Please note that there is no physical bookstore at TUJ.

The posted textbook list contains the most current information as of this date. We will be updating the list as new classes are added or if more information is provided by publishers.

Book stocks in Japan are limited, so please do not leave your purchases until the last minute.

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Last update: May 15, 2024

Summer 2024 Book List
CRNCourseCourse TitleBook TitleAmazonOther
12666Mathematics 702 (770)Intermediate AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12673English 701 (770)Intro to Acad DiscourseNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12675English 711 (811)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12677English 711 (750)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12679English 802 (811)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12680English 802 (812)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12681English 802 (813)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12682English 802 (750)Analytical Reading & WritingNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12683English 812 (811)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12684English 812 (770)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12685English 812 (771)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12688English 812 (750)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12689English 812 (772)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12690Korean 1001 (811)Korean Elements I재미있는 한국어 1 Workbook (Fun! Fun! Korean 1 Workbook) (2008) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection

Two books required for this course: Fun! Fun! Korean1 & Fun! Fun! Korean1 workbook
12690Korean 1001 (811)Korean Elements I재미있는 한국어1 (Fun! Fun! Korean1) (2008) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection

Two books required for this course: Fun! Fun! Korean1 & Fun! Fun! Korean1 workbook
12691Spanish 1001 (750)Basic IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12692Chinese 1001 (811)Chinese Elements INew Practical Chinese Reader Textbook 1 (Second Edition) Liu Xun. Beijing Language & Culture University Press,ChinaBuy on Amazon
12693Japanese 4002 (811)Japanese Advanced IV生きた素材で学ぶ 新・中級から上級への日本語 (first edition) Osamu Kamata, et.el.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12694Japanese 4001 (811)Japanese Advanced IIIAuthentic Japanese Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced 『新中級から上級への日本語』 (New Edition) Osamu Kamada et al. the Japan timesBuy on Amazon
12694Japanese 4001 (811)Japanese Advanced IIIAuthentic Japanese Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced 『新中級から上級への日本語』 (New Edition) Osamu Kamada et al. the Japan timesBuy on Amazon
12695Japanese 1001 (750)Japanese Elements IGenki I (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al. The Japan Times PublishingBuy on Amazon
12695Japanese 1001 (750)Japanese Elements IGenki I Workbook (3rd Edition) Eri Banno et al. The Japan Times PublishingBuy on Amazon
12696Japanese 1001 (811)Japanese Elements IGenki I (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al. The Japan Times PublishingBuy on Amazon
12696Japanese 1001 (811)Japanese Elements IGenki I Workbook (3rd Edition) Eri Banno et al. The Japan Times PublishingBuy on Amazon
12697Japanese 1001 (812)Japanese Elements IGenki I (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al. The Japan Times PublishingBuy on Amazon
12697Japanese 1001 (812)Japanese Elements IGenki I Workbook (3rd Edition) Eri Banno et al. The Japan Times PublishingBuy on Amazon
12698Japanese 1002 (750)Japanese Elements IIGenki Textbook Volume 1 ( 3rd edition) Banno Eri. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12698Japanese 1002 (750)Japanese Elements IIGenki Workbook Volume 1 (3rd edition) Banno Eri. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12699Japanese 1002 (811)Japanese Elements IIGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, Part I (Third Edition ) Banno, E. et al. The Japan Times Buy on Amazon
12699Japanese 1002 (811)Japanese Elements IIGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, Part I WORKBOOK (Third Edition ) Banno, E. et al. The Japan Times Buy on Amazon
12700Japanese 1002 (812)Japanese Elements IIGenki Textbook Volume 1 ( 3rd edition) Banno Eri. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12700Japanese 1002 (812)Japanese Elements IIGenki Workbook Volume 1 (3rd edition) Banno Eri. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12701Japanese 1003 (811)Oral Intensive Japanese I改訂版 聞く・考える・話す 留学生のための初級にほんご会話 (new edition) Mari Koike et al.. 3 A NetworkBuy on Amazon
12702Japanese 1301 (811)Kanji I(新版) BASIC KANJI BOOK ―基本漢字500― VOL.1(第2版) (新版 第2版) Kano, Chieko et.el.. BonjinshaBuy on Amazon
12702Japanese 1301 (811)Kanji Iどんどんつながる漢字練習帳 初級 (初版) 鈴木英子 et.el.. アルクBuy on Amazon
12703Japanese 2000 (811)Special Topics INo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12704Japanese 2301 (811)Kanji II(New Edition) BASIC KANJI BOOK Volume 2 (2nd edition) (of New edition) Kano, Chieko et al.. BonjinshaBuy on AmazonStudents are required to purchase the 2nd edition of the new edition version published in 2022.
