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The posted textbook list contains the most current information as of this date. We will be updating the list as new classes are added or if more information is provided by publishers.

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Last update: August 18, 2023

Fall 2023 Book List
CRNCourseCourse TitleBook TitleAmazonOther
52257Mathematics 0702 (801)Intermediate AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52258English 0701 (801)Intro to Acad DiscourseNo purchase of a textbook is required
52260English 0701 (750)Intro to Acad DiscourseThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52261English 0701 (751)Intro to Acad DiscourseThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52262English 0711 (750)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52263English 0711 (751)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52264English 0711 (801)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52265English 0711 (802)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52266English 0711 (803)Intro/Acad Discourse ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52267English 0802 (750)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52268English 0802 (751)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52269English 0802 (801)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52270English 0802 (802)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52271English 0802 (803)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52272English 0802 (804)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52273English 0802 (805)Analytical Reading & WritingNo purchase of a textbook is required
52274English 0802 (806)Analytical Reading & WritingNo purchase of a textbook is required
52276English 0812 (750)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52278English 0812 (801)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52279English 0812 (802)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52280English 0812 (803)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52281English 0812 (804)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52282English 0812 (805)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52283English 0812 (806)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52284English 0812 (807)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52287English 0812 (810)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52288Japanese 1001 (750)Japanese Elements IGenki I (The 3rd Edition) Eri Banno, Yoko Ikeda, Yutaka Ohno, Chikako Shinagawa, Kyoko Tokashiki. The Japan Times PublishingBuy on Amazon
52289Japanese 1001 (801)Japanese Elements IGENKI 1 (the third edition) Eri banno. The Japan timesBuy on Amazon
52289Japanese 1001 (801)Japanese Elements IGENKI1 Workbook (the third edition) Eri Banno. The Japan timesBuy on Amazon
52290Japanese 1001 (802)Japanese Elements IGenki Ⅰ (Third) Eri Banno et al.. the japan times PUBLISHINGBuy on Amazon
52290Japanese 1001 (802)Japanese Elements IGenki Ⅰ Workbook (Third) Eri Banno et al.. the japan times PUBLISHINGBuy on Amazon
52292Japanese 1001 (803)Japanese Elements IGenki 1 (3rd) Bannno et al.. The Japan TImesBuy on Amazon
52292Japanese 1001 (803)Japanese Elements IGenki 1 Workbook (3rd) Bannno et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52293Japanese 1002 (750)Japanese Elements IIGenki Workbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (Genki (1)) Banno Eri et al.. Japan timesBuy on Amazon
52293Japanese 1002 (750)Japanese Elements IIGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Third Edition] 初級日本語げんき[第3版] Banno Eri Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52293Japanese 1002 (750)Japanese Elements IIGrammar Video for GenkiGrammar Video for Genki

$18 for the entire course
52294Japanese 1002 (801)Japanese Elements IIGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Third Edition] 初級日本語げんき[第3版] Eri Bannno, et.el. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52294Japanese 1002 (801)Japanese Elements IIGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I Workbook [Third Edition] 初級日本語 げんき I ワークブック[第3版] Eri Bannno, et.el. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52295Japanese 1002 (802)Japanese Elements IIGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Third Edition] Banno et al. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52295Japanese 1002 (802)Japanese Elements IIGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I Workbook [Third Edition] Banno et al. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52296Japanese 1002 (803)Japanese Elements IIGenki Ⅰ workbook (3rd ) Eri Banno et.el. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52296Japanese 1002 (803)Japanese Elements IIGenkiⅠ (3rd edition) Eri Banno et.el. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52297Japanese 1003 (801)Oral Intensive Japanese I聞く・考える・話す 留学生のための初級にほんご会話 (new edition) Koike et al.. 3A networkBuy on Amazon
52298Japanese 1301 (801)Kanji IBasic Kanji Book Vol.1 (new edition) Chieko Kano et al.. BonjinshaBuy on Amazon
52298Japanese 1301 (801)Kanji IDondon tsunagaru kanji renshucho shokyu (first edition) Eiko Suzuki et al.. ALCBuy on Amazon
52300Japanese 2000 (801)Special Topics IFurigana JAPAN: Heart & Soul of the Japanese. (1st edition) Yamakuse Yoji & Michael A. Cooney. IBC Publishing, INCBuy on Amazon
52301Japanese 2003 (801)Oral Intensive Japanese IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52302Japanese 2301 (801)Kanji IINew Edition BASIC KANJI BOOK Vol. 2 (The second edition) Kano, Chieko et al.. BonjinshaBuy on Amazon
