If you are currently on SOFA status in Japan but will be separating from the military or losing your SOFA status, please follow the procedures outlined below to obtain a student visa.
Separating From the Military From Outside Japan
If you separate from the military from outside Japan, you need to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for a student visa. Please see the Applying for a Student Visa section of our website for instructions on how to apply and for regulations pertaining to visa-seeking students. TUJ will submit your visa documents to the Japanese Immigration Bureau on your behalf, and will contact you once we have received a response from Immigration.
Separating From the Military From Within Japan
If you are able to separate from the military from within Japan, you can apply for your student visa in Japan. In order to qualify for student status, you must be admitted to a full-time program of study at TUJ.
No later than 14 days after your official separation date/loss of SOFA status, you must make an appointment and meet with the TUJ visa coordinator (visa@tuj.temple.edu) with the required documents listed below. After meeting with the visa coordinator, you need to submit the completed application with all supporting documents to Immigration no later than 30 days after your separation date/loss of SOFA status. You must complete the entire student visa acquisition process and have your student visa in your possession within 60 days of your official separation date/loss of SOFA status or you will be in Japan illegally with no formal status. As a result, it is imperative you act quickly to meet the visa coordinator and go to immigration within the above stated deadlines.