12705Japanese 2701 (811)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI Ⅱ (3rd edition) Eri Banno et.el. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12705Japanese 2701 (811)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI Ⅱ Workbook (3rd edition) Eri Banno et.el. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12706Japanese 2701 (812)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI Ⅱ (3rd edition) Eri Banno et.el. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12706Japanese 2701 (812)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI Ⅱ Workbook (3rd edition) Eri Banno et.el. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12707Japanese 2701 (750)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI Ⅱ (3rd) Eri Banno el al.. the japan times PUBLISHINGBuy on Amazon
12707Japanese 2701 (750)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI Ⅱ WORKBOOK (3rd) Eri Banno et al.. the japan times PUBLISHINGBuy on Amazon
12708Japanese 2702 (811)Intermediate II - TUJGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Workbook, PartⅡ (Third Edition) Banno, E. et al. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12708Japanese 2702 (811)Intermediate II - TUJGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, PartⅡ (Third Edition) Banno, E. et al. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12709Japanese 2702 (812)Intermediate II - TUJGenki II (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12709Japanese 2702 (812)Intermediate II - TUJGenki II Workbook (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12710Japanese 2702 (750)Intermediate II - TUJThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12711Japanese 2003 (811)Oral Intensive Japanese II日本語生中継―聞いて覚える話し方 (初中級編2) (1st edition) ボイクマン 総子, 宮谷 敦美 et al. Kurosio publishersBuy on Amazon
12712Japanese 3000 (750)Spec Tops in Japanese IIntroducing Translation Studies (Fourth ) Jeremy Munday. RoutledgeBuy on Amazon
12713Japanese 3001 (811)Japanese Advanced IQuartet I Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills (First Edition) Tadashi Sakamoto et al . The Japan times Buy on Amazon
12713Japanese 3001 (811)Japanese Advanced IQuartet I Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills Workbook (First Edition) Sakamoto, Tadashi et al . The Japan timesBuy on Amazon
12714Japanese 3002 (811)Japanese Advanced II日本語カルテット ワークブック (First edition) Tadashi Sakamoto. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12714Japanese 3002 (811)Japanese Advanced II日本語カルテット1 (First edition) Tadashi Sakamoto. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
12715Japanese 3003 (811)Adv Japanese Writing大学生のための日本語表現トレーニング ドリル編 (1st) 安倍朋世/福嶋健伸/橋本修. 三省堂Buy on AmazonPurchase from Sanseido Dictionaries & Beyond
12716Japanese 3010 (811)Spec Tops in Japanese IIINTERMEDIATE KANJI BOOK VOL.1 改訂第3版 (改訂第3版) Kano, Chieko et.el. Bonjinsha Buy on Amazon
12717Art History 2660 (811)Topics in International CinemaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12718Art History 1103 (811)Intro to Methods and TheoriesThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12719Art History 2002 (750)History of Modern CraftsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12720Art History 2807 (750)East Meets WestNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12721Asian Studies 2807 (750)Art History East & WestNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12722Art History 3302 (750)Women and ArtThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12723Art History 2096 (811)Art History Writing IntensiveA Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present (4th) Andrew Gordon. Oxford University PressBuy on Amazon
12724Art History 2800 (811)Topics in Non-West ArtA Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present (4th) Andrew Gordon. Oxford University PressBuy on Amazon
12726Art History 2800 (812)Topics in Non-West ArtThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12727Art History 2815 (811)Pre-Modern Japanese ArtNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12728Asian Studies 2815 (811)Japanese ArtNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12729Art History 1155 (811)Arts of the World INo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12733Asian Studies 2098 (750)Japanese Popular Culture & LitThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12734Asian Studies 2098 (751)Japanese Popular Culture & LitThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12735Asian Studies 2196 (750)Writing in the CityThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12736History 3229 (750)Superpower AmericaNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12737Asian Studies 3541 (750)Japan TodayNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12738History 3541 (750)Japan TodayNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12739History 4697 (750)Modern Japan: Empire, War, SocNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12740Asian Studies 4696 (750)Mod Japan: Empire, War, SocNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12743Communication Social Influence 801 (750)Contemp Amer Social MovementsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12744Anthropology 2373 (750)Japanese CultureAn Introduction to Japanese Society (Fifth Edition) Sugimoto, Yoshio. Cambridge University PressBuy on Amazontwo textbooks required for this course
12744Anthropology 2373 (750)Japanese CultureUnderstanding Japanese Society (Fifth Edition) Hendry, Joy. RoutledgeBuy on Amazontwo textbooks required for this course
12745Asian Studies 2373 (750)Japanese CultureAn Introduction to Japanese Society (Fifth Edition) Sugimoto, Yoshio. Cambridge University PressBuy on Amazontwo textbooks required for this course
12745Asian Studies 2373 (750)Japanese CultureUnderstanding Japanese Society (Fifth Edition) Hendry, Joy. RoutledgeBuy on Amazontwo textbooks required for this course
12746Asian Studies 2074 (750)Geog/East & South AsiaDragons and Tigers: A Geography of South, East and Southeast Asia (3rd Edition) Weightman, Barbara A.. WileyBuy on Amazon
12747Geography and Urban Studies 2074 (750)South & East AsiaDragons and Tigers: A Geography of South, East and Southeast Asia (3rd Edition) Weightman, Barbara A.. WileyBuy on Amazon
12750Temple University Japan 1001 (750)TUJ Bridge Seminar 1No purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12751Temple University Japan 1001 (751)TUJ Bridge Seminar 1No purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12752Temple University Japan 1002 (750)Bridge Seminar 2No purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12757Physics 834 (750)Exploring the CosmosCosmic Perspective (The Pearson New International Edition 7th, Kindle Version) Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit. PearsonBuy on Amazon
