Last update: November 2019
New Students
All newly admitted undergraduate students must follow the procedures described in the New Student Orientation to take the placement examinations and to register for courses. Information on the orientation for new students can be found there as well.
Current Students
Priority Registration
Currently-registered students may participate in Priority Registration in which students will be able to register for the next semester. Students' registration eligibility during Priority Registration is determined based on the number of completed, including transfer, credits. Please see the Banner Registration Guide in the Students' Manuals section for more details.
Students are recommended (in some cases, required) to consult with an academic advisor. Please make an appointment to have an advising session (please see Academic Advising at TUJ for more details). Students who choose not to consult with an advisor will be fully responsible for their selection of courses. If students cannot meet with an advisor in time, they are encouraged to register as soon as they are eligible. Students can revise their course registration, if necessary, after meeting an advisor.
Students should register for at least one course during the designated Priority Registration period. Students whose initial registration is processed after Priority Registration will be charged a late registration fee.
Online Registration via Self-Service Banner (SSB)
Matriculated TUJ students in Good Academic Standing whose the cumulative and the most recent Fall or Spring semester GPA is 2.00 or higher are able to register online via Self-Service Banner (SSB). Please see the Banner Registration Guide in the Students' Manuals section for more details.
Students on Academic Warning must see an academic advisor from the AAC first. After meeting with an advisor, they will be able to register online by themselves.
Office Registration
Students who are on Academic Probation, all non-matriculated students, and Study Abroad students who obtained Study Abroad Advisor's permission to revise their roster are assisted at the AAC or the Registrar's Office when registering. Students must complete the Course Registration Form.
Courses listed below are restricted from online registration for all students. All students requesting those courses must facilitate the following.
- Capstone and other Restricted Courses: Registration Form for Restricted Courses (PDF: 855KB)
- Independent Study: Application Form for Independent Studies Course (PDF: 927KB) and Course Registration Form
- Internship: TUJ Internship Approval Sheet (PDF: 284KB) and Course Registration Form
Schedule Revision (Add/Drop/Withdrawal)
Students may revise their course schedule after the initial registration by the respective deadlines described on the Academic Calendar.