52303Japanese 2631 (801)Structure Japanese Language I改訂版 どんなときどう使う 日本語表現文型200 (200 Essential Japanese expressions: A guide to correct usage of key sentence patterns (The modified edition) Tomomatsu, etsuko et al.. ALCBuy on Amazon
52304Spanish 1001 (750)Basic IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52305Spanish 1003 (750)IntermediateThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52306Korean 1001 (801)Korean Elements IFun!Fun! Korean 1, Workbook (Jan 2008) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection
52306Korean 1001 (801)Korean Elements IFun!Fun! Korean1 (Jan 2008) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection
52307Korean 1001 (802)Korean Elements I재미있는 한국어 1 (Fun! Fun! Korean 1) (Jan 2008) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection
52307Korean 1001 (802)Korean Elements I재미있는 한국어 1 Workbook (Fun! Fun! Korean 1 Workbook) (Jan 2008) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection
52308Korean 2001 (801)Korean Intermediate I재미있는 한국어 2 Workbook (Fun! Fun! Korean 2 Workbook) (Jan 2009) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection
52308Korean 2001 (801)Korean Intermediate I재미있는 한국어 2(Fun! Fun! Korean 2) (Jan 2009) Korea University. Kyobo BookPurchase from Seoul Selection
52309Chinese 1001 (801)Chinese Elements INo purchase of a textbook is required
52310Chinese 1001 (802)Chinese Elements INo purchase of a textbook is required
52311Chinese 2001 (801)Chinese Intermediate INo purchase of a textbook is required
52312Japanese 4296 (801)Wrtg Sem Jpns BusinessNo purchase of a textbook is required
52313Japanese 2701 (750)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II (Third Edition) Banna, Eri et al.. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52314Japanese 2701 (801)Intermediate I - TUJGenki Ⅱ (3rd) Eri Banno et.e. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52314Japanese 2701 (801)Intermediate I - TUJGenki Ⅱ (3rd) Eri Banno et.el. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52315Japanese 2701 (802)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI : An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, Part Ⅱ (3rd Edition) Banno, E. et al . The Japan Times  Buy on Amazon
52315Japanese 2701 (802)Intermediate I - TUJGENKI : An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, Part Ⅱ, WORKBOOK (Third Edition ) Banno, E. et al . The Japan Times  Buy on Amazon
52316Japanese 2701 (803)Intermediate I - TUJGenki Ⅱ (Third) Eri Banno, et al. Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52316Japanese 2701 (803)Intermediate I - TUJGenkiⅡ Workbook (Third) Eri Banno et al.. the Japan times PublishingBuy on Amazon
52317Japanese 3000 (750)Spec Tops in Japanese IIntroducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications (4th) Jeremy Munday. RoutledgeBuy on Amazon
52322Japanese 2702 (750)Intermediate II - TUJGenki II (The 3rd Edition) Eri Banno, Yoko Ikeda, Yutaka Ohno, Chikako Shinagawa, Kyoko Tokashiki. The Japan Times PublisherBuy on Amazon
52323Japanese 2702 (801)Intermediate II - TUJGENKI : An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, PartⅡ (Third Edition ) Banno, E. et al . The Japan Times Buy on Amazon
52323Japanese 2702 (801)Intermediate II - TUJGENKI : An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, PartⅡ, WORKBOOK (Third Edition ) Banno, E. et al . The Japan Times  Buy on Amazon
52324Japanese 2702 (802)Intermediate II - TUJQuartet Ⅰ Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills WorkbookBuy on Amazon
52324Japanese 2702 (802)Intermediate II - TUJQuartet Ⅰ Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills (vol.1) Sakamoto tadashi ,Yasui Akemi et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52325Japanese 3001 (801)Japanese Advanced IQuartet I Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills (1st) Tadashi Sakamoto. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52325Japanese 3001 (801)Japanese Advanced IQuartet I Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills Workbook (1st) Tadashi Sakamoto. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52326Japanese 3001 (802)Japanese Advanced I日本語カルテット1 QUARTET1 (1st edition) Tadashi Sakamoto. The Japan timesBuy on Amazon
52326Japanese 3001 (802)Japanese Advanced I日本語カルテット1 ワークブック   QUARTET1 Workbook (First edition) Tadashi Sakamoto. The Japan timesBuy on Amazon
52327Japanese 3002 (801)Japanese Advanced IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52328Japanese 3002 (802)Japanese Advanced II4技能でひろがる 中級日本語 カルテット I (First Edition) Yasui et al. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52328Japanese 3002 (802)Japanese Advanced II4技能でひろがる 中級日本語カルテット I ワークブック (1st edition) Yasui et al. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52330Japanese 3096 (801)Intermediate Writing留学生のためのここが大切 文章表現のルール (First) Kei Ishiguro, et.el.. 3A NetworkBuy on Amazon
52330Japanese 3096 (801)Intermediate Writing話す・書くにつながる! 日本語読解 中級 (first) Ekuko Ono, et.el.. ALCBuy on Amazon
52331Japanese 4001 (801)Japanese Advanced IIINew Intermediate to Advanced Japanese 『新中級から上級への日本語』 (New Edtion) Osamu Kamata .et al . The Japan Times  Buy on Amazon
52332Japanese 4002 (801)Japanese Advanced IV新中級から上級への日本語 (New edition) Kamata et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
52333Japanese 4003 (801)Advanced Oral Japaneseにほんご会話上手! 聞き上手・話し上手になるコミュニケーションのコツ15(MP3CD1枚付) Nihongo Kaiwa Jouzu! Kiki-jouzu/Hanashi-jouzu ni Naru Komyunikeeshon no Kotsu 15 (First) Naho Iwata, et.el.. ASKBuy on Amazon
52338Asian Studies 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanInvestigator Imanishi Investigates (paperback and kindle) Matsumoto, Seicho. Soho PressBuy on Amazonpaperback and kindle versions available
52338Asian Studies 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanPenance (Softcover and Kindle) Minato, Kanae. MulhollandBuy on AmazonBoth softcover and kindle available