12758English 855 (811)Why care about College?No purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12759Intellectual Heritage 851 (750)IH I: The Good LifeBeing Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, (kindle/ebook) Atul Gawande. AnyBuy on Amazon
12759Intellectual Heritage 851 (750)IH I: The Good LifeThe Three Theban Plays (ebook/paperback) Sophocles. Penguin ClassicsBuy on AmazonBuy the Kindle version here
12760Intellectual Heritage 851 (751)IH I: The Good LifeBeing Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (kindle/ebook) Atul Gawande. AnyBuy on Amazon
12760Intellectual Heritage 851 (751)IH I: The Good LifeThe Three Theban Plays (ebook/paperback) Sophocles. Penguin ClassicsBuy on AmazonBuy the Kindle version here
12765Computer & Information Science 835 (750)Cyberspace & SocietyNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12766Mathematics 702 (750)Intermediate AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12767Mathematics 1031 (750)Differential & Integral CalcNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12768Statistics 2103 (750)Statistical Business AnalyticsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12769Statistics 826 (750)Statistics in the NewsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12770Asian Studies 4096 (770)Seminar in Asian StudiesNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12771Political Science 2496 (811)Intro to Political PhiloNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12772Economics 3598 (811)Economic Writing SeminarNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12774Economics 3598 (750)Economic Writing SeminarNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12776Philosophy 839 (811)Philosophy of the HumanNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12779Intellectual Heritage 851 (811)IH I: The Good LifeThe Epic of Gilgamesh (1st trans.) Andrew George. Penguin ClassicsBuy on Amazon
12780Intellectual Heritage 851 (812)IH I: The Good LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12790Communication Social Influence 3701 (750)Intercultural CommunicationThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12791Journalism 1111 (750)Journalism and SocietyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12792Klein College Media Comm 1001 (750)Klein First-Year SeminarThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12793Media Studies & Production 1021 (811)Introduction to Media AnalysisNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12796Computer & Information Science 1057 (770)Computer Programming in CC How to Program (8th) Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel. PearsonBuy on Amazon
12797Computer & Information Science 2109 (770)Database Management SystemsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12798Computer & Information Science 1068 (770)Program Design & AbstractionIntroduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (11th) Daniel Liang. PearsonBuy on Amazon
12799Computer & Information Science 1051 (811)Intro Prob Solv & Prog-PythonNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12803Computer & Information Science 1166 (811)Math Concepts in Computing IDiscrete Mathematics and Its Applications (8th Edition) Kenneth H. Rosen. McGraw HillBuy on Amazon
12805Computer & Information Science 2168 (770)Data StructuresNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12806Computer & Information Science 3223 (811)Data Structures & AlgorithmsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12808Psychology 2301 (811)Developmental PsychologySee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.Buy on Amazon
12809Psychology 817 (811)Brain MattersNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12809Psychology 817 (811)Brain MattersNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12810Psychology 818 (811)Human SexualitySee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12812Psychology 1001 (812)Introduction to PsychologyPsychology 2e (2020) Spielman et al. OpenstaxAccess through Openstax
12813Psychology 1002 (750)Careers in PsychologyBuilding Your Career in Psychology (2022) Hammond & Brady-Amoon. RoutledgeAccess through TUJ Library
12814Psychology 1003 (811)Statistics for PsychologyIntroduction to Statistics in the Psychological Sciences (2021) Cote, Gordon, Randell, Schmitt & Guerra. University of Missouri-St. LouisAccess as a Open Library Textbook here
12815Psychology 1004 (750)Critical Thinking in PsychThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12816Psychology 1110 (750)Topics in Psych INo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12817Psychology 2101 (811)Cognitive PsychologySee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12818Psychology 2501 (811)Behavioral NeuroscienceNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12819Psychology 3096 (811)Conducting Psych ResearchPublication Manual of the American Psychological Association (seventh) American psychological Association . American Psychological AssociationBuy on Amazon
12820Psychology 3620 (811)Topics in PsychologySee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12821Psychology 3620 (752)Topics in PsychologyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12822Psychology 4696 (811)Capstone in PsychologyThe Psychology of Belief (1) Nancy S. Kim. Bloomsbury AcademicBuy on Amazon
12823Asian Studies 2502 (811)Intro to East Asia: JapanA History of Japan (Second Edition) Totman, Conrad. Wiley-BlackwellBuy on AmazonAccess through TUJ Library
12824History 2502 (811)Intro to East Asia: JapanA History of Japan (Second Edition) Totman, Conrad. Wiley-BlackwellBuy on AmazonAccess through TUJ Library
12825Geography and Urban Studies 831 (811)Global CitiesThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12826Asian Studies 3076 (811)Metropolitan TokyoThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12827Asian Studies 2351 (811)Japan/Changing Wld OrderThe State and Politics in Japan (Second Edition) Neary, Ian. PolityBuy on Amazon
12828Political Science 2351 (811)Japan/Changing World OrderThe State and Politics in Japan (Second Edition) Neary, Ian. PolityBuy on Amazon
12834Anthropology 2238 (811)Visual Anthro of Modern JapanNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12835Asian Studies 2238 (811)Visual Anthro of Mod JapanNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12838Political Science 1201 (811)Foreign GovernmentsComparative Government and Politics (12th) Rod Hague, Martin Harrop, and John McCormick. Bloomsbury USA AcademicBuy on AmazonThe 11th edition of the textbook works fine for the course. Hard copies of the textbook are available in course reserves for students.
