Last update: December 2023
Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ), is committed to preventing and addressing sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, harassment and stalking.
Sexual assault can threaten a person's safety, well-being, educational experience and career. Temple University will not tolerate sexual assault, other sexual misconduct or sexual harassment. The university seeks to achieve an environment at TUJ that is free of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and consistent with constitutional protections and personal freedoms.
TUJ encourages members of the university community to promptly and accurately report all criminal actions, to utilize the university's sexual misconduct education and prevention programs, to understand the policies, procedures and disciplinary sanctions associated with sexual misconduct and harassment, and to make use of the resources of the Office of Student Services and Engagement and of our Counseling Office, as noted below.
What Is Sexual Misconduct?
Sexual misconduct includes sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation.
Sexual assault includes any of the following:
- Any intentional, unconsented touching, or threat or attempt thereof, of: (i) an intimate bodily part of another person, such as a sexual organ, buttocks, or breast; (ii) any bodily part of another person with a sexual organ; or (iii) any part of another person's body with the intent of accomplishing a sexual act; or
- disrobing of another person without the other's consent or purposeful exposure of one's genitals to another without the other's consent; or
- forcing; or attempting to force, any other person to engage in sexual activity of any kind without their consent.
The University Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct (which further explains domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation) may be found on the university's policies and procedures website .
What Is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated in any context at Temple University, whether it be in a faculty/student, faculty/faculty, supervisor/employee, staff/student, student/student, worker/co-worker, or other relationship.
Sexually harassing conduct that is sufficiently severe or pervasive, and objectively offensive as to substantially disrupt or undermine a person's ability to participate in or to receive the benefits, services, or opportunities of the university is prohibited, including the following: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other harassing conduct or physical contact of a sexual or gender-motivated nature, when:
- submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or status in a course, program, or activity; or
- submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for an employment related, educational, or other decision affecting an individual; or
- such conduct substantially interferes with an individual's work, educational performance, or equal access to the university's resources and opportunities; or
- such conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or abusive work or educational environment.
While a student is a student of a particular instructor, any sort of sexual or romantic advances or relationship between the student and the particular instructor is prohibited.
For example:
- A student keeps sending unwanted telephone calls, text messages, e-mail messages, etc. of a sexual nature to another student.
- A professor suggesting to a student that romantic involvement with him/her would improve the student's chances of getting a good grade in the course.
The University Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Harassment may be found on the university's policies and procedures website .
If It Happens To You
Temple University is committed to preventing and addressing sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, harassment and stalking.
Sexual assault can threaten a person's safety, well-being, educational experience and career. Temple University will not tolerate sexual assault. The university seeks to achieve an environment at TUJ that is both free of sexual assault and consistent with constitutional protections and personal freedoms.
TUJ encourages members of the university community to promptly and accurately report all criminal actions; to utilize the university’s sexual misconduct education and prevention programs; and to understand the policies, procedures and disciplinary sanctions associated with sexual misconduct and sexual harassment.
Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking should get to a place of safety immediately and should obtain necessary medical treatment at once. Victims should report the incident as soon as possible, since time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. Whether or not a victim elects to report the offense to police, to the extent of the victim’s cooperation and consent, university offices will work cooperatively to ensure that the complainant’s health, physical safety and academic status are protected, pending the outcome of a formal university investigation of the complaint.
Students are encouraged to report incidents of sexual misconduct or harassment to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator at TUJ, Nicole Despres ( Reports of criminal actions, sexual misconduct, or sexual harassment that are made to university personnel (including faculty members) will be treated confidentially consistent with applicable legal requirements and safety considerations. Students' discussions with counselors in the TUJ Counseling Office are subject to the strictest confidentiality, But please note that if a student should decide to speak to TUJ faculty or staff other than counselors at the TUJ Counseling Office about experiences involving sexual misconduct, U.S. Federal law and university policy require the TUJ faculty or staff to make a report of the incident to TUJ’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator, who may need to share that information with others (such as the Main Campus Title IX Coordinator, appropriate TUJ Deans and TUJ’s General Counsel). If circumstances require it, upon learning of sexual misconduct, the university will need to investigate the allegation and evaluate whether additional action is necessary. If the university proceeds with an investigation or other response, then the university will notify the complainant before the accused is contacted. Victims will be informed of the outcome of any investigation undertaken. In addition, under appropriate circumstances, the university will inform members of the university community of reported sexual misconduct without identifying the victim.
Temple University is aware of the sensitive nature of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual exploitation complaints and can make accommodations to address the victim’s need for separation from the accused, while also balancing the rights of the accused. For example, if reasonably available, a victim may be offered changes to academic, work or living situations in addition to counseling, health services and assistance in notifying appropriate local law enforcement, if so desired. The Deputy Title IX Coordinator at TUJ will advise the victim of available support services on and off campus, as well as administrative options, if reasonably available, such as changes to housing assignments and academic or work schedules. Either the Deputy Title IX Coordinator at TUJ or the Counseling Office at TUJ can help a victim of assault seek medical and/or police assistance.
A student alleging sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation or other sexual harassment may also use the following e-mail to contact an ombudsperson: The ombudspersons for student complaints will advise students of their options, but may be obliged to advise the Deputy Title IX Coordinator regarding any specific reports of sexual misconduct.
It is also possible to make an anonymous report of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator at Main Campus here .
If the person being complained about is a TUJ student, you may wish to take action against that student pursuant to the Student Conduct Code. In such case, you may contact the following for more information on what to expect in the conduct process.
- Office of Student Services and Engagement (OSSE)
- TUJ's General Counsel, Thomas Dreves, who is the Student Conduct Administrator at TUJ (
Temple University places a high priority on student health and safety; those who report sexual misconduct or participate as a complainant, victim, or a witness in sexual misconduct investigations, or who seek medical assistance for themselves or another, will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions for their consumption of alcohol and/or other substances.
The university will not tolerate retaliation against students who make good faith reports of crime or violations of policy. When a complainant does not consent to the disclosure of his or her name or other identifiable information to the alleged perpetrator, the university's ability to respond to the complaint may be limited.