The general University course numbering system is described below.
All courses have full four-digit numbers. The first digit of a course identifies its level.
- Courses numbered 0700 - 0899 are reserved for preparatory courses and General Education courses.
- Courses numbered 1000 - 1999 are appropriate for undergraduate students in their first year of study.
Courses numbered 2000 - 4999 are considered "upper level" for undergraduates.
- Courses numbered 2000 - 2999 are appropriate for undergraduate students in their second year of study.
- Courses numbered 3000 - 3999 are appropriate for undergraduate students in their third year of study.
- Courses numbered 4000 - 4999 are appropriate for undergraduate students in their fourth year of study.
Other classifications and definitions for undergraduate courses.
- 0700 - 0799 Preparatory Courses:
Courses numbered from 0700 - 0799 are appropriate for undergraduate, first-year math and writing courses. Students' math and writing placement examination results determine these course-level selections. - 0800 - 0899 General Education Courses:
Courses numbered from 0800-0899 are appropriate for any undergraduate General Education course requirements. - xxx0 Special Topics:
Regularly-scheduled courses (not individualized instruction) offered with variable content, and repeatable for credit. - xx82 Independent Study:
Explorative study or research initiated by an undergraduate student with faculty sponsorship and an approved Independent Study contract. - xx85 Internship:
Pre-professional clinical or experiential traineeships contracted by the student's department, including experiences with a clinical, research, or other special concentration in a specific area. Students must have faculty sponsorship and an approved Internship/Externship contract. - xx86 Internship:
Reserved for a continuation of an internship/externship experience, following xx85. - xx87 Practicum:
Programs that are traineeships contracted by the student's department to meet the educational, geographic, and specific interests of the student. Settings generally have on-site clinical supervision. - xx96 Writing-Intensive Course:
Courses fulfilling the requirement of the General Education Program that each undergraduate major designates at least two courses as "writing-intensive." The designated courses shall require students to edit and rewrite papers to achieve a high level of clarity and cogency, use a variety of methods to find appropriate materials to support written work and to make proper attribution of those sources. - xx97 Writing-Intensive Course
- xx98 Writing-Intensive Course