12839Political Science 3241 (811)Mideast PoliticsAn Introduction to Middle East Politics (Second) Benjamin MacQueen. SageBuy on AmazonHard copies of the textbook will be available in course reserves.
12840Political Science 829 (811)Hist Signif Race in AmerNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12842Political Science 1301 (811)International PoliticsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12843Political Science 859 (811)Making Amer SocietyNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12844Political Science 862 (811)Development & GlobalizationThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12845Asian Studies 3030 (811)Special Topics IIINo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12846Political Science 4310 (811)Seminar International PoliticsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12849Asian Studies 3000 (811)Spec Topics Asian Studies IIThe Two Koreas: A Contemporary History (Third Edition) Oberdorfer, Don and Robert Carlin. Basic BooksBuy on AmazonBuy the Kindle version here
12850Political Science 3520 (811)Topics: Research PreparationThe Two Koreas: A Contemporary History (Third Edition) Oberdorfer, Don and Robert Carlin. Basic BooksBuy on AmazonBuy the Kindle version here
12851Theater 825 (811)The Art of ActingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12852Theater 825 (812)The Art of ActingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12855Legal Studies 803 (811)Afr Amer, Equality & LawThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12856Mathematics 701 (770)Basic Math for Today's WorldNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12857Mathematics 824 (750)Mathematical PatternsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12858Mathematics 1021 (771)College AlgebraThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12859Mathematics 1021 (770)College AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12859Mathematics 1021 (770)College AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12860Mathematics 1022 (770)PrecalculusSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12861Mathematics 1041 (750)Calculus ISee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12862Statistics 2103 (770)Statistical Business AnalyticsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12863Mathematics 1031 (811)Differential & Integral CalcNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12866Economics 1001 (770)Introduction to EconomyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12867Economics 1103 (771)Global EconomicsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12868Economics 3597 (770)Health EconomicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately
12869Economics 3596 (750)Energy, Ecology & EconomyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12870Economics 1102 (752)Microeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12871Economics 1101 (750)Macroeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12872Economics 3512 (811)Public FinanceSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12873Economics 3564 (811)Intern'l Monetary EconInternational Finance: Theory and Policy (12th) Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz . Pearson Education LimitedBuy on Amazon
12874Economics 1101 (811)Macroeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12875Economics 3502 (811)Intermed Macroecon AnalysisMacroeconomics (8th) Blanchard. Pearson Kirihara K.K.
12876Economics 3502 (750)Intermed Macroecon AnalysisMacroeconomics (8th) Blanchard. Pearson Kirihara K.K.
12877Economics 1102 (811)Microeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12878Economics 1102 (750)Microeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12880Economics 3501 (811)Intermed Microecon AnalysisSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12881Economics 3501 (750)Intermed Microecon AnalysisSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12882Economics 858 (811)The American EconomyThe American Economy How it Works and How it Doesn't (1st) Robert B. Carson, Wade L. Thomas. RoutledgePurchase from Routledge

Students should purchase the ebook version
12883Economics 858 (750)The American EconomyThe American Economy How it Works and How it Doesn't (1st) Robert B. Carson, Wade L. Thomas. RoutledgePurchase from Routledge

Students should purchase the ebook version
12887Economics 3408 (750)Economics for LifeSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12890Education 806 (811)It's Bigger Than Hip-hopThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12891History 832 (750)Politics of IdentityThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12892History 832 (751)Politics of IdentityThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12893Spanish 826 (811)Bilingual CommunitiesNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12894Advertising 853 (750)Advert & GlobalizationThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12896History 865 (811)The Global CrisisThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12897Geography and Urban Studies 821 (812)Digital MappingNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12898Management Information Systems 855 (811)Data ScienceNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12899Chemistry 838 (811)Nature Has No ReverseNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12900Biology 848 (811)DNA: Friend or FoeNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12901Physics 834 (751)Exploring the CosmosCosmic Perspective (The Pearson New International Edition 7th, Kindle Version) Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit. PearsonBuy on Amazon
12903Legal Studies 856 (811)Law & American SocietyNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12904Political Science 2321 (811)Polit of the Global EconGlobal Political Economy, Evolution and Dynamics (6th Edition) Robert O’Brien and Marc Williams. Bloomsbury Publishing
12905Risk Management and Insurance 2501 (750)Personal Financial PlanningThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12906Asian Studies 2511 (811)Intro to Asian BusinessEntrepreneurship, Michael Laverty, Chris Littel. OpenStax, Rice UniversityAccess through Openstax