52338Asian Studies 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanRing (Kindle) Suzuki, Koji. HarperCollinsBuy on Amazon
52338Asian Studies 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanThe Village of Eight Graves (Paperback and kindle) Yokomizo, Seishi. PushkinBuy on Amazon
52338Asian Studies 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanVillain (Paperback and kindle) Yoshida, Shuichi. VintageBuy on Amazon
52339Japanese 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanInvestigator Imanishi Investigates (paperback and kindle) Matsumoto, Seicho. Soho PressBuy on Amazonpaperback and kindle versions available
52339Japanese 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanPenance (Softcover and Kindle) Minato, Kanae. MulhollandBuy on AmazonBoth softcover and kindle available
52339Japanese 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanRing (Kindle) Suzuki, Koji. HarperCollinsBuy on Amazon
52339Japanese 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanThe Village of Eight Graves (Paperback and kindle) Yokomizo, Seishi. PushkinBuy on Amazon
52339Japanese 2016 (801)Mystery & Crime Fict in JapanVillain (Paperback and kindle) Yoshida, Shuichi. VintageBuy on Amazon
52342Music Studies 0809 (801)World MusicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52343Music Studies 0812 (801)Exploring MusicThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52344Music Studies 0802 (801)The Art of ListeningThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52345Art History 1103 (801)Intro to Methods and TheoriesAll texts will be provided cost-free through Canvas or online
52366Art History 2898 (801)Contemporary Japanese ArtAll texts will be available cost-free through Canvas or online
52367Art History 2096 (801)Art History Writing IntensiveA Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present (4th) Andrew Gordon. Oxford University PressBuy on Amazon
52368Art History 2896 (801)Modern Japanese ArtNo purchase of a textbook is required
52369Art History 2644 (801)Post-War Art, 1945-1989All texts will be provided accessible cost-free through the library, Canvas, or online
52371Art History 1801 (801)Arts of AsiaAsian Art (1st) Dorinda Neave, Lara Blanchard, Marika Sardar. PearsonBuy on Amazon
52372Art History 2800 (801)Topics in Non-West ArtA Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present (4th) Andrew Gordon. Oxford University PressBuy on Amazon
52374Art History 2815 (801)Pre-Modern Japanese ArtNo purchase of a textbook is required
52375Asian Studies 2815 (801)Japanese ArtNo purchase of a textbook is required
52376Temple University Japan 0879 (801)The History of Japanese DesignNo purchase of a textbook is required
52386Art History 2680 (750)Topics in Global ArtThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52388Art History 2323 (750)Early Renaissance Art in ItalyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52389Asian Studies 2196 (750)Writing in the CityThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52390Asian Studies 2098 (750)Japanese Popular Culture & LitThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52391Asian Studies 2098 (751)Japanese Popular Culture & LitThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52392Asian Studies 2502 (750)Intro to East Asia: JapanHistory of Japan (Second Edition) Totman, Conrad. Blackwell PublishingBuy on Amazon
52393History 2502 (750)Intro to East Asia: JapanHistory of Japan (Second Edition) Totman, Conrad. Blackwell PublishingBuy on Amazon
52394Asian Studies 2074 (750)Geog/East & South AsiaDragons and Tigers: A Geography of South, East and Southeast Asia (Third Edition) Weightman, Barbara A.. WileyBuy on Amazon
52395Geography and Urban Studies 2074 (750)South & East AsiaDragons and Tigers: A Geography of South, East and Southeast Asia (Third Edition) Weightman, Barbara A.. WileyBuy on Amazon
52396History 3229 (750)Superpower AmericaNo purchase of a textbook is required
52397Asian Studies 4096 (750)Seminar in Asian StudiesNo purchase of a textbook is required
52398Asian Studies 3541 (750)Japan TodayNo purchase of a textbook is required
52399History 3541 (750)Japan TodayNo purchase of a textbook is required
52400Mathematics 1021 (803)College AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52401Mathematics 1031 (750)Differential & Integral CalcNo purchase of a textbook is required
52402Statistics 2103 (750)Statistical Business AnalyticsNo purchase of a textbook is required
52403Statistics 0826 (750)Statistics in the NewsSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52404Economics 3596 (750)Energy, Ecology & EconomyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52405Media Studies & Production 0821 (750)The Future of Your TVThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52406Asian Studies 0811 (750)Asian Behavior & ThoughtThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52408Computer & Information Science 0835 (751)Cyberspace & SocietyNo purchase of a textbook is required
52409Intellectual Heritage 0851 (750)IH I: The Good LifeEpic of Gilgamesh (Penguin Classics) Andrew George Translation. PenguinBuy on AmazonKindle is acceptable.
52409Intellectual Heritage 0851 (750)IH I: The Good LifeThe Three Theban Plays (Penguin Classics) Penguin Classics. Penguin ClassicsBuy on AmazonKindle is acceptable.
52410Intellectual Heritage 0851 (751)IH I: The Good LifeEpic of Gilgamesh (Penguin Classics) Andrew George Translation. PenguinBuy on AmazonKindle is acceptable.
52410Intellectual Heritage 0851 (751)IH I: The Good LifeThe Three Theban Plays (Penguin Classics) Penguin Classics. Penguin ClassicsBuy on AmazonKindle is acceptable.
