Assistant Librarian, Temple University, Japan Campus
Assistant Librarian, Temple University, Japan Campus

Which campus did you attend?

Shimo-Ochiai campus

What was the most memorable thing(s) about TUJ from when you were a student?

The big park across the street of TUJ. There were many faculty members who came to teach from Temple Philadelphia.

How has the education you received at TUJ been helping you in your career or your life in general?

I was able to get an American university degree without leaving Japan.

Looking at TUJ now, what do you think has changed or stayed the same at TUJ since your student days?

Back then we were limited to research on what was available at TUJ library using the card catalog and periodical indexes. We were using printed sources to find materials in the library. Now TUJ students are connected to a couple of hundred databases and e-books. This itself is a huge change in research facilities available to TUJ students now.

How do you see the future of TUJ?

TUJ has been in Japan long enough and it needs its own campus in central Tokyo.

(Posted in August 2012)

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