Date: Sunday, February 09, 2025 12:00 PM - Sunday, February 09, 2025 6:00 PM
Location: Temple University, Japan Campus

We are pleased to announce the 26th Annual Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium. Please join us on Sunday, February 9, 2025, from 12:00 to 18:00 at our campus in Tokyo, for an exploration of current research into second language acquisition and pedagogy. The primary goal of this event is to provide a venue for both new and experienced researchers to present their work in a supportive atmosphere. The second goal is for researchers to be able to discuss research-related issues with one another in order to learn more about conducting high-quality educational research.

Special Featured Presentation by Dr. Rod Ellis: 14:00 - 14:55 on February 9, 2025
(in-person/online hybrid)

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Rod Ellis will make a featured presentation at the upcoming TUJ Applied Linguistics Colloquium on February 9, 2025. Dr. Ellis’ presentation, which is titled Interaction, Engagement, and Language Acquisition—The Case for Task-Based Language Teaching, will cover three ways in which researchers have approach the notion of task: (a) task-based learner performance studies, (b) tasks-as-treatment studies, and (c) tasks in terms of learner engagement. Dr. Ellis is a leading authority on task-based instruction, and as such, this presentation will be of benefit to researchers and classroom teachers alike. We hope to see you at the next TUJ Applied Linguistics Colloquium as an attendee or, better yet, as a presenter.

Colloquium Schedule and Location


 The 26th Annual Temple University Japan Campus Applied Linguistics Colloquium​ Schedule (PDF)
* All presentations will be conducted in a hybrid format.

The colloquium will take place at our campus in Tokyo of Temple University, Japan Campus. Registration will begin from 11:30. Presentations and panel discussions will begin at 12:00 and continue until 18:00. The address and contact information are as follows:

Temple University, Japan Campus
1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo 154-0004
tel +81-3-5441-9842

For directions and a map to the site, visit the Temple University, Japan Campus website: Maps and Directions


Research in any area of foreign language teaching and learning (whether it be English or other languages) and second language acquisition is welcome. We hope to have presentations covering a broad range of topics and research approaches.

Types of Presentations

Four types of proposals will be considered:

  1. Reports on completed qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research. (20-minute presentation and a 5-minute question and answer period)
  2. Reports on works in progress. Such studies might still be in the planning stages, and therefore open to modification, or in the analysis stage. (20-minute presentation and a 5-minute question and answer period)
  3. “How to” presentations (e.g., How to conduct case study research, how to use a specific piece of software). (25 minutes or 55 minutes depending on the complexity of the presentation)
  4. Panel discussions in which 3-4 persons present and discuss a particular issue in the field. (55 minutes)
    Presentations can take place in person or online using Zoom.

The Applied Linguistics Colloquium is organized by the Graduate College of Education at Temple University, Japan Campus.