52414Intellectual Heritage 0852 (750)IH II: The Common GoodThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52415Intellectual Heritage 0852 (751)IH II: The Common GoodThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52416Intellectual Heritage 0851 (801)IH I: The Good LifeThe Epic of Gilgamesh (first or second) trans. Andrew George. Penguin BooksBuy on Amazon
52417Intellectual Heritage 0851 (802)IH I: The Good LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52418Intellectual Heritage 0851 (803)IH I: The Good LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52423Intellectual Heritage 0852 (801)IH II: The Common GoodNo purchase of a textbook is required
52424Intellectual Heritage 0852 (802)IH II: The Common GoodWhat Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets (Any edition) Michael Sandel. PenguinBuy on Amazon
52425Intellectual Heritage 0852 (803)IH II: The Common GoodThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52426Intellectual Heritage 0852 (804)IH II: The Common GoodThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52429English 0826 (801)Creative ActsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52430Philosophy 0839 (801)Philosophy of the HumanNo purchase of a textbook is required
52431Philosophy 2172 (801)Hist of Philos-ModernNo purchase of a textbook is required
52433English 0834 (801)Representing RaceThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52434Computer & Information Science 1057 (801)Computer Programming in CC How to Program (8th) Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel. PearsonBuy on Amazon
52435Computer & Information Science 1068 (801)Program Design & AbstractionIntroduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (11th) Daniel Liang. PearsonBuy on Amazon
52436Computer & Information Science 2107 (801)Comp Sys & Low-Level ProgramNo purchase of a textbook is required
52437Geography and Urban Studies 0821 (801)Digital MappingNo purchase of a textbook is required
52438Computer & Information Science 1051 (801)Intro Prob Solv & Prog-PythonNo purchase of a textbook is required
52439Computer & Information Science 2166 (801)Math Concepts in Computing IIDiscrete Mathematics and Its Applications (8th Edition) Kenneth H. Rosen. McGraw HillBuy on Amazon
52440Computer & Information Science 1166 (801)Math Concepts in Computing IDiscrete Mathematics and Its Applications (8th Edition) Kenneth H. Rosen. McGraw HillBuy on Amazon
52441Computer & Information Science 0835 (801)Cyberspace & SocietyNo purchase of a textbook is required
52442Computer & Information Science 2033 (801)Computational Prob & StatNo purchase of a textbook is required
52443Computer & Information Science 3207 (801)Intro Systems Prog & Oper SysThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52444Psychology 0817 (801)Brain MattersNo purchase of a textbook is required
52445Psychology 0818 (801)Human SexualitySee instructor for discount and purchasing instructionsBuy on Amazon
52446Psychology 0825 (801)Quant Methods in Soc SciThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52447Biology 1001 (801)Human BiologyNo purchase of a textbook is required
52448Psychology 1001 (801)Introduction to PsychologyPsychology (2nd) Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins, Marilyn D. Lovett. OpenStaxAccess through OpenStax
52449Psychology 1001 (802)Introduction to PsychologyPsychology (2nd) Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins, Marilyn D. Lovett. OpenStaxAccess through OpenStax
52450Psychology 1002 (801)Careers in PsychologyBuilding Your Career in Psychology (1st) Marie S. Hammond and Peggy Brady-Amoon. RoutledgeAccess through TUJ Library
52451Psychology 1003 (801)Statistics for PsychologyEssential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (International Student Edition) Gregory J. Privitera. SAGE PublicationsBuy on Amazon
52452Psychology 1004 (801)Critical Thinking in PsychResearch Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information (4th) Beth Morling. W.W. Norton PublishersBuy on Amazon
52453Psychology 1110 (801)Topics in Psych IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52454Psychology 2103 (801)Learning & Behavior AnalysisThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52455Psychology 2201 (801)PsychopathologySee instructor for discount and purchasing instructionsBuy on Amazon
52456Psychology 2402 (801)Industrial & Org PsychIndustrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice (8th) Paul E. Spector. WileyPurchase from Wiley
52457Psychology 3003 (801)Advanced Undergrad StatsIntroduction to Statistics and SPSS in Psychology (English Edition) Andrew Mayers. PearsonBuy on Amazon
52458Psychology 3096 (801)Conducting Psych ResearchThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52459Psychology 3620 (801)Topics in PsychologyIntercultural Marriage – Promises and Pitfalls (3rd) ROMANO, Dugan. Yarmouth (Maine, USA): Intercultural PressBuy on Amazon
52460Psychology 3620 (802)Topics in PsychologyBody Image: A Handbook of Science, Practice, and Prevention (2nd) Thomas F. Cash and Linda Smolak. Guilford PressBuy on AmazonIt's a Kindle book.
52461Psychology 3620 (803)Topics in PsychologyThe Psychology of Extremism : A Motivational Perspective (1st) Arie W. Kruglanski, Catalina Kopetz and Ewa Szumowska.. Taylor and FrancisAccess through TUJ Library
52462Psychology 4696 (801)Capstone in PsychologyPublication Manual of the American Psychological Association: The Official Guide to APA Style (7th) American Psychological Association. American Psychological AssociationBuy on Amazon
52463Asian Studies 2000 (750)Special Topics Asian Studies IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52465Geography and Urban Studies 0831 (801)Global CitiesThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52466Asian Studies 3076 (801)Metropolitan TokyoThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52467Asian Studies 4096 (801)Seminar in Asian StudiesThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52469History 1702 (801)Mod History Since 1500The instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52471Asian Studies 3542 (801)Women & Society in JapanThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52472Gender/Sexuality/Women's St 3542 (801)Women and Society in JapanThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52475Asian Studies 3301 (801)Japanese ReligionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52476Religion 3301 (801)Japanese ReligionsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52477Anthropology 2373 (801)Japanese CultureThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52478Asian Studies 2373 (801)Japanese CultureThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52479Asian Studies 4696 (801)Mod Japan: Empire, War, SocNo purchase of a textbook is required
52480History 4697 (801)Modern Japan: Empire, War, SocNo purchase of a textbook is required
52481Asian Studies 3252 (801)East Asia & United StatesThe International Politics of the Asia-Pacific (Fourth Edition) Yahuda, Michael. Routledge Buy on Amazon
52482Political Science 3252 (801)East Asia and the U.S.The International Politics of the Asia-Pacific (Fourth Edition) Yahuda, Michael. Routledge Buy on Amazon
52483Asian Studies 2501 (801)Intro to East Asia: ChinaThe Open Empire: A History of China to 1800 (Second Edition) Hansen, Valerie. W. W. Norton & CompanyBuy on Amazon
52484History 2501 (801)Intro to East Asia: ChinaThe Open Empire: A History of China to 1800 (Second Edition) Hansen, Valerie. W. W. Norton & CompanyBuy on Amazon
52489Political Science 1201 (801)Foreign GovernmentsComparative Government and Politics (12th) Rod Hague, Martin Harrop, and John McCormick. Macmillan International Higher Education; Red Globe PressBuy on AmazonThe 10th or 11th edition of the book will work fine for the course. A hard copy of the textbook will be available in the TUJ library.
