Areas of Expertise
Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics, Metroethnicity, Language and Identity, Semiotics, Languages of Japan, Multilingualism, Medical/Scientific Languages, Place-names (Toponymy).
As a professional linguist his working languages are: English (native), French, Japanese, Italian, Irish (spoken), Japanese Deaf Sign (Signed)
Teaching Interests
Sociolinguistics, Introduction to Linguistics
Sociolinguistics with particular reference to multilingualism in Japan, the minorities of Japan. He is currently working on
- the ‘language question’ in the national censuses in various countries of the world.
- a dictionary of place-names in Japan
- a critical translation of the poems of Kitahara Hakushu and Miki Rofu.
He has pioneered frameworks for the description of multilingualism in Japan. He also developed the concept of metroethnicity as a hybrid, portable, lifestyle ethnicity used for aesthetic effect. As well as producing academic articles and monographs, Dr. Maher regularly writes for The Japan Times, the Yomiuri Daily News and has appeared on NHK Educational TV and FM Japan (J-Wave). He is frequently quoted in the media such as The New York Times, ABC news and the BBC.
Representative Publications
- マーハ・ジョン、八代京子編著(1991)『日本のバイリンガリズム』東京、研究社。1991. Bilingualism in Japan]. with Kyoko Yashiro (Tokyo: Kenkyusha ).
- マーハ・ジョン、本名信行編著(1994)『新しい日本観世界観に向かって:言語と文化の多様性』東京、国際書院。 [Towards a New Order: Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Japan] with N. Honna. Tokyo; Kokusai Shoin.
- Diversity in Japanese Culture and Language Maher, J. and Macdonald, G. (Eds). (Kegan International, 1995)
- Multilingual Japan. Maher, J. and Yashiro, K. (Eds). (Multilingual Matters 1995)
- Introducing Chomsky. Illustrated by Judy Groves. (Cambridge: Icon Books 1997)
- Literacy for Dialogue in Multilingual Societies (Co-ed with B. Jelisava, C. Duval) (Linguapax Asia/Sun Process, Tokyo, 2012.)
- マーハ・ジョン、ジュディ・グローヴス(2004)『チョムスキー入門』東京:明石書店
- Languages in Danger and Language Networks. T. Katsuragi and J. Maher (Eds). (Tokyo: Sangensha. 2017)
- Multilingualism: a Very Short Introduction. (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2017)
- Metroethnicity, Naming and Mocknolect: New Horizons in Sociolinguistics . John Benjamins Publishing Company . 2021.
- John C. Maher, ed. (25 April 2022). Language Communities in Japan . Oxford University Press .
- The World of Coronaspeak: Mocknolect, PCR and Surgeon's Finger. Cambridge Scholars, 2023.
Journal and Book chapter articles
Dr. Maher has published over 200 articles in journals, books, and encyclopaedia. Here is a selection of articles.
- Maher, J. C. (2005). "Metroethnicity, Language, and the Principle of Cool'". International Journal of the Sociology of Language (175/176): 83–102.
- Maher, John. 'Metroethnicities and Metrolanguages,' The Handbook of Language and Globalization. Wiley-blackwell. pp. 575–591.
- 手話言語とは - On Sign Language. 関西学院大学手話研究センター報告書Kwansei Gakuin University Sign Language Research Centre Report. 2020, pp.80-87.
- Diglossia. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Multilingualism: the fundamentals. In S. Montanari and S. Quay (Eds). de Gruyter. 2019: 103-122.
- From Dante to Fishman: migration in sociolinguistics and in the language situation of Ireland . Asian and African Languages and Linguistics 14, pp. 3-12 .
- Metroethnicity: from standardized identities to language aesthetics. Routledge Handbook of Japanese Sociolinguistics. In P. Heinrich and Y. Ohara (Eds). 2019: 129-142.
- Origin Myths of Language Diversity and Multilingualism:
Reinterpreting the Tower of Babel In T. Katsuragi and J. Maher (Eds.) Languages in Danger and Language Networks. Sangensha. 2017: 74-101. - Multilingualism in the Chinese Community in Japan
In Li Wei (Ed.) Multilingualism in the Chinese Diaspora Worldwide. New York-London: Routledge, 2016: 161-176. - Reversing Language Shift and Revitalization: Ainu and the Celtic Languages社会言語科学 第17巻第1号 2014年9月 1‒16. The Japanese Journal of Language in Society Vol. 17, No. 1, September 2014, pp. 1‒16
- Metroethnicity and the Principle of Cool. International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 175/176 (2005), pp. 83–102
- Language and Society in Children's Nursery Rhymes. Educational Studies, Vol. 44, 189-202, 2004
- Nicknames, Identity and Social Management, Educational Studies, Vol. 53, 189-202, 2011
- A Brief History of Pidgins and Creoles in Japan, Educational Studies, Vol. 46, 173-186, 2006
- Literacy in Multilingual Societies, Literacy in Multilingual Societies. Proceedings of the Linguapax Symposium, 92-101, 2011
- PhD Linguistics, University of Edinburgh
- MA Linguistics, University of Michigan
- PGCE Education, University of London
- MTh Philosophical Theology, University of London
- BA (Hons.) Philosophy, University of London
Previous Academic Appointments
- International Christian University, Professor 1990-2021
- University of Tokyo, Part-Time Lecturer (2021, 2022), Waseda University, Part-Time Lecturer 2020)
- Senior Academic Member at St Antony's College, Oxford (2008, 2013)
- De La Salle University, Manila, Visiting Professor (2000, 2001, 2002)
- University of Edinburgh, Lecturer (1986-1989)
- University of Michigan, Teaching Assistant (1981-1982)
- University of Shimane, Lecturer (1978-81)
Professional Associations
- Japan Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (JASS)
- Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages (TAFIL)