Areas of Expertise

Marketing & Strategic Management

Representative Publications

  1. Tajeddini, K., Gamage, T. Javad, T., Tajeddini, O., (2024). Exploring the effects of service innovation ambidexterity on service design in the tourism and hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 119, 103730.  (peer-reviewed).
  2. Tajeddini, K., Gamage, T. C., Tajeddini, O., & Kallmuenzer, A. (2023). How entrepreneurial bricolage drives sustained competitive advantage of tourism and hospitality SMEs: The mediating role of differentiation and risk management. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 111, 103480, . (peer-reviewed).
  3. Gamage, T. C., Tajeddini, K., Tajeddini, O. (2022). Why Chinese travelers use WeChat to make hotel choice decisions: A uses and gratifications theory perspective. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 32(2), 285-312. . (peer-reviewed).
  4. Tajdini, J., Tajeddini, O. (2018). Innovativeness and knowledge management in public sector enterprises. Middle East Journal of Management, 5(3), 271-295. .  (peer-reviewed).
  5. Tajeddini, O., & Tajdini, J., (2023). Corporate Entrepreneurship and Its Effect on Business Performance: Evidence from Digikala. In Global Trends in Technology Startup Project Development and Management: From Innovation to Startup Creation (pp. 119-126). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  6. Tajdini, J., & Tajeddini, O. (2023). Exploring the Effects of Instagram and Firm Website on Corporate Performance: A Case Study of Cosmetics Firm. In Global Trends in Technology Startup Project Development and Management: From Innovation to Startup Creation (pp. 143-153). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


  • PhD candidate in Digital Business and Innovation, Tokyo International University
  • DBA, Allameh Tabatabaei University