52490Political Science 0829 (801)Hist Signif Race in AmerThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52491Political Science 2503 (801)Evidence and KnowledgeNo purchase of a textbook is required
52492Political Science 0859 (801)Making Amer SocietyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52493American Studies 2217 (801)The Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War: A Concise International History (1st) Mark Atwood Lawrence. OxfordBuy on Amazon
52494Asian Studies 2217 (801)The Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War: A Concise International History (1st) Mark Atwood Lawrence. OxfordBuy on Amazon
52495History 2217 (801)Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War: A Concise International History (1st) Mark Atwood Lawrence. OxfordBuy on Amazon
52496Political Science 2321 (801)Polit of the Global EconGlobal Political Economy, Evolution and Dynamic (6th Edition) Robert O’Brien and Marc Williams. Bloomsbury PublishingBuy on Amazon
52497Political Science 4896 (801)Capstone Semnr - Pol SciThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52498Political Science 4896 (802)Capstone Semnr - Pol SciInternational Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance (Third Edition) Margaret P. Karn, Karen A. Mingst, and Kendall W. Stiles. Lynne RiennerBuy on Amazon
52499Political Science 3151 (801)Public Policy AnalysisAn Introduction to the Policy Process : Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making (4th edition) Birkland. RoutledgeAccess through TUJ Library
52499Political Science 3151 (801)Public Policy AnalysisAn Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making (4th edition ) Thomas A. Birkland.. (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2016) Access through TUJ Library
52500American Studies 2107 (801)Asian-American ExperiencesNo purchase of a textbook is required
52501Asian Studies 2107 (801)Asian-American ExperiencesNo purchase of a textbook is required
52502History 2107 (801)Asian-American HistoryNo purchase of a textbook is required
52503Political Science 1101 (801)American Pol SystemThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52504Political Science 1301 (801)International PoliticsNo purchase of a textbook is required
52505Political Science 0866 (801)World AffairsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52506Political Science 4320 (801)Seminar International PoliticsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52507Asian Studies 3000 (801)Spec Topics Asian Studies IIThe Two Koreas: A Contemporary History (Third Edition) Don Oberdorfer and Robert Carlin. Basic BooksBuy on Amazon
52508Political Science 3520 (801)Topics: Research PreparationThe Two Koreas: A Contemporary History (Third Edition) Don Oberdorfer and Robert Carlin. Basic BooksBuy on Amazon
52509Political Science 2496 (801)Intro to Political PhiloNo purchase of a textbook is required
52510Political Science 0864 (801)War and PeaceNo purchase of a textbook is required
52511Asian Studies 3030 (801)Special Topics IIIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52512Political Science 3510 (801)Topics: Research PreparationThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52513Political Science 2314 (801)Politics of International LawThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52514Mathematics 0701 (801)Basic Math for Today's WorldNo purchase of a textbook is required
52515Mathematics 0824 (801)Mathematical PatternsNo purchase of a textbook is required
52517Mathematics 0702 (802)Intermediate AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52518Statistics 2103 (801)Statistical Business AnalyticsNo purchase of a textbook is required
52519Mathematics 1041 (801)Calculus INo purchase of a textbook is required
52520Mathematics 1019 (801)Lab for College AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52521Mathematics 1021 (801)College AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52522Mathematics 1021 (802)College AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52523Mathematics 1022 (801)PrecalculusSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52524Mathematics 1031 (801)Differential & Integral CalcNo purchase of a textbook is required
52550Mathematics 0823 (801)Math for a Digital WorldThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52551Mathematics 0823 (750)Math for a Digital WorldThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52552Economics 3697 (801)The Economics of SportsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52553Economics 1001 (801)Introduction to EconomyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52554Economics 3563 (801)International TradeInternational Economics: Theory and Policy -- MyLab Economics with Pearson eText (12th) Krugman, P., Obstfeld, M., and Melitz, M.. PearsonPurchase from Pearson

Buy MyLab Economics WITH Pearson eText -- Instant Access -- for "International Economics: Theory and Policy" from Pearson through the link above. DO NOT buy the physical copy of the textbook. This is the REQUIRED material to submit assignments
52555Economics 1102 (802)Microeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52556Economics 1103 (801)Global EconomicsNo purchase of a textbook is required
52557Economics 3597 (801)Health EconomicsNo purchase of a textbook is required
52558Economics 1101 (802)Macroeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52559Economics 1102 (801)Microeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52560Economics 3564 (801)Intern'l Monetary EconInternational Finance: Theory and Policy (12th, Global edition) Krugman, Obstfeld, Melitz. PearsonBuy on Amazon
52561Economics 3503 (801)Intro to EconometricsSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52562Economics 3502 (801)Intermed Macroecon AnalysisMacroeconomics (8th ED Global) Blanchard Olivier. Pearson KiriharaBuy on Amazon
52563Economics 3502 (750)Intermed Macroecon AnalysisMacroeconomics (8th ED Global) Blanchard Olivier. Pearson KiriharaBuy on Amazon
52564Economics 1101 (801)Macroeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52565Economics 1101 (750)Macroeconomic PrinciplesSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52566Economics 3501 (801)Intermed Microecon AnalysisSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52567Economics 3501 (750)Intermed Microecon AnalysisSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52568Economics 3598 (801)Economic Writing SeminarHow to Write About Economics and Public Policy (1st Edition) Katerina Petchko. ElsevierBuy on Amazon
52569Economics 3598 (750)Economic Writing SeminarHow to Write About Economics and Public Policy (1st Edition) Katerina Petchko. ElsevierBuy on Amazon
52570Economics 0858 (801)The American EconomyEconomic Issues and Policy (7th Edition) Jacqueline Murray Brux. Wessex Press IncPurchase from Wessex

(electronic book/softcopy)
52571Economics 0858 (750)The American EconomyEconomic Issues and Policy (7th Edition) Jacqueline Murray Brux. Wessex Press IncPurchase from Wessex

(electronic book/softcopy)
52572Economics 3571 (801)Money and BankingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52573Economics 3571 (750)Money and BankingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52574Economics 3408 (801)Economics for LifeSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52575Economics 3408 (750)Economics for LifeSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52576Theater 0825 (801)The Art of ActingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52577Theater 0825 (802)The Art of ActingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52592English 2003 (801)Creative Writing: PoetryLong Way Down (Paperback) Reynolds, Jason. AtheneumBuy on Amazonthere is a kindle version but the margins may get lost
