TUJ’s Career Development Office assists students in developing skills necessary to identify the best career path before graduation. Services include individual career counseling, group seminars on job-hunting strategies, guidance on available internships, on-campus career fairs, resume writing workshops, interviewing techniques, and more.

Career Development Program

TUJ provides a tailored development program to all students looking for full-time employment after graduation. This program consists of a series of group seminars, individual counseling, distribution of useful materials, and on-campus career fairs. Students who keep up with this program will be prepared for job hunting in Japan.

Seminars and Workshops

The Career Development Office holds many useful seminars and workshops that equip students with the skills necessary for the unique Japanese system of "shukatsu (job-hunting)".

Individual Career Counseling

One-on-one career counseling gives students the personalized advice and support they need to successfully achieve their career goals.

Company Information Session

Companies are invited to TUJ throughout the year to hold information sessions about their company and the industry they operate in.

On-Campus Career Fairs

Each year, TUJ invites representatives from 15 to 20 Japanese and foreign companies to meet with current students and alumni to discuss career opportunities. Attending companies are eager to meet promising students who can add to the strength of their organizations. The career fair also gives students and alumni the opportunity to speak with company representatives, discover what kind of employees companies are looking for, and practice interview skills.

Employment Status of Graduates

Graduates of spring, summer, and fall, 2023

Status as of August 2024


Total Number of Graduates: 297 (100%)

A. Employed full-time or searching for full-time employment (B+C): 177 (72.2%)

B. Employed full-time: 171 (89.1%)

C. Searching for full-time employment: 6 (3.1%)

Employment Rate:


(Employed full time (B) ÷ Employed full-time or searching for full-time employment (A) × 100)

Breakdown of Other Categories

  • Employed part-time: 15 (7.8%)
  • Continuing education: 37 (15.1%)
  • Others: 16 (6.5%)

Shown above: Total number of status reported: 245 (82.5%)

  • Unknown: 52 (17.5%)

(August, 2024 data)


  • Status report is voluntary, not mandatory

  • The great number of nationalities of the TUJ student body results in diverse choices after graduation

  • As the educational system at TUJ is American, some figures are not equivalent to those of typical Japanese universities

  • For every proportion we are rounding to the nearest 10th decimal point.

The Career Development Office Directors's Message

Erica Adams

Erica Adams

Recently, more companies in Japan are hiring non-Japanese college graduates who are bilingual. There are many job opportunities in Japan for multilingual and multicultural people. Higher demand for those who can play an active part in this global market is one of the reasons why TUJ maintains a high job placement rate. The Career Development Office provides a variety of support services to help students prepare for job hunting in Japan.

Career Development Timeline

career calendar

 Click to open the image in a new tab 

Internship Program

The internship program is a distinctive feature of a TUJ education. Students gain valuable work experience and networking opportunities in various industries. See interviews from some of our internship host companies on our website.

Organizations That Have Accepted TUJ Interns Organizations That Have Accepted TUJ Graduates

Internship Testimonials

My Internship at CNN: Where Proactivity Equals Success

Natsumi Sugiura

  • CNN
  • International Affairs Major
  • Japan

Turning Zero Experience into a Resume Builder

Hana Mohsin

  • Minato City Hall
  • International Affairs Major
  • U.S.A.

Internship Host Company

Mr. Edan Corkill

The Japan Times

Manager of the Arts, Entertainment and Features Division, The Japan Times

The Japan Times is the oldest English-language daily newspaper in Japan, founded in 1897 through the efforts of Yukichi Fukuzawa, Hirobumi Ito and others who led modernization efforts in the Meiji Era. These days, The Japan Times continues to aspire to those founders' aims of providing Japanese domestic news to the world in English. In recent years, as interest in Japanese art and culture has increased abroad, we are confident that the mission of our Arts, Entertainment, and Features Division has become even more important.

For the past few years, we have sponsored interns from TUJ, and have been happy to discover that many TUJ students share our beliefs. While interning with us, TUJ students have demonstrated healthy international standpoints, proactive attitudes no doubt fostered by their American education, impressive bilingual communication skills and diverse interests. Under the guidance of professional editors, student interns have worked side-by-side with professional journalists in conducting interviews and writing articles.

The students' work includes introducing events, interviewing celebrities and reporting from the front lines of Japanese culture. It is a pleasure to work with TUJ students and assist them in building their professional skills.

 Read More Internship Company Interviews

Alumni Profiles

Daria Davydenko

Analyst at Goldman Sachs Tokyo office

Russian  /  2011, B.B.A. in Business Management

Asian economies are growing fast and there are a lot of opportunities, so I decided to study in Japan because I wanted to find out more about business in Asia. I wanted to get an American education as I was keen on working in an international organization.

After doing some research, I found out about Temple. The university seemed perfect as it is located in the center of Tokyo, giving me an opportunity to experience Asian culture as well as study with students from around 50 countries.

I was able to debate, present, work in teams and make life-long connections with people I thought I would never be able to know. I really enjoyed the international environment and wanted to find a workplace where I could get a similar international atmosphere, leverage my skills and constantly challenge myself.

My current role as an operations analyst at Goldman Sachs is exactly this—I am able to work with diverse teams and am constantly challenged to think outside the box and do better. Coming from Russia, living in Japan and studying in an American university helped open my eyes to a very interesting world of opportunities and find an excellent firm to work for like Goldman Sachs.

 Check out "Life after TUJ" on YouTube 

William Jun Wei Yeow

Creative & Web Design Department, Rakuten, Inc.

Singaporean  /  2012, B.A. in Art and Japanese Language

I joined TUJ in 2008, and it took me nearly 5 years to complete a double major in Art and Japanese Language. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciate the experience. Through TUJ, I was able to find part-time work, intern at a sizable Japanese company and gain valuable knowledge and insight into local job hunting. It is owing to such experiences that I now work at Rakuten, Inc.

Looking at what I have achieved, I cannot help but express my sincerest gratitude to those who have made my dream of living and working in Japan a reality. There are the staff and faculty at TUJ, and the many friends with whom I have had the pleasure of sharing both good times and bad over the years; I cannot name them all.

I can go on about my experiences at TUJ, but to do so would barely be scratching the surface. Perhaps it is enough to say that when I graduated, I did not want it to end. TUJ has given me both professional skills and experience, and personal memories to cherish for years to come. I hope to do justice to both as I move forward with the next stage of my life.

 Check out his interview on Youtube