All students receiving a new student visa sponsored by TUJ are required to stay in the TUJ Dorm during their first semester unless you complete the Homestay Application or are approved for the Housing Waiver in a timely manner. (The housing requirement does not apply for visa switchers.) 

After the first semester, students must vacate the Dorm and find independent housing such as private apartments, share-houses etc. It might be possible to remain in the dorm through a private contract made directly with the dorm facility. TUJ cannot guarantee room availability and does not assist students with the contract process.

The Office of Student Services and Engagement (OSSE) provides information and holds housing support in the form of fairs and information sessions. This helps students learn about private housing options for when they move out of the dormitory.

If Japanese students and students who do not need visa sponsorship would like to live in the Dorm where other TUJ students live, it is suggested to make a private contract directly with the dorm managing company  at

TUJ Dorm

There is NO need to submit a separate housing application. You just need to complete the Advance Payment by the deadline stated on your invoice. Please see Tuition and Fees page for the Dorm fee. Housing selection takes place closer to the start of each semester and the Office of Student Services and Engagement will inform you of your housing assignment. You cannot choose your preferred Dorm, but a room preference survey will follow later.

 TUJ Housing Policies (PDF) 


Staying with a Japanese family is a good option for students who wish to become more immersed in Japanese culture and language. You submit the Homestay Application Form to TUJ* first then follow up with a separate application to TUJ partner, Nextage (Homestay in Japan) .

Housing Waiver Petition

You must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Live with a family member (immediate or extended family) legally residing in Japan
  • Have lived in Japan for more than 6 months on SOFA status or other type of visa (not tourist) within two years of filing this petition
  • Are married/engaged to be married
  • Are 22 years old or older by the time of arriving in Japan.
  • Can document and substantiate another highly compelling reason to grant this petition

*The links for Homestay Application Form and Housing Waiver Petition will be included in the confirmation email that your visa COE application is submitted to the Japanese immigration.

Deadline to submit Housing Waiver Petition May 25 October 25 March 10


Office of Student Services and Engagement

  • Location: 1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0004 (Access)
  • Hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:30 (Japan Time)
  • E-mail:
  • Tel: +81-3-5441-9800
  • Fax: +81-3-5441-9811