52593Spanish 0826 (801)Bilingual CommunitiesMultilingualism - A Very Short Introduction (2017) John C Maher. Oxford University PressBuy on Amazon
52594History 0832 (801)Politics of IdentityThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52595Education 0806 (801)It's Bigger Than Hip-hopThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52596History 2103 (801)African Amer Hist - 1865The instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52597Education 0823 (750)Kids in CrisisThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52599Advertising 0853 (801)Advert & GlobalizationThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52600History 0865 (801)The Global CrisisThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52602Geography and Urban Studies 0821 (802)Digital MappingNo purchase of a textbook is required
52603English 0855 (801)Why care about College?The instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52604Management Information Systems 0855 (801)Data ScienceNo purchase of a textbook is required
52605Legal Studies 0856 (701)Law & American SocietyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52606Law - Undergraduate Courses 0854 (801)Education in the Global CityThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52608Biology 0848 (801)DNA: Friend or FoeNo purchase of a textbook is required
52609History 0849 (801)Dissent in AmericaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52610Chemistry 0838 (801)Nature Has No ReverseNo purchase of a textbook is required
52611Physics 0839 (801)Powering the FutureNo purchase of a textbook is required
52612Physics 0834 (801)Exploring the CosmosCosmic Perspective, The 9th Edition, Kindle Edition (9th) Bennett Jeffrey O., Donahue Megan O. , Schneider Nicholas, Voit Mark. PearsonBuy on Amazon
52614Physics 0834 (802)Exploring the CosmosCosmic Perspective, The 9th Edition, Kindle Edition (9th) Bennett Jeffrey O., Donahue Megan O., Schneider Nicholas, Voit Mark. PearsonBuy on Amazon
52615Media Studies & Production 2751 (801)Audio for MediaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52617Accounting 5411 (801)Financial and Managerial AcctThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52618Business Administration 5412 (801)Business Fundamentals IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52620Human Resource Management 5411 (801)Managing PeopleThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52621Management Information Systems 5411 (801)Bus Intel & Data VisualizationThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52622College of Liberal Arts 2030 (801)Spec Topics Lib Arts IIIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52623College of Liberal Arts 2030 (802)Spec Topics Lib Arts IIIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52624College of Liberal Arts 2030 (803)Spec Topics Lib Arts IIIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52626Asian Studies 2511 (750)Intro to Asian BusinessThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52627TUJ International Bus Studies 4197 (750)Global Business OverviewThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52628English 2007 (802)Writing for Business/IndustryThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52630English 2007 (801)Writing for Business/IndustryThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52631English 2007 (750)Writing for Business/IndustryThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52632Human Resource Management 1101 (802)Leadership & Organ ManagementThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52633Human Resource Management 1101 (801)Leadership & Organ ManagementThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52634Human Resource Management 1101 (750)Leadership & Organ ManagementThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52635Economics 3538 (801)Managerial EconomicsSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52636Economics 3538 (802)Managerial EconomicsSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
52697Communication Social Influence 3701 (750)Intercultural CommunicationThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52698Klein College Media Comm 1001 (750)Klein First-Year SeminarThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52699Media Studies & Production 3721 (750)Media PerformanceThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52702Media Studies & Production 2421 (750)Media Popular CultureNo purchase of a textbook is required
52704Communication Studies 1111 (801)Communication and Public LifeNo purchase of a textbook is required
52705Communication Studies 2111 (801)Communications SeminarNo purchase of a textbook is required
52706Media Studies & Production 1021 (750)Introduction to Media AnalysisNo purchase of a textbook is required
52707Media Studies & Production 4796 (801)Creative ScriptwritingThe Dramatic Writer`s Companion (2nd) Will Dunne. Univ of Chicago PressBuy on Amazon
52708Journalism 2101 (801)Journalism ResearchThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52710Media Studies & Production 3196 (801)Writing WorkshopThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52711Communication Social Influence 1111 (801)Public SpeakingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52712Media Studies & Production 3324 (801)Video Game Industry & CultureThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52713Journalism 3708 (801)Newsroom ManagementThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52714Accounting 2101 (801)Financial AccountingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52715Accounting 2101 (802)Financial AccountingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52716Accounting 2102 (801)Managerial AccountingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52717Asian Studies 2511 (801)Intro to Asian BusinessEntrepreneurship (5th Edition) Andrew Zacharakis, Andrew C. Corbett, William D. Bygrave. WileyPurchase from Wiley
52718College of Liberal Arts 1002 (801)Prof Dev for Liberal ArtsNo purchase of a textbook is required
52719College of Liberal Arts 1002 (802)Prof Dev for Liberal ArtsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52720College of Liberal Arts 2020 (801)Spec Topics Lib Arts IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52721College of Liberal Arts 2020 (802)Spec Topics Lib Arts IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52722TUJ International Bus Studies 4197 (801)Global Business OverviewNo purchase of a textbook is required
52723TUJ International Bus Studies 3101 (801)Introduction to Global FinanceA Bilingual Introduction to Corporate Finance 2nd Edition, (『対訳 英語で学ぶコーポレートファイナンス入門 第2版』)Akashi Hongo, 本合暁詩. Chuo Keizai, 中央経済社Buy on Amazon
52724TUJ International Bus Studies 3101 (802)Introduction to Global FinanceFundamentals of Corporate Finance (4th Edition) Robert Parrino, Thomas Bates, Stuart L. Gillan, David S. Kidwell. WileyPurchase from Wiley

The sales period is from September 4th to 22nd. Once the payment is confirmed, an eCode will be sent to you by e-mail within a few business days. Please note that the e-Code is NOT returnable.
