Team Member Profiles

Portrait image of Hayden Christopher Olivares Cheung

Hayden Christopher Olivares Cheung


Mains: Pit, Dark Pit, Joker
Major: Communications

The main reason why I enjoy being on the varsity team is because it allows me to represent the school doing something that I already enjoy doing in my free time. It also allowed me to meet other people who share the same passion.

Portrait image of Kiara Marie Eppler

Kiara Marie Eppler


Mains: Pit, Dark Pit, Ridley
Major: Art

The Varsity team has been a great way to interact with people with shared interests. It has also allowed me to be able to participate in the competitive scene while enhancing my experience at TUJ.

Portrait image of Isaac Yamamoto Baye

Isaac Yamamoto Baye


Mains: Wolf, Falco, Captain Falcon
Major: Political Science

Fame, respect, bountiful fortunes, and to be feared... those are the things I strive for most in this life. First step is Temple University Esports😈

Super Smash Bros Team Group Photo Image