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Academic Calendar


Temple University grants degrees and issues diplomas three times a year. Students can graduate in Spring, Summer and Fall. As you come close to finishing your degree requirements, you should consult ​the TUJ Graduate College of Education Program Office for information on filing an Application for Graduation and on deadlines for the submission of materials for graduation.

Career Services

The Office of Career Services at Temple University in Philadelphia will, at your request, open and maintain a placement file for you. Every graduate of Temple University is entitled to establish such a placement file where you can keep copies of letters of recommendation and any other documents that might be relevant to obtaining a job. Once you have established such a placement file, you can then request that a copy of the file be sent to any potential employers you designate. For information about the Office of Career Services at Temple in Philadelphia, please contact the TUJ Graduate College of Education Program Office.

Also, if you are looking for a new job or better career opportunities, there is a  word-of-mouth network among Temple students and graduates. Your fellow graduate students can often  share helpful information with you. 
Students and alumni also receive regular job postings from the program office. 

The Doctoral Program (PhD in Applied Linguistics)

The TESOL specialization provides doctoral students with theoretical and practical tools that enable them to produce original research in the teaching and learning of English as a Second Language (ESL), and to engage in critical thinking about ESL policies and curricula. The program seeks to prepare students to identify significant TESOL-related problems, place those problems in context, and apply appropriate research techniques for their solution. In addition, the program seeks to prepare students to assume positions of leadership in TESOL education as administrators, curriculum developers, and teachers.

A doctoral program has been offered at TUJ since 1988. The doctoral program is organized on a cohort model in which doctoral candidates are admitted as a single group (or cohort) at the same time. Each cohort takes a sequence of courses leading to a qualifying comprehensive examination, a dissertation, and a PhD degree. The formation of a new doctoral cohort is announced approximately six months in advance via a special bulletin from the Graduate College of Education Program Office. The Application Form for the next doctoral cohort will appear on the TUJ Graduate College of Education website once it is available.

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