the campus of Showa Women's University in 2019. Our state-of-the art space offers expansive new teaching and educational facilities for our growing student population, and is a significant upgrade in the university's academic infrastructure. TUJ students now have access to sports facilities including a gym, field, and swimming pool among other benefits.
But we still need your help.
Your continuing support allows TUJ to sustain the best possible physical learning environment for our students and faculty, and to advance our institutional mission.
There are many ways to designate a gift to TUJ for particular purposes, and naming rights are still available for classrooms and meeting spaces on the TUJ Campus.
Contact us
Institutional Advancement
Please contact Institutional Advancement for more information or if you have further questions.
- E-mail: tujdev@tuj.temple.edu
- Tel: 03-5441-9800