Following are the lecturers and topics of past seminars of the Distinguished Lecturer Series.
Dr. Thomas Farrell (Brock University, Canada)
Reflective Practice: Theory, Practice and Research
Reflective practice generally means conscious thinking about what they are doing and why they are doing it and is now used in many different professions such as the legal profession, nursing, and education. Within the field of education reflective practice has had a major impact on virtually all areas of a teacher’s life from teacher education programs for novice teachers to professional development programs for experienced teachers. Reflective practice has also impacted the field of second language education and especially the field of teaching English to speakers of other languages- (TESOL).
This seminar introduces the theory, practice and research related to the interesting, yet complex topic of reflective practice in language education. The public session will provide an overview of the concept of reflective practice, as well as practical ideas and principles for implementing reflection in second language education. Specifically, during the seminar participants will be taken through a framework for reflecting on practice. The framework outlines five-stage/level of reflections that start at level 1: Philosophy: level 2: Principles; level 3: Theory-of-practice; level 4: Practice; level 5: Beyond Practice. The framework for reflecting on practice can be used by all second language teachers from pre-service, novice teachers to the most experienced teachers. This seminar emphasizes that reflective practice is central to a language teacher’s development (both novice and experienced) because it helps them to analyze and evaluate what is happening both inside and outside their classes so that they can not only improve the quality of their teaching, but also provide better opportunities for their students to learn.
Dr. Jonathan Newton (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Classroom Perspectives on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT): ‘Nonissues and Real Issues’ Revisited
In recent decades, task-based language teaching (TBLT) has been adopted to various degrees in contexts where more traditional teaching methods have been or still are widely used. Reflecting the spread of TBLT (and resistance to it), a growing body of research has investigated the implementation of TBLT in diverse contexts, focusing especially on the cognition and experience of teachers. This seminar will draw on this research to critically evaluate TBLT as a researched pedagogy ‘from the bottom up’. This seminar’s focus will be on TBLT in Asian EFL classroom contexts from primary school to tertiary-level EFL. It will examine how teachers in these classroom studies have made sense of, adopted and/or adapted tasks, the contextual affordances and constraints that have informed their decision making, and the reported impact of TBLT on teaching (and teachers), engagement, and learning (and learners).
The title of this lecture series borrows in part from a 2016 article by Michael Long called, ‘In Defence of Tasks and TBLT: Nonissues and Real Issues’. In this piece, Long distinguished between what he saw as, on the one hand, ‘nonissues’ or misconceptions of TBLT (e.g., The role of the teacher is downgraded in TBLT, and TBLT neglects grammar) and, on the other hand, ‘real issues’ (e.g., how can they grade task complexity, and does performance on one task transfer to another). A selection of these issues will be re-examined in this seminar in the light of TBLT research and scholarship since 2016. In addition, This seminar will go beyond the issues raised by long, teasing out common themes from recent research but also drawing on the pressing questions and practical concerns (and accomplishments) of practitioners who will participating in this seminar.
Dr. Ana Pellicer-Sanchez (University College London, IOE, UK)
Learning Vocabulary in a Second Language: A Focus on Processing and Instruction
Vocabulary is an essential component of second language (L2) proficiency and crucial for achieving successful communication, which explains the current, prominent role of vocabulary studies in research on language learning and teaching. The aim of this seminar is to introduce participants to the study of vocabulary and to achieve a better understanding of how L2 learners process novel vocabulary in different learning conditions and of the most effective approaches to teach vocabulary.
The first part of the seminar will start with an introduction of the different components involved in vocabulary knowledge and the main approaches to second language vocabulary learning. The session will then focus on learning vocabulary from written input, and on the relationship between vocabulary and reading. It will provide an overview of empirical findings on the benefits of reading for vocabulary development, as well as of the role of vocabulary knowledge in reading. The seminar will then explore vocabulary learning from other modes of input, including multimodal exposure. We will also discuss factors affecting vocabulary learning and will focus on the learning and teaching of formulaic language, as one aspect of lexical competence that has been shown to be difficult for learners. The last part of the seminar will apply the knowledge gained throughout the previous sessions to the analysis of vocabulary learning conditions and activities through hands-on exercises
Dr. Judit Kormos (Lancaster University, U.K.)
Cognitive Diversity in Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Language learners can vary along a wide range of cognitive, affective, social, educational, and contextual dimensions. Second language acquisition research has long acknowledged the importance of cognitive factors in the effective learning of additional languages but cognitive diversity among learners is rarely considered from the perspective of inclusion and access in our field.
This seminar aims to increase awareness of cognitive diversity and its impact on learning and teaching another language. The course will provide relevant theoretical background to help students understand the concepts of working memory and foundational first language skills (e.g. phonological awareness) that can account for variable outcomes in language learning and that can be indicative of specific learning differences such as dyslexia. We will also learn about the underlying principles of inclusive language teaching methods that cater for the needs of students with different cognitive profiles. We will also evaluate resources used in teaching languages to students with learning difficulties and design language teaching tasks that meet the needs of students with different ability profiles. The seminar will equip participants with relevant skills and knowledge to design and administer language tests that offer fair opportunities for everyone to display their second language skills.
Dr. Santoi Wagner (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
How Can Conversation Analysis Make You a Better L2 Language Teacher and Researcher?
