To the Temple University Japan community:

I wanted to let you know of a significant change in our schedule that will affect everyone here.

In order to put us in sync with many Japanese universities that are currently not in session, and in response to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s request to close public schools to curb COVID-19 transmission, we have decided, after consultation with the Main Campus, that Temple University Japan will suspend classroom teaching for two weeks, beginning Monday, March 2. We would like to stress that this a preventative measure.

During that time, classes will be taught online so that students do not lose progress in their coursework.

Over the course of these two weeks, we will determine if conditions will allow us to return to regular classroom teaching. Please know that we continue to work with national and international leaders to track the COVID-19 virus and take every effort to ensure your safety and welfare.

In addition, we want you to know that for Temple University Education Abroad School study abroad students who wish to go home, we have been given authority to allow you to leave and continue your coursework online. More detailed information about this option will be sent to you shortly. If you do want to leave, you will be able to let us know through a sign up sheet in that message.

Although classes will be held online, the campus will be open.

I know this change in our regular schedule will be disruptive for some, but I have confidence in the instructional abilities of our dedicated faculty and in the commitment of our students to their studies. Whether it is in the classroom or online, we are here to ensure the finest quality education and your success.

I look forward to the day when we can all be together again on campus.


Bruce Stronach



  • Beasley Law School Study Abroad students will be contacted directly by TUJ Law School
  • Students of AEP and Continuing Education will be contacted directly by the program office