Provides a systematic study of the political systems of the United States and other countries, contemporary international relations, and political theories. After completing these courses, students deepen their expertise by taking electives on various topics such as international environmental policy, public policy, and Mideast politics. Students also study research methods in political science. At the end of the curriculum, students write a research paper in a capstone seminar.
Faculty Advisor for the Political Science Major
Our Political Science program at TUJ is designed to provide opportunities for students to understand how politics works at local, national, and global levels; how values, interests, and institutions in the political world shape our daily lives; and how we as responsible citizens can participate in politics to influence what governments decide. In addition, our program helps students understand competing perspectives and theories on politics and government because it is important for developing sensitivity and respect for cultural differences in today’s world.
TUJ Political Science students develop a variety of marketable skills such as empirical research methods, communication skills, and analytical writing skills by taking upper-level research courses. These skills are all helpful for students to pursue their future career paths in civil services, law, media, the private sector, nonprofits, and postgraduate studies.
Coordinator Interview
Studying Politics in Tokyo: From Asia to the WorldSAMPLE CURRICULUM
An overview of required courses.
A list of recently offered electives.
Japan in a Changing World Order
Media and the Political Process
Public Policy Analysis
International Environmental Policy