12907Asian Studies 2511 (750)Intro to Asian BusinessThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12908Marketing 2101 (811)Marketing ManagementPrinciples of Marketing, MARIA GOMEZ ALBRECHT, MARK GREEN, LINDA HOFFMAN. OpenStax, Rice UniversityAccess through Openstax
12909Marketing 2101 (812)Marketing ManagementPrinciples of Marketing (Global Edition) Kotler, Armstrong & Balasubramnian. Pearson Education Limited; 19th edition (April 26, 2023)Buy on Amazon
12913Accounting 2101 (811)Financial AccountingNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12914Accounting 2101 (812)Financial AccountingPurchase of alternate instructional materials required (See instructor for details)
12915Accounting 2102 (811)Managerial AccountingNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12916English 2007 (750)Writing for Business/IndustryBulletproof Problem Solving: The One Skill That Changes Everything (2019) Charles Conn, Robert McLean. WileyBuy on Amazon
12916English 2007 (750)Writing for Business/IndustryDesigning Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life (2019) Bill Burnett & Dave Evans. Alfred A. Knopf.Buy on Amazon
12917English 2007 (812)Writing for Business/IndustryThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12919TUJ International Bus Studies 3101 (812)Introduction to Global FinancePurchase of alternate instructional materials required (See instructor for details)
12921TUJ International Bus Studies 4596 (811)Interntl Business CapstoneThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12922TUJ International Bus Studies 3501 (811)Global MarketingInternational Marketing (2nd Edition, English Edition) Baack et al. SAGE Publications LtdBuy on Amazon
12923TUJ International Bus Studies 4197 (811)Global Business OverviewNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12924Human Resource Management 1101 (750)Leadership & Organ ManagementGive and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. (2014 Paperback) Adam Grant. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.Buy on Amazon
12925Economics 3538 (811)Managerial EconomicsSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
12926College of Liberal Arts 1002 (811)Prof Dev for Liberal ArtsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12927College of Liberal Arts 2020 (811)Spec Topics Lib Arts IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12928College of Liberal Arts 2030 (811)Spec Topics Lib Arts IIINo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12929Media Studies & Production 2751 (811)Audio for MediaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12930Media Studies & Production 3701 (811)Genres of Media ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12931Media Studies & Production 1701 (812)Intro to Media ProductionNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12932Journalism 3708 (811)Newsroom ManagementThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12935Journalism 2396 (812)Magazine Article WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12936Media Studies & Production 3196 (811)Writing WorkshopThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12937Communication Studies 1111 (811)Communication and Public LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12938Communication Studies 2111 (811)Communications SeminarThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12939Journalism 2101 (811)Journalism ResearchThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12940Media Studies & Production 4796 (811)Creative ScriptwritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
12944Physical Activity 1002 (811)Cardiovascular FitnessNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12945Physical Activity 1013 (811)Introduction to YogaNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12947Temple University Japan 1002 (751)Bridge Seminar 2No purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
12960Art (Japan Campus) 1501 (811)2D DesignNo purchase required for this course.
12961Art (Japan Campus) 1501 (812)2D DesignNo purchase required for this course.
12963Art (Japan Campus) 1201 (811)3-D DesignNo purchase required for this course.
12964Art (Japan Campus) 1201 (812)3-D DesignNo purchase required for this course.
12966Art (Japan Campus) 1401 (811)Drawing INo purchase required for this course.
12972Art (Japan Campus) 2301 (811)Relief PrintmakingNo purchase required for this course.
12973Art (Japan Campus) 2351 (811)Artist Books/Zines/Ind. Pub.No purchase required for this course.
12976Art (Japan Campus) 1402 (812)Drawing IINo purchase required for this course.
12977Art (Japan Campus) 2102 (811)PaintingNo purchase required for this course.
12978Art (Japan Campus) 2102 (812)PaintingNo purchase required for this course.
12979Art (Japan Campus) 2811 (811)Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase required for this course.
12981Art (Japan Campus) 2811 (812)Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase required for this course.
12983Art (Japan Campus) 2812 (811)Intmd Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase required for this course.
12984Art (Japan Campus) 4796 (811)Art SeminarNo purchase required for this course.
12985Art (Japan Campus) 2602 (811)Intermed Computer ImagingNo purchase required for this course.
12986Art (Japan Campus) 3603 (811)Adv Computer ImagingNo purchase required for this course.
12987Art (Japan Campus) 4649 (811)Computer Imag PortfolioNo purchase required for this course.
12995Art (Japan Campus) 3103 (811)Advanced PaintingNo purchase required for this course.
12996Art (Japan Campus) 4149 (811)Painting PortfolioNo purchase required for this course.
12997Art (Japan Campus) 3813 (811)Adv Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase required for this course.
12998Art (Japan Campus) 4849 (811)Art Photo PortfolioNo purchase required for this course.
13000Art (Japan Campus) 2202 (811)Intermediate 3-DNo purchase required for this course.
13001Art (Japan Campus) 3203 (811)Advanced 3-DNo purchase required for this course.
13002Art (Japan Campus) 4249 (811)3-D PortfolioNo purchase required for this course.
13004Art (Japan Campus) 2402 (811)Intermediate DrawingNo purchase required for this course.
