
The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan


5月14日の大統領・議会選挙まで2カ月を切ったトルコでは与野党の動きが激しくなっている。選挙をめぐっては与党公正発展党(AKP)、民族主義者行動党(MHP)、大統一党(BBP)が与党連合を組み、最大野... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

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Deutsche Welle

"Japan holds evacuation drills amid Taiwan invasion fear"

Citing the threat from China's aggressive military expansion, Japan has dramatically transformed its defense posture since last year, beefing up its defense budget, strengthening d... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston


Daigaku Press Center

"日本の伝統文化を日米の視点で学ぶ 歴史文化学科授業に米国テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパスの学生を受入へ -- 昭和女子大学 "

昭和女子大学(学長:小原奈津子/東京都世田谷区)では2023年度から、人間文化学部歴史文化学科が米国州立テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ)の学生をはじめとする留学生を科目等履修生として受け入れま... Read the article.

TUJ mentioned


The Japan Times 

"U.S. envoy to Japan calls for ‘anti-coercion coalition’ against China"

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel has called on the world’s leading economies to develop an “anti-coercion coalition” to counter what he described as economic pressure by China... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


South China Morning Post 

"China concerns at forefront of Japanese PM Kishida’s diplomatic activism ahead of G7 summit, pundits say  "

The strengthening of China-Russia ties has accelerated a geopolitical realignment in the Indo-Pacific region, with Japan in diplomatic overdrive – largely focused on Beijing – as i... Read the article.

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


WION (India)  

"North Korea's test of an underwater nuclear-capable drone "

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

"「移行期にある国際秩序と中東・アフリカ」(令和4年度 中東・アフリカ研究会)  第8章 トルコ外交と国連改革"

2022 年 2 月のロシアによるウクライナ侵攻を契機として、国連改革の議論が再び高まっている。国連安保理で拒否権を持つロシアが侵攻の主体だったことで、安保理が機能不全に陥ったからだ。... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


Roundtable, TRT World (Turkey)  

"Xi Jinping's meeting with Putin to Russia and Kishida's meeting with Zelensky in Ukraine "

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


Yomiuri Shimbun

"ウクライナかの避難学生たちが交流集会  "

ロシアの侵略でウクライナから避難している学生の集会が18日、テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(東京都)開かれた。... Read the article.

Comments byKarina Chevhuz (TUJ Student)

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.



"Japan PM Fumio Kishida’s Ukraine visit overshadows Xi-Putin talks"

China said Tokyo on its part should do more to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine instead of doing the opposite. Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vla... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


South China Morning Post

"Japan PM Fumio Kishida’s ‘necessary’ surprise visit to Kyiv receives strong domestic support ahead of G7 Summit"

The Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s surprise visit to Ukraine this week has received broad-based domestic support, with observers saying the trip was a “necessary step” bef... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


The Japan Times

"Kishida meets Zelenskyy for talks in surprise visit to Ukraine "

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday in Kyiv, in a rare and unannounced visit that highlighted Japan's support for the war-torn count... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


The Strait Times

"Kishida’s surprise Kyiv visit bolsters Japan’s image as defender of peaceful rules-based order"

 Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Chinese President Xi Jinping stood on opposite fences of the Ukraine-Russia war on Tuesday, their concurrent visits to rival capitals in ... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Newsweek (Japanese version)


テンプル大学准教授でジャーナリストのジョージ・ミラー氏が、東京での生活を彩った出会いと発見を、「頼れる相棒」である自転車での旅路の写真と共に振り返る... Read the article.

Written by George Miller


Asahi Shimbun

"ウクライナからの避難の学生100人が交流 就職・進学を前に課題共有"

ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻で日本各地に避難してきたウクライナ人の学生ら約90人が18日、東京都世田谷区のテンプル大学に集まった。新年度に向けて次の進路選択を迫られるなか、進学や求人情報の提供を受け、学... Read the article.

TUJ mentioned


The Japan Times

"For some in Japan, the first day of spring means a visit with the ancestors "

Tuesday, March 21, marks 春分の日 (shunbun no hi, Vernal Equinox Day), known more simply as the official first day of 春 (haru, spring). While this time of year is known for the appeara... Read the article.

Written by Yaeko Kabe


Deutsche Welle News

"Germany's Olaf Scholz visits Japan to ramp up security ties  "

Chancellor Scholz and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will look at ways to deepen bilateral security relations amid growing challenges in the Indo-Pacific region. The war in ... Read the article.

Comments by Robert Dujarric



"North Korean ballistic missile test  "

Read the article.

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


WION (India)

"South Korean president meets Japanese PM  "

Read the article.

Comments by Benoit Hardy-Chartrand


Stars and Stripes

"Japan makes sense as part of US-UK-Australia pact, says academic in Tokyo  "

Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force wants to be part of a nuclear submarine program announced this week by the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, according to an academic... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


Arirang News Center

"S. Korea and Japan through an expert's lens: Forced labor compensation, GSOMIA  "

Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston



"Japanese YouTuber loses seat in Parliament after not showing up to work  "

A YouTuber-turned-lawmaker was expelled from Japan’s upper house of parliament Wednesday following his continuous absence from parliamentary sessions since he was elected last year... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston



"北京以激烈言辞抨击华盛顿,紧张关系继续升级  "

反对退休体制改革的话题继续成为法国国内新闻焦点:继周二动员了数百万人参与的大规模的示威抗议之后,法国总统面临与工会交流的挑战:持续的罢工行动,导致油库向外输送受阻,交通运输不畅。。。政府与工会间的较量... Read the article.

Comments by Robert Dujarric


Nikkei Asian Review

"Yoon will have a hard time making up with Japan all by himself"

William Pesek is an award-winning Tokyo-based journalist and author of "Japanization: What the World Can Learn from Japan's Lost Decades." The sudden detente emerging between South... Read the article.

Comments by Jeff Kingston


La Croix

"Chine - États-Unis : plus virulent que jamais, Pékin accuse Washington de tous les maux  "

Comments by Robert Dujarric


The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan


次期大統領・議会選挙をめぐり、トルコの野党6党は3月6日、最大野党で中道左派の共和人民党(CHP)のケマル・クルチダルオール党首を大統領選統一候補に擁立すると発表した。大統領選は現職で与党公正発展党(... Read the article.

Written by Masaki Kakizaki

*The article may only be seen by those who have signed up for the article.


The Japan Times

"Long at odds over historical disputes, can Seoul and Tokyo make amends with latest deal?"

In a signal of Washington's anticipation that its two top allies in Northeast Asia could reach some level of rapprochement, the U.S. offered up effuse praise for a proposal to reso... Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown


API Initiative

"One Year Anniversary of Ukraine Invasion with James Brown "

Read the article.

Comments by James D.J. Brown