As we approach the end of the summer semester, we are already preparing for the reopening of TUJ in the fall.
Recently, the daily number of cases in Tokyo has been close to 300. However, we are still planning to fully reopen campus facilities in the fall, although with prevention measures that are more cautious than those requested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and/or MEXT. Please be aware that we may have to adjust our opening plans for the fall if the situation in Tokyo or at TUJ changes.
Approximately 25% of undergraduate classes will be held in the classroom. Therefore, we expect to have approximately 300-400 students in the building at any given time during the day. Further,
Law will have a restricted on-campus scenario for the fall semester.
AEP and Bridge will have a combination of online and in-class.
TESOL will have all fall classes in-class.
Masters in Management will offer in-class sessions but it is possible that some courses will be taught online
We will return to normal operating hours and in general all student facing offices will be open, although may not be fully staffed. We will be working with senior staff to determine exactly which offices should open and which can be staffed remotely. Staff not working on-campus will continue to work remotely.
Where we cannot create adequate spacing between work areas, Plexiglas barriers will be installed.
Plastic sheeting (as we have now) will be used at all reception areas.
Furniture in open areas such as the cafeteria and Shimada Parliament will be reduced and adequately spaced.
“Unessential” activities like ICAS events, and use of the Art Gallery, will again be considered from the beginning of the fall semester.
We will have the same procedures in place for entering the building as we have over the summer:
- Temperature check
- Hand sanitizer station
- Employee and Student ID scan
- Masks or other face coverings are compulsory when on campus, including outside areas.
While we will be following up on further details for the fall opening, there is one thing that I want to make clear, and will continue to make clear. Your health and safety and that of everyone in the TUJ Community and the broader Tokyo community, is the number one priority for all of us. TUJ’s ability to continue in-class teaching and other on campus operations depends upon each individual doing all they can to mitigate the risks posed by COVID-19.
Please note that we are unlikely to close the building if there is an individual with a confirmed COVID19 case who has been in the building, but plan to do intensive cleaning and contract tracing. However, if a cluster of individuals who have COVID19 symptoms is reported, we are likely to close the building both for intensive disinfection and cleaning and to reduce the risk of further spread.
Please go to the TU Portal – Return to Campus tab for details concerning the following protocols:
- Masks or Cloth Face Coverings
- Student Safety
- Employee Safety
- Attendance and Engagement
- Cleaning and Disinfection
- Building Safety
- Visitor Safety
I want to thank you all for everything you have done during this truly trying experience. It has been a very long and difficult spring, but TUJ faculty and staff have done a great job in adjusting to online education and administrative support. I certainly hope that we will take a small first step to getting back to regular operations but we will continue to monitor the situation and if we need to make adjustments, we will. Please look for further updates in the next few weeks.
Once again, thank you all
Bruce Stronach