52725TUJ International Bus Studies 3501 (801)Global MarketingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52726TUJ International Bus Studies 3501 (802)Global MarketingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52727Communication Studies 1111 (802)Communication and Public LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52728TUJ International Bus Studies 4596 (801)Interntl Business CapstoneThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52729TUJ International Bus Studies 4596 (802)Interntl Business CapstoneThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52730Marketing 2101 (801)Marketing ManagementMarketing: An Introduction (14th Global Edition) Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler & Marc Oliver Opresnik. PearsonBuy on Amazon
52731Marketing 2101 (802)Marketing ManagementThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52732College of Liberal Arts 1010 (802)Special Topics in Liberal ArtsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52733Temple University Japan 1001 (750)TUJ Bridge Seminar 1No purchase of a textbook is required
52734University Seminar 1003 (750)Acad Bridge Internat StdThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52735Music Studies 1763 (750)American Popular MusicNo purchase of a textbook is required
52736Temple University Japan 1002 (750)Bridge Seminar 2The instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52738Temple University Japan 1002 (751)Bridge Seminar 2The instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52739Geography and Urban Studies 1022 (750)Urban SocietyNo purchase of a textbook is required
52740Temple University Japan 1001 (751)TUJ Bridge Seminar 1No purchase of a textbook is required
52741Music Studies 1763 (801)American Popular MusicNo purchase of a textbook is required
52742Kinesiology 1001 (801)Cardiovascular FitnessThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52743Kinesiology 1064 (801)Yoga INo purchase of a textbook is required
52744University Seminar 1003 (801)Acad Bridge Internat StdThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52787Art (Japan Campus) 2601 (801)Computer ImagingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52789College of Liberal Arts 1010 (801)Special Topics in Liberal ArtsNo purchase of a textbook is required
52790Art (Japan Campus) 1501 (801)2D DesignNo purchase of a textbook is required
52791Art (Japan Campus) 1401 (801)Drawing IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52792Art (Japan Campus) 1401 (802)Drawing IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52793Art (Japan Campus) 2602 (801)Intermed Computer ImagingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52794Art (Japan Campus) 3603 (801)Adv Computer ImagingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52795Art (Japan Campus) 4649 (801)Computer Imag PortfolioThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52796Art (Japan Campus) 2835 (801)Art Photo/Moving ImageThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52797Art (Japan Campus) 2302 (801)Intmed Printmaking/ReliefThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52798Art (Japan Campus) 2341 (801)ScreenprintingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52799Art (Japan Campus) 3303 (801)Advanced PrintmakingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52800Art (Japan Campus) 4349 (801)Printmaking PortfolioThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52801Art (Japan Campus) 2301 (801)Relief PrintmakingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52802Art (Japan Campus) 2351 (801)Artist Books/Zines/Ind. Pub.The instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52803Art (Japan Campus) 3000 (801)Special TopicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52804Art (Japan Campus) 1402 (801)Drawing IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52805Art (Japan Campus) 1402 (802)Drawing IIThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52806Art (Japan Campus) 1201 (801)3-D DesignThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52807Art (Japan Campus) 1201 (802)3-D DesignThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52808Art (Japan Campus) 4796 (801)Art SeminarNo purchase of a textbook is required
52809Art (Japan Campus) 2102 (801)PaintingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52810Art (Japan Campus) 2102 (802)PaintingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52811Art (Japan Campus) 2811 (801)Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase of a textbook is required
52812Art (Japan Campus) 2812 (801)Intmd Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase of a textbook is required
52813Art (Japan Campus) 3813 (801)Adv Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase of a textbook is required
52814Art (Japan Campus) 4849 (801)Art Photo PortfolioNo purchase of a textbook is required
52815Art (Japan Campus) 2811 (802)Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase of a textbook is required
52817Art (Japan Campus) 3813 (802)Adv Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase of a textbook is required
52818Art (Japan Campus) 4849 (802)Art Photo PortfolioNo purchase of a textbook is required
52820Art (Japan Campus) 2812 (803)Intmd Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase of a textbook is required
52821Art (Japan Campus) 3813 (803)Adv Art Photo/DigitalNo purchase of a textbook is required
52822Art (Japan Campus) 4849 (803)Art Photo PortfolioNo purchase of a textbook is required
52823Art (Japan Campus) 2102 (803)PaintingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52824Art (Japan Campus) 1201 (803)3-D DesignThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52825Art (Japan Campus) 1501 (802)2D DesignThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52826Art (Japan Campus) 3000 (802)Special TopicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52847Art (Japan Campus) 3103 (801)Advanced PaintingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52848Art (Japan Campus) 4149 (801)Painting PortfolioThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52850Art (Japan Campus) 2202 (801)Intermediate 3-DThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52851Art (Japan Campus) 3203 (801)Advanced 3-DThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52852Art (Japan Campus) 4249 (801)3-D PortfolioThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52853Art (Japan Campus) 2402 (801)Intermediate DrawingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52854Art (Japan Campus) 3403 (801)Advanced DrawingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52855Art (Japan Campus) 4449 (801)Drawing PortfolioThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52928Journalism 1111 (801)Journalism and SocietyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52929Media Studies & Production 3705 (801)Sound for Visual MediaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52930Media Studies & Production 1701 (801)Intro to Media ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52931Media Studies & Production 2701 (801)Intermediate Video ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52932Media Studies & Production 2701 (802)Intermediate Video ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52933Media Studies & Production 3701 (801)Genres of Media ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52934Media Studies & Production 3701 (802)Genres of Media ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52935Communication Social Influence 0801 (801)Contemp Amer Social MovementsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