Conversation Analysis (CA) is a distinctive, data-driven, micro-analytical approach to studying talk. It is designed to describe and explicate the tacit methods of social interaction, that is, how talk is produced and made sense of by the interlocutors themselves. Analysis involves the careful examination of transcripts of naturally-occurring data transcribed from audio or video recordings, with close attention paid to how each turn is produced and heard, and to the details of interaction such as pauses, word choices (e.g., “oh”, “okay”, “mhmm”), prosody, etc. Given CA’s aim of understanding how interaction works, it is a powerful tool for L2 teachers and researchers. CA contributes to a more detailed specification of interactional competence by delineating the concrete interactional practices that interlocutors deploy. And, because much of language teaching is conducted through talk, CA contributes to our knowledge of L2 teaching and learning by uncovering what teachers and students actually do in their interactions in the classroom (and in other educational spaces).
The seminar provides an introduction to the CA analytic framework, its application to L2 pedagogy, and how it has been employed in L2 research. The objectives of the seminar are for participants to (a) cultivate an awareness of the organization and practices of spoken language that will contribute to a more evidence-based pedagogical approach to teaching L2 interaction skills; and (b) develop an appreciation of the CA analytic mentality that will help them recognize and apply basic CA concepts and techniques in understanding L2 classroom interaction.
Dr. Ron Thomson (Brock University, Canada)
The Role of Speech Perception in Second Language Pronunciation Learning
When we think about teaching adult learners a new language, it is second nature to focus on speaking. What if this focus circumvents a more natural approach to learning – one that uses the same cognitive mechanisms that typically developing children use to learn their first language (L1)? In naturalistic learning contexts, accessing these childhood learning mechanisms is difficult. Fortunately, instructed second language (L2) acquisition provides an opportunity for teachers to help learners reorient their attention towards perceptual cues to promote lasting change in pronunciation.
This seminar has several goals. First, the instructor will provide an overview of how L1 speech develops and ways in which L2 speech learning follows a similar path. The instructor hopes to convince participants of the need to spend more time on the process of L2 pronunciation learning, and less time on the final product. Second, the instructor will provide an overview of a research-based technique that provides explicit, efficient, and effective perceptual instruction. Third, the instructor will give opportunity for participants to brainstorm ways of integrating insights from research into traditional language classrooms.
The summative project will require participants to read several relevant papers and devise new research questions concerning the role of speech perception in L2 pronunciation. They will then conduct a single-learner pilot study of L2 speech perception, using the instructor's perceptual training platform. This may be a self-study, or it may involve having a friend complete a short training experiment. Participants will write a short reflection on what they learned from completing the pilot.
Dr. Alfred Rue Burch (Nanzan University, Japan)
Activity Orientation in Interaction
This seminar will ask participants to set aside what they know (both from research and our received notions) about concepts such as motivation (Dörnyei, Henry, & Muir, 2016; Dörnyei, MacIntyre, & Henry, 2015), engagement (Hiver, Al-Hoorie, & Mercer, 2021; Philp & Duchesne, 2016) and task planning and performance (Ellis, 2005; Long, 2015), and consider the ways in which these may be less “inside the skull” (Kasper, 2009) and more (or at least as consequentially) a matter of socio-interactional factors and distributed cognition (cf. Goodwin, 2018; Hutchins, 1995). The seminar will focus on Multimodal Conversation Analysis (Goodwin, 2018; Mondada, 2016) as the primary framework and methodology through which to consider what learners and users of additional languages attend to in interactions and activities, how they do so, and what the practical consequences are for the interactants themselves and for the understanding, teaching, and assessment of additional languages.
The seminar will examine a range of multilingual contexts, including language course task interaction, language partner interaction, paired speaking assessments, and other pedagogical and non-pedagogical interactions, with an aim to center on what the learners/users treat as consequentially relevant in the context of the ongoing activity, and how this may (and often does) differ from the goals and interests of researchers and educators alike. Each day will include at least one data session in which participants will work with interactional data. For the credits students, the culminating assignment will give participants a choice between 1) a research proposal with relevant literature, or 2) developing a classroom or assessment task with rationales based upon the content of the course.
Dr. Yasuyo Sawaki (Waseda University, Japan)
Utilizing an Argument-Based Test Validation Framework for Developing and Using Assessments in the L2 Classroom
In the field of language assessment, various frameworks have been in use for investigations into the validity of language assessments. While many applications of such frameworks have dealt with large-scale high-stakes assessment contexts, conscious attempts have been made by language assessment researchers over the last few decades to make them also applicable to classroom-based language assessment. Using such frameworks would allow practitioners to systematically evaluate the extent to which the use of language assessments is functioning as an aid to promote learning in the L2 classroom.
The aim of this seminar is to familiarize participants with a major framework of language assessment validation currently in use, the Assessment Use Argument (AUA) proposed by Bachman and Palmer (2010) and Bachman and Damböck (2018). In the first part of this seminar, participants will learn about the historical development of assessment validation frameworks and classroom-based assessment principles, with a particular focus on important developments in this area of L2 assessment research over the last two decades. In the second part, they will be introduced to key principles of AUA. An application of AUA to formative assessment of summary writing skills in a university-level academic writing course in Japan will be used as a running example. Finally, in the third part, participants will apply the AUA framework to developing assessment specifications and sample assessment tasks for classroom use as the final project.