TUJ Library is here to support you in your instruction! See what's available to you as a TUJ Faculty member. If you have any questions about these resources, ask us!
Let a TUJ librarian guide your students through the research process! Our instruction sessions provide customized instruction tailored to your assignment and your students' needs.
We offer sessions both in-person and online via Zoom. We ask that you request sessions as far in advance as possible, and a minimum of two weeks before your desired date. Instructors must attend instruction sessions along with their students.
To get started, please fill out the Library Instruction Request Form New Tab.
What We Do
Instruction sessions help students become information literate and provide customized, course-specific instruction. Here are a few of the concepts we routinely cover:
- Getting help from a librarian
- Choosing and refining a topic
- Identifying useful keywords / search terms
- Finding books and ebooks in the library catalog
- Finding articles in subscription databases, including scholarly journals
- Evaluating the credibility of sources
- Citing sources properly
- Submit your instruction session request at least two weeks in advance
- Schedule the session when your students are actively working on a research project or paper
- Share a copy of the assignment and your expectations for the session with the librarian beforehand
- Attend the session along with your class and participate as appropriate
We look forward to working with you and your students!
A TUJ librarian can create a customized Research Guide for your class’s specific research topics. These guides are curated collections of books, articles, databases, videos and other resources - tailored to your discipline.
See current TUJ Library Guides New Tab
See Philadelphia campus Library Guides New Tab
Contact us at tujlib@temple.libanswers.com for more information about creating a TUJ research guide for your course(s).
Introduction to Sources New Tab
Research Process New Tab
Database Basics New Tab
Citations Overview New Tab
Citing with APA Basics New Tab
How to: Embed the interactive tutorials in you Canvas course New Tab
Items are on Course Reserve (located behind the library’s circulation desk) if the library has been notified by a faculty member. Students can photocopy or scan pages they need, from textbooks, staying within copyright limits.
- Submit a Course Reserves Request New Tab
- Visit the Circulation Desk in person during open hours New Tab
Due to copyright, we do not accept photocopied materials to be placed in Course Reserves, except for practice tests and scripts.
For TUJ faculty only, it is possible to request partial digitization of physical books or journals. If there is an article or chapter that you would like to post in Canvas for your students to read, but it is not available electronically through any of Temple University's subscriptions, you may submit a request for library staff to scan the material for you if we have a physical copy available.
Requests must include identifying information for the specific portion of the book or journal that you need. We are unable to provide scans of entire works.
To place a request for digitization:
- 1. First search in the library catalog to locate the item you want to request.
- 2. From the search results page, click on the title to open the full catalog record.
- 3. If you are not already logged into your library account, you will see a prompt to sign in under the section header for "Find in Library":
- 4. After signing in, if you are a faculty member and if the item is eligible for digitization requests, you will see an option for "Request a scan of an article of book chapter".
- 5. If the item status is not "Available", you will not be able to request digitization.
- 6. Clicking on the request link will open a pop-up window with a digitization request form. Please provide as much detail as possible about the portion of the item you need.
Scanned material will be delivered to you as a PDF file, generally within a few days.
If you would like to recommend that the library purchase an item, please send a request via our Suggest a Purchase Form New Tab.
As experts in your field, we strongly encourage faculty participation in selection of library materials!
We always try our best to get what you need when you need it. Note that we won't purchase items that we already own but are currently checked out. We also can't guarantee that all items will be purchased, nor can we guarantee how long it will take for new items to arrive.
We can also obtain items via Interlibrary Loan from other higher-education institutions located in Japan. Please send a request to the library using the InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Form New Tab.
The library provides access to a broad range of e-books and e-textbooks that you can freely use for your courses. You can also access online articles from the library databases to support your instruction. Either download the PDF, or share the link (URL) for the online article or ebook with your students. Just type your keywords in the search box at the top of the TUJ library home page.
Open Educational Resources (OER) New Tab are educational materials of high quality that can be accessed and utilized by anyone without any cost. These resources can consist of textbooks, multimedia, quizzes, games, course syllabi, and more. OER is distributed under open licenses, which enables individuals to modify, enhance, and share them to suit their specific requirements. Here is a short-list of OER resources:
- OpenStax New Tab: OpenStax is a publisher of OER textbooks. Their textbooks go through peer review and are updated routinely. They are available online, downloadable, or physical copies.
- LibreTexts New Tab: A large repository of OER texts that are hosted and reformatted for their site.
- University of MN: Open Textbooks New Tab: A large repository of OER textbooks, the University of MN also supports the Open Education Network to support institutions of higher education in publishing OER.
- LumenLearning New Tab: LumenLearning is another publisher of OER. These courses are hosted on their site, much like LibreTexts.
- Pressbooks Directory New Tab: Pressbooks is a publishing platform used by many institutions to create OER. This directory allows you to search for works published and made available via their platforms.
- Milne Open Textbooks (Open SUNY) New Tab: SUNY's own collection of published OER textbooks.
- BC Campus New Tab: A large repository of OER textbooks. Based in Canada - with crossover with the University of MN repository.
- Directory of Open Access Books New Tab: This repository includes open books from a range of publishers and topics.
Are you looking for full-length videos or video clips for your classes that are from reliable sources, and without advertisements? Temple has many resources for you from PBS documentaries, to broadway performances, to instructional clips. Two of the most popular services are Academic Video Online and Swank. See the full list of the Streaming Video databases New Tab available to you and your students.
When you find a video in a database, there's typically a permalink and/or embed code so you can share the video with your students.
- A "Permalink" (permanent link) -- or sometimes you may see "Record URL" -- is a link to the video that you can include on a Canvas page, announcement, assignment, etc New Tab. This is different from the URL found at the top of the browser.
- An "Embed Code" allows you to add the video so it's viewable directly on the Canvas page New Tab.
The permalink and embed codes are not found in the same place for all databases. Reach out to TUJ EdTech Help (edtechhelp@tuj.temple.edu) if you need help locating them for a video you've found or need help adding video to your Canvas course.
You will need your TU ID card with you in order to check out materials.
As a current TUJ employee, you can borrow up to 20 items at a time. Books are checked out to you for the entire semester. All library materials are due on the last day of the term.
If an item is lost or damaged, you are obligated to pay the replacement cost for the item.
The library cannot mail books to your place of residence.
You can get information about your library account, due dates, and borrowing privileges in any of the following ways:
- Call the Library Circulation Desk: 03-5441-9867
- Email us at tujlib@temple.libanswers.com
- Visit the Circulation Desk in person during open hours New Tab
- Go to your online library account New Tab
As a TUJ employee, you can check books out from the Showa University Library and Musashi University Library.
If an item is not available, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Send an e-mail to tujlib@temple.libanswers.edu with the details of the requested item. Contact us if you have additional questions about ILL.
TUJ faculty staff and students are eligible to check materials out from the following university partners:
Musashi University
This program allows TUJ students and faculty to use the Musashi University Library.
Please review the User's Guide for more information.
Showa Women's University (SWU)
This program allows TUJ students and faculty to use the Showa Women’s University Library. Please review the User's Guide for more information.
Contact us
- Location: 2F, 1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0004 (Access)
- Telephone: 03-5441-9867
- E-mail: tujlib@temple.libanswers.com