
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ)

"August marks the anniversary of the end of the Pacific War, but in Okinawa, the conflict continues"

August is a month for remembrance in Japan, yet Okinawa remains embroiled in conflict - over territory.... Read the article.

Written by Dan Sloan


Mizuho Bank International Strategic Information Department

"Mizuho Global InfoStation トルコ政治情勢レポート~『アフリカの角』におけるトルコ外交:エチオピアとソマリアの対立をめぐって~"

Written by Masaki Kakizaki


NBC News

"Former defense minister set to lead Japan amid efforts to counter China’s growing power"

Shigeru Ishiba is set to become Japan’s next prime minister after the governing Liberal Democratic Party elected him as its new leader on Friday, as the U.S. ally takes on a growin... Read the article.

Comments by Michael Cucek



"What Japan’s Next Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba Means for the World"

Ishiba Shigeru is set to become Japan’s new Prime Minister after winning the presidency of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in a ballot of party lawmakers and members on F... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston


PT Kompas Media

"Setelah Lima Kali Mencoba, Ishiba Akhirnya Jadi PM Jepang (After Five Tries, Ishiba Finally Becomes Japan’s PM)"

Setelah empat kali gagal, Shigeru Ishiba akhirnya terpilih menjadi Perdana Menteri Jepang di usaha kelima. Mantan Menteri Pertahanan Jepang itu akan menjadi PM mulai Oktober 2024 d... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston


The Spectator

"Japan’s next prime minister is a bit of a maverick"

he 67-year-old Shigeru Ishiba will become Japan’s new prime minister on 1 October after winning a surprisingly exciting play-off vote against his rival Sanae Takaichi. For a moment... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston


Japan Times

"Moscow and Beijing unlikely to stop testing Tokyo’s limit"

Tokyo’s unprecedented decision to have its fighter jets deploy flares as a warning after a Russian surveillance plane entered Japanese airspace Monday is unlikely to prevent Russia... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown

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Asia Times

"Why Japan will not come to Taiwan’s rescue"

Japan has big money plans to remilitarize but that doesn’t mean it would fight China if it invaded Taiwan. A poll conducted by the Tokyo-based Central Research Services on the beha... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Sans Doute

"Confrontations between China and its neighbors in East Asia "

La Chine est en litige territorial et maritime avec de nombreux voisins, y compris le Japon, les Philippines, le Vietnam, l'Indonésie, et l'Inde. Les différends dans ce domaine en... Read the article.

Written by Robert Dujarric

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Sans doute.

"Confrontations entre la Chine et ses voisins en Asie orientale (Confrontations between China and its neighbors in East Asia)"

China has territorial and maritime disputes with many neighbors, including Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, and India.... Read the article.

Written by Robert Dujarric 

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Stars and Stripes

"Coast Guard meets Russian naval vessels in US waters off Alaska coast"

The U.S. Coast Guard recently encountered four Russian naval vessels in U.S. waters near Point Hope, Alaska, the service said Monday. The crew of the cutter, Stratton, on a routine... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Stars and Stripes

"Russia sends patrol aircraft around Japan as it trains with China on seas below"

A pair of Russian patrol aircraft circled Japan’s four main islands Thursday for the first time in five years, according to Japan’s military the same day. The Tu-124 patrol planes ... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


AI Jazeera

"Japan's ruling party sees nine candidates compete for top role amid scandals and leadership change"

Read the article.

Comments by Jeffrey Kingston


South China Morning Post

"Japan’s NHK under fire after ‘broadcast hijacking’ by Chinese reporter over Diaoyu Islands"

A Chinese journalist working for NHK sparked controversy by claiming disputed islands in the East China Sea belong to China during a broadcast. A senior official with Japan’s natio... Read the article.

Written by Robert Dujarric

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Sans Doute

"L’énigme américaine"

Le « E pur si muove » qu'aurait affirmé Galilée lorsqu'il abjura l'héliocentrisme s'applique aussi aux États-Unis. En 2016, l'électorat américain élit à la présidence un producteur... Read the article.

Written by Robert Dujarric

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Middle East Research Center, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan


エジプトのスィースィー大統領が9月4日、トルコを訪れ、首都アンカラでエルドアン大統領と会談した。... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

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Asia Today, CGTN

"Kishida’s visit to South Korea"

Commented by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


South China Morning Post

"Japan PM candidate Taro Kono risks sinking campaign with nuclear sub plan to counter China"

One of the top contenders to be Japan’s next prime minister may have sunk his campaign by declaring that the nation should deploy nuclear submarines to counter the growing security... Read the article.

Comments by Hiromi Murakami

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"When Beijing courts Africa to disrupt the world order"

Some 50 African leaders are meeting in Beijing until Friday to participate in the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.... Read the article.

Mentioned Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


Middle East Research Center, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan


9月2日、トルコ西部の都市イズミルで、米国の海兵隊員2人が「ヤンキーは帰れ」と叫ぶ複数の若者に襲われ頭に白い袋をかぶせられる事件が発生した... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

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South China Morning Post

"Harris, Trump oppose Nippon Steel’s bid for US Steel but could Americans benefit?"

The Japanese steelmaker’s US$15 billion bid for its American rival has become a hot-button issue in the US election race. Nippon Steel’s US$15 billion bid to acquire US Steel has b... Read the article.

Comments by Michael Cucek

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Daigaku Times


テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(東京都世田谷区/学長 マシュー・ウィルソン、以下TUJ)は、教育の質の向上と学生の成功(student success=スチューデントサクセス)をさらに促進するため、経... Read the article.