13005Art (Japan Campus) 3403 (811)Advanced DrawingNo purchase required for this course.
13006Art (Japan Campus) 4449 (811)Drawing PortfolioNo purchase required for this course.
13007Art (Japan Campus) 4148 (811)Painting WorkshopNo purchase required for this course.
13008Art (Japan Campus) 4248 (811)3-D WorkshopNo purchase required for this course.
13009Art (Japan Campus) 4348 (811)Printmaking WorkshopNo purchase required for this course.
13010Art (Japan Campus) 4448 (811)Drawing WorkshopNo purchase required for this course.
13011Art (Japan Campus) 4648 (811)Computer Imaging WorkshopNo purchase required for this course.
13012Art (Japan Campus) 4848 (811)Art Photo WorkshopNo purchase required for this course.
13162Intellectual Heritage 852 (816)IH II: The Common GoodNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13163Intellectual Heritage 852 (817)IH II: The Common GoodNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13164English 701 (750)Intro to Acad DiscourseNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13165English 812 (751)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13200Political Science 2231 (811)Comp Pol Systems Lat AmLatin American Politics and Development (10th) Harvey Kline and Christine Wade. RoutledgeBuy on AmazonAccess through TUJ Library
13201History 2217 (811)Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War: A Concise International History (1st) Mark Atwood Lawrence. OxfordBuy on AmazonAccess through TUJ Library
13202American Studies 2217 (811)The Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War: A Concise International History (1st) Mark Atwood Lawrence. OxfordBuy on AmazonAccess through TUJ Library
13203Asian Studies 2217 (811)The Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War: A Concise International History (1st) Mark Atwood Lawrence. OxfordBuy on AmazonAccess through TUJ Library
13204Environmental Studies (CLA) 842 (750)Sustainable EnvironmentsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13207French 1001 (811)Intro to French INo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13209Music Studies 1763 (750)American Popular MusicNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13223Asian Studies 2000 (771)Spec Topics Asian Studies IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13224Sociology 2130 (770)Selected Topics in SocThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13226Journalism 3505 (811)Experimental JournalismThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13235University Seminar 1003 (813)Acad Bridge Internat StdBoundless (original edition or Kindle ) Ismee Williams and Rebecca Balcarcel. Inkyard PressBuy on AmazonStudents may choose to buy the hardcover or Kindle version of the book. There doesn't seem to be a paperback version.
13253Media Studies & Production 2701 (811)Intermediate Video ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13255Communication Social Influence 3701 (811)Intercultural CommunicationThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13262Economics 2408 (811)Economics of Everyday ChoicesPurchase of alternate instructional materials required (See instructor for details)
13278Media Studies & Production 2701 (812)Intermediate Video ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13280English 826 (812)Creative ActsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13293Dance 1807 (750)Hatha YogaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13309Sport + Recreation Management 3234 (811)Esports Legal and EthicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13318Asian Studies 2112 (811)Chinese LiteratureNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13319Chinese 2112 (811)Chinese LiteratureNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13344Chemistry 821 (750)Chemistry of WineNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13359Economics 3582 (811)Independent StudyNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13364Art (Japan Campus) 1101 (811)Painting for Non-MajorsNo purchase required for this course.
13365Asian Studies 3082 (811)Independent StudyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13369Human Resource Management 1101 (812)Leadership & Organ ManagementEssentials of Organizational Behavior (15) Stephen Robbins & Timothy Judge. PearsonBuy on Amazon
13370Media Studies & Production 4182 (811)Independent StudyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13384Psychology 3785 (811)Psychology InternshipThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13386Japanese 4182 (811)Japanese Independent Study IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13388Psychology 3791 (811)Collaborative Research INo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13394Economics 3581 (811)Coop Exp in EconomicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13395Economics 3582 (813)Independent StudyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13397Psychology 3891 (811)Collaborative Research IINo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13401Economics 3581 (812)Coop Exp in EconomicsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13404Political Science 4185 (811)Internship INo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13416English 711 (770)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13429Japanese 4182 (812)Japanese Independent Study INo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13432Communication Studies 3185 (811)Comm Studies InternshipThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13443Media Studies & Production 3701 (812)Genres of Media ProductionNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13444Psychology 3791 (813)Collaborative Research INo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13447Political Science 4185 (813)Internship IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13448Psychology 3791 (812)Collaborative Research IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13453College of Liberal Arts 3085 (811)Corp Interdis InternshipThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13460Psychology 3785 (812)Psychology InternshipThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13462Asian Studies 3082 (812)Independent StudyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13463Psychology 3791 (814)Collaborative Research IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13464Psychology 3791 (815)Collaborative Research IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13466Political Science 4285 (811)Internship IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13531English 701 (813)Intro to Acad DiscourseThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13535English 711 (771)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13536English 711 (772)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13537English 711 (812)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13538English 711 (752)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13539English 812 (752)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13540English 812 (753)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13541English 812 (754)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13542English 812 (816)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13553Political Science 1101 (811)American Pol SystemThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13556Political Science 2503 (811)Evidence and KnowledgeNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13557Political Science 3265 (750)Int'l Environmental PolicyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13558Anthropology 2310 (770)Topics in Cultural AnthroThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13559Asian Studies 2000 (770)Spec Topics Asian Studies IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13560Asian Studies 2015 (811)Tokyo in Lit and FilmConvenience Store Woman (Paperback and Kindle) Murata, Sayaka. GrantaBuy on Amazon
13560Asian Studies 2015 (811)Tokyo in Lit and FilmTokyo Ueno Station (Paperback and Kindle) Yu, Miri. Tilted Axel PressBuy on Amazon
13560Asian Studies 2015 (811)Tokyo in Lit and FilmUnderground (Paperback and Kindle) Murakami, Haruki. VintageBuy on Amazon
13561Asian Studies 2111 (811)Japanese LiteratureNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13562Asian Studies 2196 (811)Writing in the CityThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13563Asian Studies 3030 (812)Special Topics IIINo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13564Communication Social Influence 1401 (750)Conflict & Comm BehaviorThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13565English 2003 (811)Introductory Poetry WorkshopNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13566English 3003 (811)Intermediate Poetry WorkshopNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13567History 1702 (811)Mod History Since 1500The instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13568Japanese 2015 (811)Tokyo in Lit and FilmConvenience Store Woman (Paperback and Kindle) Murata, Sayaka. GrantaBuy on Amazon
13568Japanese 2015 (811)Tokyo in Lit and FilmTokyo Ueno Station (Paperback and Kindle) Yu, Miri. Tilted Axel PressBuy on Amazon
13568Japanese 2015 (811)Tokyo in Lit and FilmUnderground (Paperback and Kindle) Murakami, Haruki. VintageBuy on Amazon
13569Japanese 2111 (811)Japanese LiteratureNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13580College of Liberal Arts 1002 (750)Prof Dev for Liberal ArtsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13581College of Liberal Arts 1002 (812)Prof Dev for Liberal ArtsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13582College of Liberal Arts 2030 (812)Spec Topics Lib Arts IIINo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13583TUJ International Bus Studies 4596 (770)Interntl Business CapstoneNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13584Mathematics 1022 (750)PrecalculusSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
13585Mathematics 1041 (771)Calculus ISee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
13587Intellectual Heritage 851 (752)IH I: The Good LifeBeing Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (kindle/ebook) Atul Gawande. AnyBuy on Amazon
13587Intellectual Heritage 851 (752)IH I: The Good LifeThe Three Theban Plays (ebook/paperback) Sophocles. Penguin ClassicsBuy on AmazonBuy the Kindle version here
13588Intellectual Heritage 851 (814)IH I: The Good LifeNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13590Intellectual Heritage 851 (816)IH I: The Good LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13592Intellectual Heritage 852 (811)IH II: The Common GoodThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13593Intellectual Heritage 852 (750)IH II: The Common GoodNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13594Intellectual Heritage 852 (751)IH II: The Common GoodNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13595Intellectual Heritage 852 (752)IH II: The Common GoodNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13596Intellectual Heritage 852 (812)IH II: The Common GoodThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13601Psychology 1003 (812)Statistics for PsychologyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13602Psychology 1001 (811)Introduction to PsychologyPsychology (2nd) Spielman, Jenkins, Lovett. OpenStaxAccess through Openstax
13603Psychology 2103 (811)Learning & Behavior AnalysisPrinciples of Behavior (8th Ed.) Richard W. Malott, and Kelly T. Kohler. RoutledgeSee instructor for a discount code to purchase the textbook.
13604Psychology 3151 (750)Behavior-Direct ApplicationsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13605Psychology 3002 (811)Evolutionary & ComparativeEvolutionary Psychology The New Science of the Mind (6th) David M. Buss. Routledge Taylor&Francis GroupPurchase from Routledge
13606Psychology 3221 (811)Clinical PsychologyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13608Klein College Media Comm 1002 (750)Intro to Professional DevThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13609Computer & Information Science 3207 (811)Intro Systems Prog & Oper SysNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13610Computer & Information Science 2033 (811)Computational Prob & StatThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13611Computer & Information Science 835 (811)Cyberspace & SocietyNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13611Computer & Information Science 835 (811)Cyberspace & SocietyNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13612Computer & Information Science 2166 (811)Math Concepts in Computing IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13727English 701 (812)Intro to Acad DiscourseNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13728English 802 (814)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13729Computer & Information Science 2107 (811)Comp Sys & Low-Level ProgramNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13730Journalism 1111 (811)Journalism and SocietyNo textbook purchase required for this course
13731Journalism 3575 (811)Podcasting & Audio JournalismNo textbook purchase required for this course
13755Japanese 1002 (813)Japanese Elements IIGenki Textbook Volume 1 ( 3rd edition) Banno Eri. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
13755Japanese 1002 (813)Japanese Elements IIGenki Workbook Volume 1 (3rd edition) Banno Eri. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
13756Japanese 2522 (811)Basic Writing in Japaneseみんなの日本語初級 第2版 やさしい作文 (2nd) 門脇他. スリーエーネットワークBuy on Amazon