52936Asian Studies 2012 (801)Mod Japanese Lit in TranNo purchase of a textbook is required
52937Japanese 2012 (801)Mod Japanese Lit in TranNo purchase of a textbook is required
52938Asian Studies 2011 (801)Surv/Japan Lit Before 1868No purchase of a textbook is required
52939Japanese 2011 (801)Survey Japan Lit Pre-ModernNo purchase of a textbook is required
53413Environmental Studies (CLA) 0842 (750)Sustainable EnvironmentsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53414Japanese 1301 (802)Kanji IBasic Kanji Book vol1 (Second edition) Kano Chieko. BonjinshaBuy on Amazon
53414Japanese 1301 (802)Kanji IDondontsunagaru Kanji renshuuchoo shokyuu どんどんつながる漢字練習帳 初級 (1st edition) Eiko Suzuki. アルク AlcBuy on Amazon
53415Japanese 1001 (804)Japanese Elements IGenki Workbook Vol. 1 (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
53415Japanese 1001 (804)Japanese Elements IGenki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Vol.1 (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
53452Education 0809 (750)Reading Race in Child's/YA LitAmerican Born Chinese (Reprint Edition) Gene Luen Yang. First SecondBuy on Amazon
53452Education 0809 (750)Reading Race in Child's/YA LitOther Words for Home (Reprint Edition) Jasmine Warga. Balzer + BrayBuy on Amazon
53452Education 0809 (750)Reading Race in Child's/YA LitThe Watsons Go to Birmingham -1963 (Anniversary Edition) Christopher Paul Curtis. YearlingBuy on Amazon
53510French 1001 (801)Intro to French INo purchase of a textbook is required
53535English 0802 (752)Analytical Reading & WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53538English 0812 (751)Analytical Read/Wrtg ESLThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53602English 0815 (801)Language in SocietyMetroethnicity, Naming and Mocknolect: new horizons in Japanese sociolinguistics (2021) John C Maher. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.Access through TUJ Library
53616Anthropology 0825 (801)Quant Methods in Soc SciThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53617Political Science 0825 (801)Quant Methods in Soc SciThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53618Sociology 0825 (801)Quant Methods in Soc SciThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53687Economics 3543 (801)Law and EconomicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53716Asian Studies 2000 (801)Special Topics Asian Studies IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53717Sociology 2130 (801)Selected Topics in SocThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53738Mathematics 0702 (750)Intermediate AlgebraSee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
53775Sport + Recreation Management 3233 (801)Esport Mgmt and TrendsDemystifying Esports: A Personal Guide to the History and Future of Competitive Gaming (English Edition, Kindle Edition) Baro Hyun. Lioncrest PublishingBuy on Amazon
53782Computer & Information Science 1068 (802)Program Design & AbstractionIntroduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (11th) Daniel Liang. PearsonBuy on Amazon
53791Dance 1807 (750)Hatha YogaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53823Asian Studies 2000 (802)Special Topics Asian Studies IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53824Sociology 2130 (802)Selected Topics in SocThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53848English 0868 (801)World Society in Lit & FilmThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53884Media Studies & Production 3296 (801)Travel WritingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53885Media Studies & Production 4701 (750)Producing and DirectingNo purchase of a textbook is required
53886Asian Studies 2112 (801)Chinese LiteratureNo purchase of a textbook is required
53887Chinese 2112 (801)Chinese LiteratureNo purchase of a textbook is required
53888English 0837 (801)Eating CulturesNo purchase of a textbook is required
53904Chemistry 0821 (750)Chemistry of WineThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53905Tourism Hospitality Management 2311 (801)Global Issues in TravelThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53906Tourism Hospitality Management 0877 (801)CQ in a Global WorldThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53907Sport Tourism Hospitality Mgt 1113 (801)Found of Experience Dsgn & MgtThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53961Journalism 3403 (801)Documentary PhotographyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53980Tourism Hospitality Management 1311 (750)Bus. of Tourism & HospitalityThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
53981Tourism Hospitality Management 3396 (750)Marketing in T & HThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54014Dance 1807 (801)Hatha YogaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54015Dance 1807 (802)Hatha YogaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54102Journalism 1111 (750)Journalism and SocietyThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54103Media Studies & Production 4496 (801)Global MediaThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54219Intellectual Heritage 0852 (807)IH II: The Common GoodWhat Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets (Any edition) Michael Sandel. PenguinBuy on Amazon
54281Chemistry 0877 (750)Chem of Global Enviro IssuesThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54282Art (Japan Campus) 2301 (802)Relief PrintmakingThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54308Economics 3581 (801)Coop Exp in EconomicsThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54311Mathematics 1041 (802)Calculus ISee instructor for discount and purchasing instructions
54318Intellectual Heritage 0851 (806)IH I: The Good LifeThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54319Media Studies & Production 1701 (802)Intro to Media ProductionThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54323Media Studies & Production 1021 (751)Introduction to Media AnalysisThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54327Japanese 1001 (751)Japanese Elements IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54328College of Liberal Arts 3385 (801)Peer Teaching Intern IThe instructor will provide textbook info separately, or there is no textbook for this course.
54349Japanese 1001 (805)Japanese Elements IGenki Workbook Vol. 1 (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon
54349Japanese 1001 (805)Japanese Elements IGenki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Vol.1 (3rd edition) Eri Banno et al.. The Japan TimesBuy on Amazon