Areas of Expertise
Public Policy, Cognitive Psychology, Risk Management, Data Science, Entrepreneurship
Teaching Interests
Marvin is an interdisciplinary facilitator. He teaches courses ranging from political science and public policy to research methods and leadership. Marvin embraces technology and ideas that help students tailor their learning experience through collaborative project-based and self-inquiry courses.
Marvin is a theorist on ‘human stigmergy’. The so-called ‘stigmergy network’ theory aims to explain, and predict, how autonomous ‘digital traces’ are replicated by individuals with similar interests and how they scale algorithmically on digital platforms.
Representative Publications
- Starominski-Uehara, M. (2021). How structural mitigation shapes risk perception and affects decision-making. Disasters, 45(1), 46-66.
- Starominski-Uehara, M., & Keskitalo, E. C. H. (2016). How does natural Hazard insurance literature discuss the risks of climate change?. Journal of Insurance Regulation, 35(6).
- Starominski-Uehara, M. (2021). Heuristics and protective behavior for floods. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 12(4), 434-450.
- Starominski-Uehara, M. (2023). Perceptions over flood insurance in Australia. International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters, 41(2-3), 189-207.
- Starominski-Uehara, M. (2021). Strengthening community resilience through network building. International Journal of Emergency Management, 17(1), 30-46.
- Starominski-Uehara, M. (2021). Stigmergy Leadership: Indirect Digital Coordination for Social Change Based on Autonomous, Reproducible, and Scalable Individual Acts.
- Starominski-Uehara, M. (2020). Powering Social Media Footage: Simple Guide for the Most Vulnerable to Make Emergency Visible.
- University of Queensland: Brisbane, Queensland, AU
2014-01-01 to 2018-04-17 | PhD (Political Science & International Studies)
Education - University of Hawaii at Manoa: Honolulu, Hawaii, US
2011-08-01 to 2012-08-01 | Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Certificate (Urban and Regional Planning)
Qualification - University of Hawaii at Manoa: Honolulu, Hawaii, US
2010-08-01 to 2012-08-01 | Master's (Public Administration)
Qualification - East–West Center: Honolulu, Hawaii, US
2009-08-01 to 2010-05-01 | Fellow (Asia Pacific Leadership Program)
Qualification - University of São Paulo: São Paulo, BR
1998-01-01 to 2002-01-01 (Escola de Comunicação e Artes)
Previous Appointments
- Singapore University of Social Sciences: Singapore, SG
2020-03-01 to 2020-12-01 | Chair of Introduction to Disaster Risk and Resilience (School of Humanities of Behavioural Sciences) - Sam Houston State University: Huntsville, TX, US
2018-09-01 to 2019-09-01 | Teaching Fellow (Political Science)
Employment - University of Queensland: Brisbane, Queensland, AU
2014-01-01 to 2018-04-17 | Tutor (School of Political Science & International Studies)
Employment - Umeå Universitet: Umea, SE
2013-01-01 to 2013-12-01 | Research Assistant (Geography)
Employment - University of Hawaii at Manoa: Honolulu, Hawaii, US
2010-01-01 to 2012-01-01 | Project Assistant (Office of Multicultural Student Services)
Professional Associations
Webpage: Marvin Starominski-Uehara's Bio