13758Korean 1002 (750)Korean Elements II재미있는 한국어 1 (Fun! Fun! Korean 1) (2008) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection

Two books required for this course: Fun! Fun! Korean1 & Fun! Fun! Korean1 workbook
13758Korean 1002 (750)Korean Elements II재미있는 한국어 1 Workbook (Fun! Fun! Korean 1 Workbook) (2008) Korea University. Kyobo BooPurchase from Seoul Selection

Two books required for this course: Fun! Fun! Korean1 & Fun! Fun! Korean1 workbook
13760Economics 1102 (813)Microeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
13761Economics 1102 (751)Microeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
13762Economics 3547 (750)Econ of Dev & GrowthEconomic Development (13th edition ) Michael Todaro and Stephen Smith. ‎ PearsonBuy on Amazon
13763Economics 1103 (770)Global EconomicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13764Economics 3571 (811)Money and BankingThe Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (13th) Frederic S Mishkin. PearsonPurchase from Pearson

Students should buy the monthly subscription for 3 months
13765Economics 3571 (750)Money and BankingThe Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (13th) Frederic S Mishkin. PearsonPurchase from Pearson

Students should buy the monthly subscription for 3 months
13787Theater 842 (750)Race on the StageThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13788Media Studies & Production 3705 (811)Sound for Visual MediaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13789Journalism 3403 (811)Documentary PhotographyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13790Media Studies & Production 1701 (811)Intro to Media ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13793Asian Studies 2098 (811)Japanese Popular Culture & LitThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13794History 2505 (750)East Asian Environmental HistThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13795Economics 3538 (812)Managerial EconomicsSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
13796TUJ International Bus Studies 4197 (750)Global Business OverviewNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13797Tourism Hospitality Management 1311 (811)Bus. of Tourism & HospitalityNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13798Tourism Hospitality Management 2312 (811)Tourism and Hospitality SalesNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13799Tourism Hospitality Management 3324 (811)Hospitality OperationsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13800Sport Tourism Hospitality Mgt 1113 (770)Found of Experience Dsgn & MgtThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13801Tourism Hospitality Management 877 (770)CQ in a Global WorldThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13802Tourism Hospitality Management 3321 (770)Tourism Planning and DevThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13803Art (Japan Campus) 1401 (812)Drawing INo purchase required for this course.
13804Art (Japan Campus) 1201 (750)3-D DesignNo purchase required for this course.
13805Art (Japan Campus) 2351 (812)Artist Books/Zines/Ind. Pub.No purchase required for this course.
13806Art (Japan Campus) 2400 (750)Special TopicsNo purchase required for this course.
13807Art (Japan Campus) 2601 (811)Computer ImagingNo purchase required for this course.
13808Art (Japan Campus) 2601 (812)Computer ImagingNo purchase required for this course.
13809Art (Japan Campus) 2835 (811)Art Photo/Moving ImageNo purchase required for this course.
13811Economics 3548 (811)Behavioral EconomicsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13812Economics 3546 (750)Women in the EconomyWomen and the Economy: Family, Work and Pay (4th edition) Saul D. Hoffman and Susan L. Averett. Red Globe PressBuy on Amazon
13815Intellectual Heritage 852 (753)IH II: The Common GoodNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13816Chemistry 821 (751)Chemistry of WineThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13819Film and Media Arts 843 (811)Race/Ethnicity Cinematic ArtsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13820Environmental Studies (CLA) 842 (811)Sustainable EnvironmentsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13821Philosophy 2172 (811)Hist of Philos-ModernNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13822Philosophy 847 (811)The Meaning of the ArtsNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13823English 826 (751)Creative ActsThe Ballad of Black Tom (Paperback) Victor Lavalle. TorBuy on Amazon
13824Economics 3503 (811)Intro to EconometricsSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions.
13881University Seminar 1003 (750)Acad Bridge Internat StdPurchase of alternate instructional materials required (See instructor for details)
13881University Seminar 1003 (750)Acad Bridge Internat StdStay True (Kindle or paperback is fine ) Hua Hsu. DoubledayBuy on Amazon
13884Media Studies & Production 2421 (811)Media Popular CultureThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13885Physics 847 (750)How Things Work: Phys of LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13892Dance 1807 (751)Hatha YogaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13897Music Studies 812 (811)Exploring MusicNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13908Japanese 1001 (813)Japanese Elements IGenki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese (3rd edition) Eri Banno, et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
13908Japanese 1001 (813)Japanese Elements IGenki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese [Workbook] (3rd edition) Eri Banno, et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
13909Art History 3082 (811)Independent StudyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13910Media Studies & Production 821 (750)The Future of Your TVNo purchase required for this course (all course materials will be provided by the instructor)
13924Physical Activity 1004 (811)Walking/Jogging/RunningThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13927Intellectual Heritage 851 (753)IH I: The Good LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13928Dance 1807 (752)Hatha YogaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13929Asian Studies 2000 (750)Spec Topics Asian Studies IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13941Art History 3082 (770)Independent StudyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13966Political Science 4185 (812)Internship IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13970Asian Studies 2373 (811)Japanese CultureThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.
13971Anthropology 2373 (801)Japanese CultureThe instructor will provide textbook info separately.