Read commencement addresses and interviews from graduates from the Graduate School of Education at Temple University, Japan Campus.
Commencement Addresses
Michael Bradley Hood, EdD マイケル・ブラッドリー・フッド(教育学博士)
2016 Commencement
Natalie Mason Barbieri, MSEd ナタリー・メエソン・バビエリ(教育学修士)
2015 Commencement
Paul Leeming, PhD ポール・リーミング(教育学応用言語学博士)
2014 Commencement
Ron Martin, PhD ロン・マーティン(教育学応用言語学博士)
2013 Commencement
Tsuyuki Miura, EdD 三浦つゆき(教育学博士)
2011 Commencement
Distinguished Lecturer Series Seminar
Distinguished Lecturer Series Seminar
Attend Distinguished Lecturer Series Seminar and experience TUJ Graduate College of Education culture.