Declaration in or after Fall 2019

Last update: January 2025

Faculty Advisor

Major Overview

This track provides an overview of divergent technologies used in the production of media, including traditional and multi-media platforms. Students wishing to expand their knowledge of communications to include skill-based knowledge vital in a variety of professional fields, including filmmaking, television, and radio are welcome.

Students are expected to gain an understanding of both fiction and non-fiction narratives, and how technological components such as photography, editing, and audio contribute to the realization of the project. As writing is a crucial component of project work, students will complete scripts, essays, and articles, including extensive revision. Attainment of professional production broadcast standards is expected.

University and Klein College of Media and Communication Requirements

Students will follow Klein College of Media and Communication Baccalaureate (B.A.) Degree Requirements.


Major Requirements

The degree of Bachelor of Arts may be conferred upon a student majoring in Communication Studies by the recommendation of the faculty and upon satisfactory completion of a minimum of 124 semester hours (s.h.) of credit with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 overall and in the major. Students must meet:

University requirements

  • All students are required to complete the General Education (GenEd) curriculum.
  • All students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses in the major at Temple University.

Lew Klein College of Media and Communication requirements, including KLN 1001 and KLN 1002.

Minimum of 42 s.h. in Communication Studies.

Each course that fulfills a requirement for the major must be passed with a C- or better.

Maximum of 30 s.h. in any one Klein department may be counted toward the major.

A maximum of 4 s.h. of Internship credit may be counted toward the degree.

A maximum of 8 s.h. combined of Independent Study and/or Special Projects may be counted toward the degree.

No more than 8 s.h. in Kinesiology and Dance activities courses.

Students may participate in study away programs.

Transfer students are required to complete a minimum of 24 s.h. of major courses at Temple.

Communication Studies majors may minor in established Klein minors. The Communication Studies student who declares a minor must complete the entire program requirements for both the major and the minor. Courses listed for both the Communication Studies major and Klein minor will only apply towards one of the curriculums. If the class is part of an array of courses, students will be required to take a different course to satisfy the major requirement.

Foundation Courses

  Course Title Credits
CMST 1111 Communication and Public Life 3
MSP 1021 Introduction to Media Analysis 3

Core Courses

  Course Title Credits
CMST 2111 Communications Seminar* 3
Select one of the following (Communication Theory): 3
ADV 1101 Introduction to Media and Society  
JRN 1111 Journalism and Society  
Select one of the following (Research Methods): 3
ADV 2141 Introduction to Brand Strategy and Research  
JRN 2101 Journalism Research  
Select one of the following (Analysis): 3
CSI 1111 Introduction to Public Speaking  
MSP 2421 Media Popular Culture*  
Select one of the following (Cross-Cultural Perspectives (specific to TUJ)): 3
CSI 3701 Intercultural Communication  
JRN 3706 International News Communication  

*Course has prerequisites.

Production Track

In consultation with a faculty advisor, a student must take seven courses (minimum 21 credits) from the list below.

  • Students must have met the prerequisites for courses in their concentration by taking the appropriate core courses (see above).
  • All students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses in the major. MSP 4796 is required. (TV Production Focus students are recommended to complete MSP 4796 before taking MSP 3701.) For the other writing-intensive course, options for this concentration are MSP 3196, MSP 3296, MSP 4496, and JRN 2396.
  Course Title Credits
MSP 1701 Introduction to Media Production 3
Choose either the TV Production or Audio/Radio Track:
TV Production Focus
MSP 2701 Intermediate Video Production 4
MSP 3701 Genres of Media Production 4
Select one of the following: 4
MSP 2751 Audio for Media  
MSP 3709 Advanced Editing  
MSP 3721 Media Performance  
MSP 4701 Producing and Directing  
Audio/Radio Focus
MSP 2751 Audio for Media 4
MSP 3751 Studio Music Recording Techniques 4
Select one of the following: 4
MSP 2701 Intermediate Video Production  
MSP 3705 Sound for Visual Media  
MSP 3721 Media Performance  
Writing Intensive Courses
MSP 4796 Creative Scriptwriting 3
Select one of the following: 3
JRN 2396 Magazine Article Writing  
MSP 3196 Writing Workshop  
MSP 3296 Travel Writing  
MSP 4496 Global Media